yeah more hop additions would be good been doing a few IPA and have just started to record my brews on paper as not enough hop places. Also hops like citra and a few others are not in the hop selection so gets confusing lol. But its still good to work it out on style as the hop additions i cant fit are mostly dry hop or last min so no ibu change well minimal anyway
You should always record your brews, how can you try an repeat that fantastic brew if you have no record.
You can increase the number of hops on the spreadsheet. Copy the last hop box (b31 to g31) down say another 2 rows then go to cell K14 and change the formula, replace g31 with g33. You have to enter the weights and times manually as the spin bars don't copy.
The extra hops and weights are not included in the Brew sheet, recipes or as Brew comments, however on the Brew sheet when you make the recipe you could include then either by editing the existing comment associated with the beer name or add an additional comment in the hop column.
Also you can add hops or other ingredients to the spreadsheet. For a hop on the MAIN worksheet go to Column S and row 176 (think 1st blank row) add your hop and the associated %AA in column T. Then it will appear in your hop list. You can add about another 20 hops before you you need to make other changes.
If you or anyone wants extra hops just pm me. I generally use the Craftbrewer list to add new ones.
The next version will take a while as it requires major changes.