Large % Adjunct Brewing

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I am looking at brewing a wheat beer using 1/3 traditional malt, 1/3 wheat malt and 1/3 honey and I am concerned about the runoff from the sparge (fly sparging). Considering that 1/3 of my fermentables will be added after the mash, how do I keep the SG of the runoff above 1.010 and thus avoid tannin extraction. Is there any reason why the honey cannot be mixed in with the strike water, and thus mashed with the grain?

Thanks guys.
thats alot of honey.

just mash the 2/3 malt as normal with 2/3 as much water and 2/3 as much sparge water and you will be mashing normally and there will be no issues. just top up the kettle and add the honey when you want to.

edit: pointless adding the honey to the mash, it could cause problems. it would thicked the wort in the mash and make run off much slower for one.
Ye Gods!
Thats so crazy it just might work! :p
Go's to show how often I overthink the simplest problems... Thanks.

[/idiot mode]
That is going to make your mash 50% wheat malt. Some people have found that a high ratio of wheat gives a stuck sparge, so be ready for it with the methods to deal with a stuck sparge. Depends on your setup, you may have no problems, or you may have the brewday from hell.

Brew Your Own Magazine have a good article on brewing with honey.

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