Lager Brewing Process

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Hi guys, new to brewing - first post. I have read loads but different opinions have got me a little confused, so wondering if you can help to confirm/suggest if this lager brew I'm doing is correct or not?!?

After I figure out that my first batch was not brewed at optimal conditions (Coopers Heritage Lager + kit dextrose + kit yeast and fermenting temp of 24C-26C!...we'll see how it went in a couple of weeks), for the second batch I've got more prepared and I'm brewing the following (23 Lts):
- Brewcraft Munich Lager
- 1Kg Light Malt (dry)
- Saflager S-23
- Saaz hop bag

Short summary - dissolved the malt extract in boiling water. Added Brewcraft Munich Lager. Top up fermenter up to 23 Lts, meanwhile steeped the hops in 500mL of water for 10 min and added to fermenter. Pitched yeast (11.5 g) at 25C. Ferment at 12-14C trying to control temp as much as possible using the evaporation method in a container with water/ice (I realized how hard it was so I'm setting a fridge with the tempmate this weekend!!). OG = 1038.

Now is been a week in the fermenter all going good and the following steps I'm planning are:
1- finish fermentation at 12-14C (2 weeks aprox and depending on hydrometer readings)
2- raise temp up to 18C for a day or two (for diacetyl rest)
3- store in fridge for a month at 2C. I do not have a 2nd container to transfer the beer, so will leave it in the first fermenter.
4- night prior to bottling add finnings.
5- bottle and store in fridge at 12C-14C for carbonation.
6- remove from fridge and keep bottles stored in dark/cool place (15C-18C) until tasting

Now, is this OK or I'm missing/overdoing something??

Thanks in advance for any help!!
looks good to me.
I'd only fine the beer if it is cloudy.
Look up how to add finings before you do it if not sure.

You need to disolve the gelatine and add to beer when cold. It will work better.

looks good to me

keeping the beers in the fridge at ~2C until drinking, after they have carbed up, wont hurt the flavour

welcome to the site!
Hi guys, new to brewing - first post. I have read loads but different opinions have got me a little confused, so wondering if you can help to confirm/suggest if this lager brew I'm doing is correct or not?!?

After I figure out that my first batch was not brewed at optimal conditions (Coopers Heritage Lager + kit dextrose + kit yeast and fermenting temp of 24C-26C!...we'll see how it went in a couple of weeks), for the second batch I've got more prepared and I'm brewing the following (23 Lts):
- Brewcraft Munich Lager
- 1Kg Light Malt (dry)
- Saflager S-23
- Saaz hop bag

Short summary - dissolved the malt extract in boiling water. Added Brewcraft Munich Lager. Top up fermenter up to 23 Lts, meanwhile steeped the hops in 500mL of water for 10 min and added to fermenter. Pitched yeast (11.5 g) at 25C. Ferment at 12-14C trying to control temp as much as possible using the evaporation method in a container with water/ice (I realized how hard it was so I'm setting a fridge with the tempmate this weekend!!). OG = 1038.

Now is been a week in the fermenter all going good and the following steps I'm planning are:
1- finish fermentation at 12-14C (2 weeks aprox and depending on hydrometer readings)
2- raise temp up to 18C for a day or two (for diacetyl rest)
3- store in fridge for a month at 2C. I do not have a 2nd container to transfer the beer, so will leave it in the first fermenter.
4- night prior to bottling add finnings.
5- bottle and store in fridge at 12C-14C for carbonation.
6- remove from fridge and keep bottles stored in dark/cool place (15C-18C) until tasting

Now, is this OK or I'm missing/overdoing something??

Thanks in advance for any help!!

Looks perfect. Only thing I would add is to use finings 24 - 48 hours previous to allow them time to work. 'Night before bottling' could be 11pm, bottling at 8 am.

As said above though - you may not need them as all that cold conditioning should clear the beer nicely. That's said, it's so easy to do that unless you have tons of vegan beer drinking friends, you may as well.
Hi guys, new to brewing - first post. I have read loads but different opinions have got me a little confused, so wondering if you can help to confirm/suggest if this lager brew I'm doing is correct or not?!?

