I know you have already said bread yeast, and theres alot of questions about that.. but if the only issue with using the bread yeast is so it only brews out to around 12%, then could you use a cider or sweet mead yeast that will brew out to 11-12%, and expect the same results as the bread yeast??
Thing is I tried bread yeast in a very similar recipe and it was like a honey cordial very mildly alc and yeast flavoured, also I have cider yeast at my disposal so.. I suppose the real question do you use bread yeast just for the ABV %??? or is there some other reason to use the bread yeast.
Thanks (and apologies if this has already been answered)
I suspect the answer will be: "You can try what you like and see how it goes, but brew it as per recipe so you have something to compare it to"
1 gallon demijon will not cost you much for a benchmark, brew both. If bread yeast works, use it, it's a poofteenth the cost of brewer's yeast.
I should like to know how your experiment with cidre yeast turns out.
I have my first 3 demi's running at the moment. (read that as first 3 brewing attempts for anything ever) One is a JAO as per recipe. I have one spare demi, but the other two recipes require racking, so I'm keeping it spare to make that possible. If the JAO is great, I'll brew 4 more of that, and probably buy a big fermenter.
My dad has 4 hives for his orchard, and this is his second year. He discovered that my mum is a tight ass and wont hand out honey, even when he had a glut. So after my first kilo doled out by mum, he's just dumped 5 kilos on me. I expect should I ask for more, he'd be willing, however it might spoil the surprise of his first bottle of mead, as I've kept the brewing a secret from him. It should be ready for his birthday.
The honey's all candied massively though so was a pain in the neck, and had to be heated with water to about 70 degrees (perhaps more) to get it to dissolve in a reasonable amount of time. So I may have boiled off some volatiles.
My reason for making mead is: Dad's making wine and has a glut of honey. He suggested making it, but I know he has NFI (like me) and not much drive as all his equipment is tied up with wine. He also says "I'm thinking of making mead next year" so it's on the never-nevers.
The two non JAO meads suggested nutrient should be added - I skipped this, as my LHBS told me the yeast would cope, just ferment slower, and nutrient can give off flavours... I hope this is accurate.
I also want to know the effect of adding less yeast to the mix.
The two non JAO (I know: it's off topic, but I'm on a role) are using EC-1118 champagne yeast.
The packet suggests it will make 4-20 litres. In an effort to make multiple batches with the same yeast, but differing honey quantities, I used 1/3 of a packet per demi (4 litres)
I also thought this may improve the sweetness of the brew. Ideas?
thanks... it's taken me days to read this thread, and I started brewing when only half way through, so now have HEAPS of questions.