kerr non alcoholic thread.

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TIL you can extract oil from grains using steam.

Thanks kerrplease!
kerrplease said:
my course i sat. passed motor manics j
two stroke and four stroke mower's which i had to empty the catch of lawn clippings (grass e.g. weeds, grains ,for all grain beer) all the same thing etc............
since i did not pass all the modules i was looking something like a full time lawn mower that was working with grasses that i am allergic to.
another full time work might be in a shop with the part completed reference for motor manics would of been home brew shop with the grain nollage i had been studying for the past 18 months see above.compeltion of 4 modules is a pass for buer of statistic not just four modules it meant so much more than what the four modules had to offer i was looking at some sort of golf course at a resort near where i lived at the time.
with the limited passes was a waiter for tables etc which i did not enjoy as i did the horticulture.
i could just learn how to make beer in the mean time then write up a resume after all and see how i went at applying for a job as a full time home brew shop assistance.
i might have second thoughts as to how i was going to do this with the allergic reaction to beer but it was not going to stop me trying to learn a bit about it still.
Hey Alfred - why don't you ask your local brew shop if they needed any part time help? They might be able to give you one shift a week while you learn more about brewing as you go.
I do not see the point in working for some thing that's danger's to my health.why would i get though school just to study some thing i found later was danger's to my was my life and it meant everything to me.some how the fact that i am not to drink alcohol should change instead. my whole life's work just thrown away like something i did not even work so hard for.
maybe look at different types of med's that include alcohol.
maybe grains are not so grass like in some way that i can be involved in this still to.
some how i can change the fact that i am allergic and can be around it.
some how i could come in and they said that it was ok for once and i did not have to worry about it anyway.
i do get payed for nothing from the government just to get better in the first place.
maybe a quire for alcoholic abuse with meds.
if there is no way i can be involved in this in all areas of what it involves i see no reason to take part in it again.
why would the chemist say maybe one or two maybe there is a way i can still . or why would i take non alcoholic tablet when i did not have to.
i just seem to me they said all this stuff on how school was so in portent and the higher i go after year 12 the better. better when i found out it of no use anyway.all thows years thinking it was a way of life but it was really doing me more harm than good .
it was like telling some one they were no good at life even no more to.
i really found like i could make this work when i first started the whole of anything to do with i am not so shore.
i could just write on how i found out the real reason behind these instances that lead to nothing again about alcohol and how i found out there maybe was some hope left for people out there to with these problems to.
people that can not drink alcohol chapter one:

by kerrplease

please leave comments blow . 1 does any one have the same problem
2 how did they get around it
3 or still drinking on the same meds but did not notice until now to.
4 does anyone have the same problem and found the best way around it was to ask your gp.
5 what happened after talking to gp.
6 presents were the best way of still making beer .
7 what if i did not have anyone to give beer to in the first place and it still sitting there from years and years ago.
This is a show of courage kerrplease. Keep it up.

So for some context, kerrplease is on a new course of medication to help him stay in contact with reality. An ability most of us take for granted.
  1. My PT says I am not allowed to drink.
  2. I just ignore her - but I advise against this in your situation.
  3. I am still drinking and not noticing any difference. ie I am working my arse off at the gym 3 times a week and im not losing weight.
  4. I avoid my GP at all costs because ever since I turned 40 he has wanted to finger my bum. He and my wife were discussing how excited they were for me turning 40 when I was still in my 30s
  5. See point above - I don't talk to my GP. If we are ever in the same room together I also avoid eye contact.
  6. I agree whole heartedly here mate, sharing the beer I have made with friends and family is a great part of brewing.
  7. Trust me, you say free beer you will find new friends in no time at all.
Ladyboybrybry said:
  1. My PT says I am not allowed to drink.
  2. I just ignore her - but I advise against this in your situation.
  3. I am still drinking and not noticing any difference. ie I am working my arse off at the gym 3 times a week and im not losing weight.
  4. I avoid my GP at all costs because ever since I turned 40 he has wanted to finger my bum. He and my wife were discussing how excited they were for me turning 40 when I was still in my 30s
  5. See point above - I don't talk to my GP. If we are ever in the same room together I also avoid eye contact.
  6. I agree whole heartedly here mate, sharing the beer I have made with friends and family is a great part of brewing.
  7. Trust me, you say free beer you will find new friends in no time at all.
Most of us call it a prostate exam, but it could be considered foreplay for Ladyboys. Good to see your wife is excited about it too. May I recommend a hospital grade hand sanitizer and something to clean under her nails? You shouldn't need to work your arse off. You are over training. Just firming and tightening should do the the trick, could mean the difference between a finger and the whole hand
**** me dead. Ive read some **** on here but this ***** takes the cake. I cant believe I recommend this site to new brewers in my shop. Its an embarrassment to what was once the best HB forum in Australia.
I see what you mean Steve. To be fair, you've picked the most incredibly random thread to unload on.
Hang on.....Steve, you were once across the Kerrplease kaos..... What's ******* you off?

Posted by Steve on 13 August 2016 - 08:49 AM in Welcome!

**** me dead. This is absolute gold. Its like a good book. Kerrplease, you are a legend. Please keep us posted on your brewing ventures.

Edit.You arent related to someone called Chappo by any chance are you?
I am willing to bet Kerr is one of Steve's customers that he "recommended AHB to"
Ladyboybrybry said:
I am working my arse off at the gym 3 times a week
In the literal or metaphorical sense?

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