Kegging issues

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Wilkensone said:
I may be a newb but that sounds like a silly idea to me!
What I meant was, can u isolate the problem to the keg OR the liquid out connector and beer line. Maybe the connector isn't opening the keg post properly. The Keg may be fine and its the beer line. But as others has said, make sure there is gas pressure in the keg, and its enough, and then work your way to the beer line and connector, I'd be getting to the keg last when everything else checks out ok.
is the keg or beer line frozen ?

my beer lines sometimes freeze if they go close to the cooling thing in the fridge....have

a annoying but nice problem to ;)
Maheel said:
is the keg or beer line frozen ?

my beer lines sometimes freeze if they go close to the cooling thing in the fridge....have

a annoying but nice problem to ;)

I think Maheel may be correct here.
I'm with Maheel.

Give your keg a shake - does it sound like liquid is sloshing around in there? You might have frozen your beer. Has happened to me before I calibrated my fridge properly.
Soooooo update!

While my new beer is mashing I;
  • let the pressure out with the ring which was plenty pressurised
  • removed the 'out' dip tube and cleaned out, was flowing fine when I rinsed it
  • couldn't remove the 'in' line as I don't have the right tool apparently
  • hooked it back up to the co2 and it refilled and keg and burped fine so I think the gas line is fine
Still no beer from the tap, when I pull the tap open I can see the beer in the line move a little but no more is coming through from the keg which leads me to thinking that maybe I have a problem with my taps. I took these apart when I got the setup and soaked/cleaned them so maybe I farked them somehow..

Thanks a lot everyone for all your help so far, its been great but any more advice is welcome!

Thinking that I might try get a picnic style server and just bypass the tap and see if thats the problem?

put beer line / connect on with out tap
if beer spurts out of line

= something wrong with tap....
Maheel said:
put beer line / connect on with out tap
if beer spurts out of line

= something wrong with tap....
Yeah that is what I am thinking, but I don't have any extra line to test it with at the moment.
Wilkensone said:
I may be a newb but that sounds like a silly idea to me!
Not if you cover the post with your mouth.

I just remembered that when I flushed the lines the flow was fine and used both taps so that shouldn't be a problem.. maybe it could be this keg :angry:
Wilkensone said:
I just remembered that when I flushed the lines the flow was fine and used both taps
Have you swapped the lines over to see if it runs through the other tap?

If it does, the problem it's probably the trap.

If it doesn't the problem is probably the beer out post.

Pull it out, strip it down clean the poppit, spring etc.

The try it again

Sent from my GT-I9100T using Tapatalk
GrumpyPaul said:
Have you swapped the lines over to see if it runs through the other tap?

If it does, the problem it's probably the trap.

If it doesn't the problem is probably the beer out post.

Pull it out, strip it down clean the poppit, spring etc.

The try it again

Sent from my GT-I9100T using Tapatalk
Yep just tried using both lines and 2 different kegs with the same problem.

I cut the line from the connector (out) to the tap, plug it back in and had fast flowing beer coming through so I think the taps are the problem somehow.. it was a farkin pain to get the taps fitted on the kegerator so I'm tempted to just get some party taps and wait til I can replace them with a tripple font with perlicks.

Please don't feel like you're the only one that has difficulty getting in to kegging.

The first month of my kegging career was a pain in the arse. Leaking disconnects, frozen beer line, frozen kegs, under carbed beer, over carbed beer, foam, balancing the setup..... pain in the arse.

But once you ask a few questions, learn a little through trial and error, it'll become second nature. You'll iron out all the issues that you have. You'll have cold, beautifully carbonated beer on tap. In your house.

You will not look back.
wombil said:
Make sure you don't have the non return valve in back to front.
That is good advice. Made that mistake back in the day, couldn't work out why there was no beer!
Rob.P said:
Try replacing the disconnect perhaps it's not engaging.
2nd that. If there the disconnects they came with the fridge originally there off poor quality.
Rob.P said:
Try replacing the disconnect perhaps it's not engaging.

mrsupraboy said:
2nd that. If there the disconnects they came with the fridge originally there off poor quality.
3rd that.

As I stated 26 posts ago :D

shaunous said:
Put the gas line on the liquid line and push back the other way.

Maybe somethings up with the liquid connect and its not opening the keg post up enough/properly. (Broken spring/worn spring/no spring)

If u push down on the liquid post on the keg, does it cover your face in large amounts of beer???
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I cut the line to the tap, when plugged in the beer comes out! Think that means I should have a look at my taps :)
