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If you read further up the the page, the Grainfather profile appears to be suitable for the Robobrew as the dimensions/specs are very similar.

I've used both elements for the duration of the boil on each of my first two brews, just the 500W for mash temp control. The recirc pump and hose mod is well worth doing also, but you'll most likely need a courser crush to the grain, or some rice husks to avoid a stuck mash/sparge.

I haven't bothered to work out the boil off rate but it should be very close to that of the Grainfather.
I just ordered one of these after getting out of brewing for a while. I did have Braumeister but can't justify the cost again. With the mash temps does the controller kick in and out at what you set it or do you manually have to turn the elements on and off to maintain mash temp?

Cheers Paul
paulmclaren11 said:
I just ordered one of these after getting out of brewing for a while. I did have Braumeister but can't justify the cost again. With the mash temps does the controller kick in and out at what you set it or do you manually have to turn the elements on and off to maintain mash temp?

Cheers Paul
I just finished my first brew on the Robobrew after also previously coming from a Brau.

The controller kicks in to keep temps at the selected set temp. You can turn one or both elements on as needed.

I used the 500w element to maintain mash temp and both elements for the boil.

I still need to check my numbers to see if I hit them but at least my volume is pretty much spot on.

Will provide an overall impression after I've finished this 2nd brew.
Awesome look forward to your report

Also what you mashed in with vol wise and sparged with would be great (obviously depending on your grain bill amount).

With the Brau I always mashed with 25 ltrs to reduce the sparge water needed... does this apply to this system?
Okay, so I did two brews.

First up was a Dr S Golden Ale (60min boil). 5.2kg grain bill, mashed in with 24L and sparged 7.5L and ended up with 21L in the fermenter.

2nd was a Hop Hog clone (90min boil). 6.48kg grain bill, mashed in with 23L and sparged with 10L and ended up with just over 20L in the fermenter.

My OGs were off on both brews but I did have my LHBS crack the grain fairly coarsely given it's the first run. Will get it cracked finer next time.

Main points I noted:
  • The supplied trivet for supporting the malt pipe when draining/sparging is a right pain in the bum. I used a wire tray from my roasting pan for the 2nd brew which was much easier.
  • The indicated mash temps seemed to go up and down at some points
Overall, for the price I certainly can't complain with how it performed, especially since it was the first run.

I will probably get another Brau at some point but for now this will certainly make beer.
Thanks for the the info on your two brews Cliffo. I'm looking to buy a Robobrew and haven't seen too many reviews and less still in the brewing details.
Just did my 3rd brew on the Robo yesterday. I did a Dr S Golden Ale as well. I put about 200g of rice hulls in the mash to go with the grain and found that this greatly improved the mash re circulation using the pump. This also helped with the sparge and it drained much better and needed next to no stirring or agitating.

This was my first time using whirlfloc and I have to say I'm impressed with the clarity of the wort going into the fermenter. Hopefully the clumps of cloudy sediment will just sink to the bottom and I can rack the clear stuff.

I'm going to try a Bia Hoi style with Vienna Pils grain and rice solids this weekend. Hopefully this will be my go to session beer that is quicker to brew, quicker to ferment and quicker to get on tap.
cliffo said:
Okay, so I did two brews.

First up was a Dr S Golden Ale (60min boil). 5.2kg grain bill, mashed in with 24L and sparged 7.5L and ended up with 21L in the fermenter.
Hey cliffo, how full was the malt pipe with 5.2kg and 24l mash water?

I am planning 5.3kg and 25L for my first brew this weekend to minimise sparge water required.


paulmclaren11 said:
Hey cliffo, how full was the malt pipe with 5.2kg and 24l mash water?
It was getting up near the top. I originally had planned to use 20L mash water but added the extra 4L after I filled the pipe as there was still room.

Maybe play it safe and do something similar but you may just have enough room to play with.
Ordered a magnetic pump set up, hope it arrives before the weekend so I can try re-circulation for my first brew this weekend.
I've one of the old brown pumps laying around that I'm planning to integrate at some point.

Should help with efficiency and clearer wort.
Yeah, just used a 2 litre jug for the first two brews.

Recirced maybe 6 litres every 15 minutes or so.

Ended up with pretty clear wort but my efficiency could do with some improvement though that could be more to do with the crush of the grain.
About the crush, I assume to fine will result in grain escaping the holes in the malt pipe which look fairly big. Wonder with a piece of mesh would be worth adding to ensure no grain escapes.... there's always something!
I guess it would help depending on how fine a crush you've got.

From memory, the holes in this are slightly smaller diameter than on the Brau so it may or may not be needed.

I didn't have any grain escape on my first two efforts though YMMV.

I think I'll do the next few brews stock standard until I'm used to the Robobrew and then look at changes/additions.
The recirc pump and hose mod is well worth it but you'll need to consider two factors:

1. You will want to regulate the flow with a ball valve on the outlet of the pump NOT on the ball valve from the kettle. That way the pump can happily chug along with full supply of wort and you can still control flow

2. You will need to ensure you either have a coarser crush than what you would get at the LHBS or add some rice hulls to break up the mash. Without these I was constantly getting a stuck mash and sparge and made it very frustrating. With 200g of rice hulls in my last brew I was able to set a generous flow and watch the clear wort flowing onto the top of the mash with no rise in the level.
Good points. I have ordered the pump with an additional ball valve to control the flow as you recommended.

Tested the unit last night with just some water, impressed at how quick it heats up and the temp controller.

Can't wait to see how the first brew goes this weekend.

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