Kegging Vs Bottling

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my all grain system is producing about 25L per brew and can not go much more due to my mash tun. looking to upgrade it and hopfully get up to somewhere between 50 to 100L which brings me to think about kegging. not sure if im too keen to bottle 100L every brew and brings me to ask the question what is better.
I dont have much knowledge on kegging at all and had a browse in here for a good thread cos im sue this topic has been covered many times over but couldnt find any good ones as such so threw the post up.

any links or advice would be great

also is it possible to use the old kegs that the pubs leave lying around?


pub kegs need special couplers,and have retaining devices to retain the spear..wheres a cornie's are bit more user friendly..
any links or advice would be great

also is it possible to use the old kegs that the pubs leave lying around?


I tink you'll find that those kegs are lying around because they belong to the brewery and they are there for pick-up.
You may get lucky and legally acquire some , but your best bet is to buy your 50l kegs from someone like keg king.
Cornies are gold , imho , and whilst they only hold 18 litres , it works for me as i brew 40 litres at a time ( ferment 20 and no-chill 20 )
If you decide to help yourself to the kegs that are lying around , don't be surprised if you get caught , the old bill get involved....
Cornies for mine...
For the price of what a Corny or 2 is worth, it really isn't worth mucking around with the others and certainly not worth the risk to "acquire" one from the pub. Cornys are so much easier to clean as well.
The Local tap House flogs some off every now and then from the shindings they have, but like others say, you'll need the correct coupling, and I could imagine they'd be a bugger to clean. Cornies all the way IMO