Lager Yeast For Wheat Recipe?

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Hi all,

I can't find a topic on this question anywhere so I thought I might question the wise folk here.

So what happens if you ferment out a Dunkel recipe with a Lager yeast?

I imagine it would work but you would loose the fruitiness.

Perhaps without the banana/clove flavours some horrible wheat flavour is exposed? :eek:

Any thoughts.

Thanks all, Andrew.
I guess it would be a dunkel wheat lager.Maybe split the wort and pitch with 2 different yeasts,one lager ,one ale (weizen strain)and compare .
When brewing an American wheat beer, with a clean (American) ale yeast, I still get some wheaty, fruity flavours.

I can only suggest that you may still get some esters when brewing with a lager yeast, using wheat malt. It may depend very much on the brewing temp, and the yeats variety too.

Do you know the yeast variety, and can U divulge it to us, or is a reculture from an unknown bottle?

The yeast is important.

Seth :p
Hi again,

The idea was (since I have thrown out all my various yeasts as some kind of infection has set in, in the brewery) to use the only yeast I had around which was 34/70 Saf Lager.

But I got busy today so brew day has been put off so I ordered the proper yeast.

I might split the batch and use the 34/70 as well just to see what happens.

I was going to ferment it (the 34/70) at approx 16c.

Thanks for the input, Andrew.

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