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found it 20.00 19 lt thank you alot i only found that just then i have been looking on and off for a long time now i put the local store name after it that come up food woman's clothing nothing else.thankyou i must be a bit slow or def now but i will read most and try it in the first place because some people have been around for a long time with this area.
people that here about the club or have just join one might see how i went on my first go and see the mi-stack i made which will help them if they make the same ones to.they would have to see how many comments have been made on the welcome sit to see common problem like the time it takes to ferment etc
it takes along time all up maybe talking about other things like recipes would help like the mini mash amber ale looked like the next one i am tring.only because their was a utube video that shows it all.
19 litre pot is big enough for your mini mash next brew. After that you may like to try to do all grain in a small batch - not as hard as it sounds and this is a very good guide.

This beer will taste a lot more like the beer from the shops.

View attachment Swap_to_AG_HQ.pdf
Kingy said:
I actually have a pair of gumboots for when I'm cleaning brew related stuff at the back tap so I don't get wet shoes in the winter. In summer I wear thongs. And only on my feet.
Maybe you should wear the other type of thong while brewing, it might make all the difference.
so its more like a small mash but it will taste more like beer just pick a can of malt like any or the amber can with what the shop give me again anyway for amber ale.
like i will write the names and weights down for the shop keeper to see if he has them.
manticle said:
Did you just read the whole thread?
2 or 3 pages at a time is as best as I can manage....after that, everything becomes a blur. I love kerr's enthusiasm.
He's done nearly as many posts in 3 weeks as I've done in 4 years!
True manticle...

probably 115% of the average AHBer...

200.1 effective posts..
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