Thanks again for that argon
Back to the OP though, I gave this method a go yesterday on an IPA where my starter wasnt ready and it was getting too late at night for chilling normally etc.. Instead I no-chill cubed the entire wort, chilled it to 4C, then poured off 4L into a pot today and boiled it and added the 10 & 0 min additions in.
All went fine, but I just question this;
Is 10 to 20 seconds of exposure really enough time for the hop oils to seep out into your wort, before you filter them out again? Given that in a normal brew after you add your flameout additions and then whirlpool for at least 10 minutes.
I couldnt bare the sight of 100g of hops going down the sink and losing any of their potential flavours so I chucked the whole pot - unfiltered - into the fermenter. Would be an interesting experiment to make though I think: a) all hop debris added to fermenter with wort vs B) hop debris filtered out of kettle runnings and not added into fermenter.
What do you reckon?