KegLand Stock?

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Cian Doyle

Well-Known Member
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What is happening at KL no regulators no kegs every thing I am browsing with an interest in is out of stock! What is going on?
Supply chains are pretty rooted at the moment.
And if this lockdown was anything like the last, lots of either new brewers or brewers moving from extract to all grain.
E.g. You used to always be able to get a second hand corny keg off gumtree, and were $50, now they’re like hen’s teeth and often going for $80
I get supply issues, but this “keep checking the website and first in best dressed” is stupid. I want to build a kegerator which means I need to buy about 29 different things all with different ETA’s for resupply. So it looks like I would be up for multiple shipments (and cost) rather than them taking my money and shipping them all at once.
Time to improvise in that time honoured Aussie tradition of DIY!
That's what the early pioneers had to do, maybe it's a lost art now?
Yeah but I don't want another gumtree-fridge home made kegerator. I want something nice and shiny. And kegland are out of basically everything - taps, fonts, regulators, fridges, kegs.
I get supply issues, but this “keep checking the website and first in best dressed” is stupid. I want to build a kegerator which means I need to buy about 29 different things all with different ETA’s for resupply. So it looks like I would be up for multiple shipments (and cost) rather than them taking my money and shipping them all at once.
There is another large supplier of brewing equipment in Springvale. Have you tried them?
They don’t seem to have as many supply issues
Me too.
There are three or four items I need, and everyone of them has the available date pushed back each time. Being in Sydney, I don’t want to do an order and pay for postage for each item, but seems like that may have to be the case.
It seems to be a very odd way to run a business in a niche market.
Supply chains are pretty rooted at the moment.
And if this lockdown was anything like the last, lots of either new brewers or brewers moving from extract to all grain.
E.g. You used to always be able to get a second hand corny keg off gumtree, and were $50, now they’re like hen’s teeth and often going for $80

Yeah second hand kegs are really hard to get. For 10 years everyone said that the supply of second hand kegs was running out but now it actually has.
I notice Kegerator series x was meant to have stock today and it got pushed back to end of November now.

What about the current KK kegerators? Are that the same?

Yes sorry about that. The Series X model is unique to KegLand.

The older Series 4 model is sold by other customers other than KegLand but the Series X was designed by KegLand. We have been having a lot of shipping issues and issues with availablibily of raw materials.
Yeah I saw that got interested but can’t find any info on how the both units differ (not even the comparison thread)

The main difference with the Series 4 kegerator and the Series X Kegerator is:

1. The Series X has more space inside and can fit an extra 19L keg
2. The Series X has larger evaporator, radiators/condeser, better air movement and these factors result in a fridge that is more electrically efficient and will save you more than 10% on your power bill. The small difference in price between the Series X and Series 4 means the Seriex X will pay itself off in power savings fairly quickly.
3. The Series X can cool faster and for the same reason it's more energy efficient means that it can cool faster.
4. The Series X is also mower powerful and able to cool in even hotter ambient conditions.
Some of the items are KL only so I don’t have much of a choice.
I don’t understand the big product launch with associated YouTube video, only to then find out the product is 3-6 months away from availability???
The other problem is there choice not to hold sufficient stock at hand for many items and just hold a small volumes or only order in enough stock to cover current orders… If there was a larger market with other companies willing to enter , KL‘s business model would see them out of business quick smart.

It's not that we do not order or hold sufficient stock. We have already got many of the RAPT Fermentation Chambers, Regulators, Series X Fridges on order. The issues are that we simply cannot manufacture these products fast enough. Some of the constraints right now are:

1. Power Cuts in China - Causing factory closures. Some factories are closed for 3 or 4 days per week.
2. Raw Material Issues and price increases - This is especially an issue for metal parts like cast regulators or prodominantly metalic parts.
3. Availability of Semiconductors - Some of our new products in particular the RAPT internet connected procuts have suffered from no availability of semiconductors. This issue is slowly improving and by next year I think this should be resolved.
4. Shipping Issues - The availity of containers has been a massive issue for everyone shipping product from China. Many of ourcontainers have been bumped and often we have stock sitting at the port for weeks in China before we can get it on a boat.

