Jao The Ultimate Beginners Mead Recipe

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mine version has been road tested. yup its too sweet. US05 starter being pitched to work down the gravity.

other than that its great. the addition of some star anise and the organge blossum honey works great with this. Im not sure that I would use bread yeast again though. too unpredictable. IMO its worth using a sweet mead yeast.
I put down two more of these babies today, so easy!
Last one I made tastes delicious, I can't keep my wife away from it. This time I'm making 2 gallons, 1 with the same Tandaco bread yeast I used last time and the other with US-05 yeast. Bottling was a pain last time as the bread yeast doesn't flocculate, it's very fluffy and easily disturbed. Plus it smells pretty bad...yeasty. It'll be interesting to see the difference in the two yeasts, identical must, same fermantation conditions etc.
24 hours in and there's already some notable differences. The bread yeast has really kicked off. There's a constant stream of tiny bubbles throughout.
See the little streaks, lots of tiny bubbles - fermenting healthily.

Meanwhile the US-05 has rehydrated and is mostly just hanging, clumped in suspension. In fact some of it has already settled leaving the must looking a lot lighter overall.
Looking very closely I can see a few tiny bubbles rising but nothing like the bread yeast.

I'll keep monitoring hoping it's just slower to start. If I get worried I'll try a fresh pitch of US-05 and if that fails then I'll throw in more bread yeast - as long as I haven't picked up an infection by then.
I've got a JOA brewing with bread yeast and I also started up another recipe using wine yeast. I've noticed the wine yeast and the yeast of the kriek kit I've brewed took about 48 hours before there was any noticeable fermentation, if that makes you feel better
Thanks Nat,
All good now...they're both cranking along nicely :icon_cheers:
What does this mead taste like? I am tempted to put one down once I work out a place in the house with a stable temperature. I have most of the ingredients except a bottle large enough (I'll probably try the bottled water like jakub76) and the honey, which I'll try for at the QV Market.

I tried some Maxwell Honey Mead last night, is it anything like that? The Maxwell stuff was like a sweet dessert wine.
Okay, thanks. At least now I know what I'm in for!

I can't say I'd drink a lot of that, but it sounds like a good brew to start with. Then I can move onto drier stuff.
If I wanted to do ....lets say a triple sized batch.....do I triple all the ingredients or should some be limited??


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JAO Twins, 1 Clove and 2 Clove, a few days after pitching yeast.

This recipe is designed for beginners. Everyone else with an opinion can just buggar off!

For a 5 litre demijohn

1.6kg honey (never boiled or lose the taste and aromas) (if I meant 1.5kg I would have written it)
1 large orange (at most cut into eight pieces -- rind and all)
1 small handful of raisins (25 if you can count)
1 stick of cinnamon (its brown, its wood, its good)
1 whole clove (or 2 if you like high potency)
optional (a pinch of nutmeg and allspice )( very small mind you )
1 tsp of bread yeast (now don't get holy on me about bread yeast -- after all this recipe is DESIGNED for it)
Balance water to bring batch out to 3.8 litres (did you know, there are 3.785411 litres per US gallon)


Use a clean 5 litre demijohn.

Dissolve honey in some warm water and put in demijohn

Wash orange well to remove any pesticides and slice into eights (may wish to zest slightly, just shove em through the demijohn's hole)

Put in raisins, clove, cinnamon stick, any optional ingredients and fill demijohn with water to about 3.8 litres with cold water (need some room for some foam -- you can top off with more water after the first few days foaming frenzy). (You did remember to pour in a measured 3.8 litres and mark off the level on the outside of the glass demijohn before hand right?)

Shake the hell out of the demijohn with the top on or bung in (of course). This is your sophisticated oxygenation process.

When liquid is at room temperature, put in 1 tsp of bread yeast (no you don't have to rehydrate it first -- the ancients did not even have that word in their vocabulary -- just put it in and give it a gentle swirl or not)(The yeast can fight for their own territory)

Install water airlock. Put in dark place. It will start working immediately or in an hour. (Don't use grandma's bread yeast she bought years before she passed away in the 90's -- use the fresh stuff) (Wait 3 hours before you panic or call me) After major foaming stops in a few days add some water and then keep your hands off of it. (Don't shake it! Don't mess with them yeastees! Leave them alone except its okay to open your cabinet to inhale deeply the smell every once in a while.)

