Kosciuszko Pale Ale.

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Was down the snow this weekend hitting the POW!!!! and had a few glasses of the Kosciuszko Pale Ale. What a awesome beer.
Its like a hybrid of Coopers Pale Ale and something more hoppy like S&W Pacific Ale with those galaxy hops finishing the beer. designed by Chuck Hahn so you know its going to be good. Have to be one of the best beers i have recently tried, just loved it.

Anyone else had this beer, or had a crack at brewing it ?

Love to hear some thoughts.
Hate to be a killjoy, but IMO with the bottled stuff YMMV- I tipped it the first two times I tried it and haven't been back. I'm prepared to give it the benefit of the doubt though, not all retailers and their respective foodchains do justice to good beer.
snow has the power to bend the senses.
I had it on tap for the first time recently. I was underwhelmed, thought it was best described as the ale you have when you want to drink lite lager (ala US style megaswill). I had just had a bottle of Knappstein Lager though so maybe its just a side by side problem?

Kossie would make a very good session ale though, so well suited to the Apres Ski!
Yeh have only drunk straight from the tap, will definitely be buying some bottles to check them out. Until i can brew my own similar brew.

The yeast tastes really similar to Coopers, anyone else find that ?
Better than VB on tap. I'd go for Coopers Pale instead though.
Haven't tasted it on tap, but the packaged stuff is literally given away with wine orders from FWP.
I don't think much of it packaged.
I've had it on tap at the Whitehouse at UNSW. Its pretty similar to Coopers Pale Ale, more turbid appearance and no banana. There are no late hops, its all bread and malt flavours. Def. no Galaxy like S&W Pacific Ale.
I prefer their Razorback, but really they're both just un-offensive easy drinkers IMO. Nothing special, but not shitenhousen
I prefer their Razorback, but really they're both just un-offensive easy drinkers IMO. Nothing special, but not shitenhousen

I thought the same about the Kosciusko. I felt like I should've been drinking this Pale Ale with my Nanna. Mind you, she can be quite offensive once she's had a few.
seems to be a recurring theme on this beer, but i also tipped most of it down the sink.

bought it, was really hoping for some big(ish) flavours but got next to nothing.

Would also take a CPA over it every day of the week.
Was down the snow this weekend hitting the POW!!!! and had a few glasses of the Kosciuszko Pale Ale. What a awesome beer.
Its like a hybrid of Coopers Pale Ale and something more hoppy like S&W Pacific Ale with those galaxy hops finishing the beer. designed by Chuck Hahn so you know its going to be good. Have to be one of the best beers i have recently tried, just loved it.

Anyone else had this beer, or had a crack at brewing it ?

Love to hear some thoughts.

wtf, this post lost all credibility in that 1 line

I don't even want to try it now :icon_vomit:

wtf, this post lost all credibility in that 1 line

I don't even want to try it now :icon_vomit:


WTF yourself mate, he does it for a living and a successful one at that........ Don't see any of your beers on bottle shop shelves. The one brewed at the snow was IMO a very good beer, throughly enjoyed it.

Dont know if the one in the bottle is the same as the one at the brewery.
At the risk of derailing the thread, Chuck Hahn makes (largely) beer for the masses.

The I don't see any of your beers on the shelves argument is a futile one as you're coming from entirely different perspectives.

You're seeing Hahn as a successful brewer in the beers for the masses, whereas Kev clearly comes from a beer nerd's perspective.

A beer nerd wouldn't touch most of Hahn's creations in a pink fit.

To put another spin on it, Britney Spears has sold a heap of albums. Does that make them any good?
WTF yourself mate, he does it for a living and a successful one at that........ Don't see any of your beers on bottle shop shelves. The one brewed at the snow was IMO a very good beer, throughly enjoyed it.

Dont know if the one in the bottle is the same as the one at the brewery.

ok I get it, you understand hahn makes good beer


I have my protection on, I don't think that his mass marketed megaswill is good beer

Wasn't Chuck Hahn the one who was in charge of starting off the Malt Shovel brand/James Squire. I agree that Hahn Super Dry etc is ordinary, but the JS IPA, Porter, Amber Ale etc are a big step up and and those beers are attributable to him? Correct me if I am wrong.

Not saying Hahn is a great brewer, just that it seems he is interested in at least offering some decent beer.
There are no late hops, its all bread and malt flavours. Def. no Galaxy like S&W Pacific Ale.

It may be less detectable, or no longer there, but it was in the original recipe.

I think Hahn's beers tend to be very ... erm ... refined. Some say S&W Pacific Ale is not. Each to their own.

(FTR neither are my cup of tea pint of choice.)

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