Keg Cleaning

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Hi just wondering what people use to sterilise their kegs with? Can you just use household non-fragranced bleech?
ops was being lazy -- just did a quick search and answered my own question -- bleech causes pitting in SSteel.
Sodium Percarbonate to clean

Idophor to sanitise


+1 for that. The only way to go. No that kegs get dirty inside anyway.

I rinse mine and flush with hot water as soon as they are empty. I then soak with Iodophor over night and then run some through the lines and hold in there for an hour or so. Then I rinse the keg again with filtered water and flush the lines with the same. No major dramas thus far.

About every half a dozen or so kegs I strip the taps and clean them, soak the lines in iodophor etc etc.
Nice one Schooey, Iodophor is great and has some cleaning properties as far as I am concerned with the Phos. Acid in it. I reckon, unless it takes u months to empty a keg, that u would be hard pressed to notice or get an infection in a keg.

Sodium Percarbonate is plain (unscented) Napisan right ?
If I'm kegging a kolsch, wit or 'drink now' beer. I just hose out a keg I just finished and fill it, gas it, and drink it (only when the timing is right).
I am lazzzzzy.

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