Kit & Bits Chocolate Stout

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Hi All,

Looking to branch out with my brews.. this brewing and attempting each brew to get better is addictive :icon_cheers:

If anyone has a kit & bits recipe for a choc stout I would love to hear from you.

Cheers, Adam
1 x Thomas Coopers Irish stout
1 x tin pale malt extract or 1 kg pale DME
250 g choc malt (steeped)
200-500 g lactose
200g brown sugar
(optional) 200g organic cocoa
10g fuggles@ 30
10g EKG @10
US 04 or 05

30 minute boil, 5 - 10 litres, add dry malt at beginning, add tins 10 minutes before end, hops at appropriate points.
Thanks for the recipe, ordered most of it today from Craft Brewer - hoping to find somewhere in town that sells the Irish Stout can.

Can't wait to try this out :)

Is this considered 'Extract' brewing ?
It's a step away from full extract I guess since you have a prebittered tin. For full extract you'd replace the coopers tin with some malt and do a full 60 min boil with bittering hops additions. It's pretty close though and will give you an understanding of how easy the process can be and what difference it can make to your brew.

Be aware that extract brews can tend to finish quite high.

If you can't find the irish stout tin, the basic coopers stout will do the trick.
sub Dark Choc buds for the cocoa -i find Cocoa way too bitter.
Make sure you skim through the boil.

Rack to secondary and taste in secondary after 3 days,
Can add some choc essence if not choc enough during secondary.

Hope this helps
It depends on how much cocoa you use. There are some schools of thought that suggest real chocolate can affect head retention due to the fat content.

Nowadays I use choc malt only but the few I did with cocoa were no way near too bitter (used lactose as well).
Choc malt tastes more of coffee than chocolate.

Substitute with Choc Chit or even Carafa Special T2 all steepable to get away from the roasted coffee taste. Probably need lactose to get a sweet chocolate type taste.

BTW I am one who thinks chocolate in stout is horrible and only true dry stouts rule. :)

A nice dry sharp bitter stout with a very sweet desert works rather well :icon_cheers:

edit: I reckon you will have to boil at 100 C or a bit above depending on concentrations and altitude. :p
Choc malt tastes more of coffee than chocolate.

Substitute with Choc Chit or even Carafa Special T2 all steepable to get away from the roasted coffee taste. Probably need lactose to get a sweet chocolate type taste.

BTW I am one who thinks chocolate in stout is horrible and only true dry stouts rule. :)

A nice dry sharp bitter stout with a very sweet desert works rather well :icon_cheers:

edit: I reckon you will have to boil at 100 C or a bit above depending on concentrations and altitude. :p

Roast barley tastes of coffee but I wouldn't associate it with choc malt. I usually add lactose to my stouts .
1 x Thomas Coopers Irish stout
1 x tin pale malt extract or 1 kg pale DME
250 g choc malt (steeped)
200-500 g lactose
200g brown sugar
(optional) 200g organic cocoa
10g fuggles@ 30
10g EKG @10
US 04 or 05

30 minute boil, 5 - 10 litres, add dry malt at beginning, add tins 10 minutes before end, hops at appropriate points.

hey im keen on doing this brew and it will be a step up from the piss easy brews i do now and i wanna ask a question in relation to what to do with the choc malt. steeped? so its like making tea? i can put the choc malt in a stocking thats been sanitized and tie it off at each end then put in the fermenter?(is it better in secondary or just put it in from the start?)? or during the boil at the start?

cheers for the help people.
Personally I find Choc Chit malt way better than the normal Choc malt, although I've only used it in a dark ale. But 300g in that really does give you a noice choccy flavour.
I've just put this one down tonight, my LHBS did not have EKG, so substituted Goldings @ 10 mins. Hoping this should still work. Can't wait to give it a try

This is my 5th brew, and the first time I've tried using specialty grains and extra hops
This one has turned out to be a great recipie. Did a side by side test today against a Redoak Stout with Belgian Chocolate and this recipie out scored the commercial 3 votes to ni.

I will definitely be putting this one down again, might up the cocoa to the 200gms, I only used 100 this time round
okay just came up with this recipe from reading. Can I get some feedback or advice before I take the plunge..

Thomas coopers irish stout kit
1kg ddme
500g brown sugar
200g choc malt
250g dark treacle
200g cocoa
200g lactose
1 x vanilla bean
25g east kent goldings

steep grain, 30 min boil with 500g ddme, 15g hops at 15g min, 10g dry hop in secondary. Add cocoa to boil for last 5 mins.

Thanks for the help!
I would possibly use light or pale malt instead of the dark. The stout kit will produce a dark enough brew on its own.
The rest looks ok to my newbie eyes, but some of the more experienced guys might offer more on the hops schedule.I'm assuming the vanilla bean is going into the boil? Sounds interesting and I'd like to hear how that goes
I already have the dark malt so...will it matter taste wise?

Yeah was gonna put vanilla in last 5 min of boil with cocoa.
Most of the advice I have received says start with a light malt and add grains etc to build up the colour base. If its what you have on hand I would go with it. A stout is about as dark as you get so I doubt it will make that much of a difference colour wise. Taste wise I can't comment on

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