After I figure out that my first batch was not brewed at optimal conditions (Coopers Heritage Lager + kit dextrose + kit yeast and fermenting temp of 24C-26C!...we'll see how it went in a couple of weeks), for the second batch I've got more prepared and I'm brewing the following (23 Lts):
- Brewcraft Munich Lager
- 1Kg Light Malt (dry)
- Saflager S-23
- Saaz hop bag

Short summary - dissolved the malt extract in boiling water. Added Brewcraft Munich Lager. Top up fermenter up to 23 Lts, meanwhile steeped the hops in 500mL of water for 10 min and added to fermenter. Pitched yeast (11.5 g) at 25C. Ferment at 12-14C trying to control temp as much as possible using the evaporation method in a container with water/ice (I realized how hard it was so I'm setting a fridge with the tempmate this weekend!!). OG = 1038.

Now is been a week in the fermenter all going good and the following steps I'm planning are:
1- finish fermentation at 12-14C (2 weeks aprox and depending on hydrometer readings)
2- raise temp up to 18C for a day or two (for diacetyl rest)
3- store in fridge for a month at 2C. I do not have a 2nd container to transfer the beer, so will leave it in the first fermenter.
4- night prior to bottling add finnings.
5- bottle and store in fridge at 12C-14C for carbonation.
6- remove from fridge and keep bottles stored in dark/cool place (15C-18C) until tasting

Now, is this OK or I'm missing/overdoing something??

Thanks in advance for any help!!

Sounds good.

I would run out and buy a 2nd fermenter if you can. You will probibly end up buying one a anyway, waiting for your Lager to Lager and wanting to get more beer brewing (I did).

My understanding with Finings is your suppose to mix them in, not airating the beer, but give it a decent stir so it will be able to drop the yeast out. With only one fermenter you would end up kicking up the yeast cake. I've always waited until it was in the secondary to add the Finings for this reason. Just my $0.02

Good luck with the Brewcraft Munich, it was my first kit, and a great one.
My understanding with Finings is your suppose to mix them in, not airating the beer, but give it a decent stir so it will be able to drop the yeast out. With only one fermenter you would end up kicking up the yeast cake. I've always waited until it was in the secondary to add the Finings for this reason. Just my $0.02

If you dissolve them in hot water first then the need to stir should be minimal. Should diiffuse through easily enough.
Thanks for the help guys!!

Will evualuate on the spot if I add the finings or not, will let you know how it turns out (in some time...).

PS. AussieJosh - have not taste the heritage lager yet. Will post you on it in a week time when carbonation is finished.
Pitched yeast (11.5 g) at 25C. Ferment at 12-14C trying to control temp as much as possible

I dont like this though! Should try to pitch at fermenting temps, or below ferment temp & let it rise.

Otherwise good, but 2nd fermenter would be great. Get one soonish.. Lagering on primary yeast cake is not advised by some. Autolysis can occur.
When I started making lagers I was using S23 and the frozen bottle temperature technique. Most had a distinct apricot taste, and lots of other people on here suggested that was a feature of the yeast, but I remember a commercial brewing consultant (Wes Smith) ponting out plenty of German breweries make good beer with that yeast. So I suspect that maybe S23 isnt so forgiving as other yeasts if you cant hold the temperature at about 10 deg.
Yes get the beer off the yeast cake to lager it. Would be better. I use S-23 most of the time and have never had apricot flavour. I do how ever use a fermenting fridge and pitch at no higher than 18c. and ferment at 10 to 12c. At 2c the beer will clear nicely and you will not need finings. S-23 makes a great beer even when you only crash chill on the yeast cake for a day or two before bottling. But clarity does suffer with this method. But I drink for flavour not looks.

My 2c
Im reviving this thread, since im currently doing a lager, one question i have is regarding carbonation.

Ill be lagering in a secondary fermenter as low as i can get my brewing fridge (fantastic at holding a temperature above 10degrees, but sucks at acheiving low low temps(is an old thing)). Obviously with this, the yeast will completely drop out, and what i want to know is, when i bulk prime in the secondary prior to bottling, do i need fresh yeast??? Or will enough yeast actually stay active for it to then condition in the bottles???
There will be enough yeast, it will just take a little longer to carb up, especially this time of year(location dependant)
Ideally carb up at ferment temps, which is not always possible. As close as you can get will do.
I allow my beers to carb up at whatever temp the garage currently sits at, about 14-16 ATM, till carbed, checking weekly from 2 weeks post bottling.
Once carbed I get as many bottles as I can into the fridge and keep them cold as long as I can before drinking, this will depend on your set up.
I always have the beer fridge full and rotate new beers in weekly, so whatever Im drinking has been in the fridge for 3 weeks or more.
If you are going to keg rather than bottle, rather than lager in a second fermenter can you lager in the keg?

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