I wish the problem was as simple as just ordering more stock but many of the issues have been due to factors that we have had not much control of. I will also say we have quite a high demand for our products and the sales for us have gone up by 50% per annum year to year so this very high demand has compounded the issue a little also.
Yeah I saw that got interested but can’t find any info on how the both units differ (not even the comparison thread)
Word on the street (well Smith Road actually) is there is a 6 keg unit on its way. But keep it to yourself.
If you need a 6 keg unit then we do already have the Series X Plus that will take 6 kegs fine.

which I wanted to order but then no fonts and other required parts and it all ended up too hard. I was willing to give you my cash for everything and wait for it to be shipped as one unit. But that wasn’t an option. I didn’t want to have to play whack-a-mole with product availability on your website for the next two months to build the kegerator and pay multiple shipping fees.
2. The Series X has larger evaporator, radiators/condeser, better air movement and these factors result in a fridge that is more electrically efficient and will save you more than 10% on your power bill. The small difference in price between the Series X and Series 4 means the Seriex X will pay itself off in power savings fairly quickly.

Maybe the secret is the condenser.

A kilowatt hour of electricity is pretty cheap about 10c here ( less gst) , so to save 10 dollars of extra cost it would need to be using 100 kWh less per year.
Seems that the series X base model is 115 dollars more than the series 4 base model.
There's no mention of the average kWh per annum for the keg fridges ( fridges and freezers in stores have this on a sticker) . Our chest freezer 2 star is 366 kWh per year, so if ten percent more efficient would use 36 kWh less per year.
So with those approximations you'd save 3.6 dollars a year ( that's 1c per day )and hence would take 31 years to "pay itself off in power savings " if electricity prices were stable.

Not winning the argument for me. For a business 3 years would be a payback timeframe, hence this would need to be saving 360kWh a year, but consequently using about 10 times that electricity per annum.
We use about 360 kWh a month total, that's with a chest freezer, 8 keg display fridge, part time ferment fridge and large kitchen fridge freezer and our other electric use for cooking, tv lights etc.

I don't see that the claims are in the ball park.
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What is happening at KL no regulators no kegs every thing I am browsing with an interest in is out of stock! What is going on?

There are a multitude of other brewing suppliers in this country, who not try some of the others?

Here's a few to consider.

Craft Brewer (QLD - Brisvegas)
Cheekypeak (Vic - Wodonga)
iBrew (not sure where they are)
Grain and Grape (Vic - Melbourne)

Might be a bit more expensive for some things, but at least you know you're $$$ are supporting small, Australian businesses.

My LBS North of Brisbane usually has KL products in stock at similarish prices when you factor in shipping. Pretty sure they have Series X Kegerators too (at least there was one on the floor when I visited on Tuesday).
Gold Coast. They have quite a reputation on here.
Didn't realise that (I don't frequent this site as often as I used to, for a whole host of reasons).

I've had mates get stuff from there without issue in the past, so based on that presumed they were somewhat reputable.

According to your website, no you do not! Series X Plus - Kegerator Base Fridge with Regulator
So, what's it to be? Either you are lying or your website is out of date, either way your post is misleading and designed to do a competitor out of a potential sale.
Not good guys, maybe you should do a deal with the French, they're getting used to dealing with deceitful partners.
Apparently (your website) the fridges will be arriving tomorrow 5/11/21, given your recent activities regards pushing back "availability" dates it will be quite the feat if you do actually have something to sell tomorrow, I for one will check, and be more than happy to apologise for my cynicism should you actually have them.
Unfortunately you ban people for criticising you on your own thread even when the criticism is valid, and you then change the product to reflect that criticism, but this isn't your thread so how about you keep it real or stay away, because the last time I looked your sponsorship buys you a thread not the whole forum, and someone has to keep the bastards honest, as they say. fwiw ******** only baffles very weak brains.
@malt and barley blues Is this the same "critical" mind that asked for expressions of interest for them to make 3mm beer line when they already had it for sale on their web site? Or are the critical minds "BREEEEEDING" and obviously not communicating with one another.

I am not quite sure I understand what you mean? Why am I lying? Can you please help me understand your issue?
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