Racking -- Don't you dare!
Additional feeding -- No! NO!
More stirring or shaking -- You are not listening, do not touch!

After 2 months and maybe a few days it will slow down to a stop and clear all by itself. (How about that) (You are not so important after all) Then you can put a hose in with a small cloth filter on the end into the clear part and siphon off the golden nectar. If you wait long enough even the oranges will sink to the bottom but I never waited that long. If it is clear it is ready. You don't need a cold basement. It does better in a kitchen in the dark. (Like in a cabinet) likes a little heat (20C-25C). If it didn't work out... you screwed up and didn't read my instructions (or used grandma's bread yeast she bought years before she passed away) . If it didn't work out then take up another hobby. Mead is not for you. It is too complicated.

If you were successful, which I am 99% certain you will be, then enjoy your mead. When you get ready to make different types of mead you will probably have to unlearn some of these practices I have taught you, but hey -- This recipe and procedure works with these ingredients so don't knock it. It was your first mead. It was my tenth. Sometimes, even the experts can forget all they know and make good ancient mead.

This mead should finish quite sweet, if it finished dry, most likely your bread yeast has higher alcohol tolerance than Fleishmann's Bread Yeast (original recipe USA brand of dry yeast -- 12% alc tol. and high flocculation). In Australia for the past few years all the dry yeast sold is imported from China. So add more honey in the next batch and so on until it finishes sweet instead of dry or switch brands (but then again all the Australian brands today are probably from the same barrel of imported China dry yeast). Don't like it sweet? Add less honey next time.

Keep in mind, that will completely void the "warranty" of Ancient Orange recipe if you randomly use a different yeast. Different yeasts have different alcohol tolerance, and it just so happens that the Fleishman's active dry bread yeast is perfect for this recipe in regards to alcohol tolerance. Using another yeast would probably give better results *IF* the honey was re-balanced to suit the yeast. Again, this recipe is all about *BALANCE*. The bitterness from the orange and the sweetness of the honey balance perfectly with the alcohol level. I don't know if I just don't have a well enough educated palate or what, but I can't discern any yeast flavour in my Ancient Orange. It is young even by this recipe's standard; the batch cleared at about 4 weeks and is currently in bottles. Even at such an extremely young age, it turned out incredibly smooth with a wonderful flavour of the varietal honey that I used. The spices are "just right" and everything comes together perfectly. If it is not clear, just wait longer as one day it will magically turn from cloudy to clear and the fruit will drop meaning its time to bottle. Like any mead if you leave this one to age (although only need 6 months) then it just keeps tasting better. Foaming and clearing times are dependent upon yeast and temperature conditions.

Brewer Pete

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JAO Twins today, note the honey is much lighter in colour now.
If I wanted to do ....lets say a triple sized batch.....do I triple all the ingredients or should some be limited??

Like any recipe, just scale it. U want a triple batch? Increase it by 3. Want 25l? Increase by 5. Just make u increase all tge ingredients.
I will probably have my aunt send a batch of Fleishmann's Bread Yeast sent from the US (my understanding is that you cannot get it here). Anyone interested in joining in for some?

I will probably have my aunt send a batch of Fleishmann's Bread Yeast sent from the US (my understanding is that you cannot get it here). Anyone interested in joining in for some?

I used Tandaco bread yeast from Coles and it worked out great
Anyone used yellow box honey for this recipe (or any mead)? Got a mate whos old man keeps bees and was thinking of grabbing a few kilos off him, is it suitable?

Anyone used yellow box honey for this recipe (or any mead)? Got a mate whos old man keeps bees and was thinking of grabbing a few kilos off him, is it suitable?


I used yellow box for my first batch and its currently 6 weeks in, and starting to clear, getting some really nice aroma's from it now, it should be ready in a few weeks so ill see what its like and post it,
I got a great Canadian- made plunger siphon in the US for 11 dollars. It fits, conveniently, just into a 5L demi (those costing around 12.50 from G&G). It has a little cap you can plunge to the bottom and it suck the fluid from the upper side, thus no issues whatsoever with yeast in it.

13 weeks on so far, I guess I should bottle it but I'm being lazy.


The cleared pic is after 9 weeks, it looks a little hazier than it was but its completely see through. I noticed some fruit drop the other day but it's gone back up now. :|
13 weeks on so far, I guess I should bottle it but I'm being lazy.

I bottled mine after 10 weeks in primary and now after 7 weeks in bottles it's got a little bit effervecent - which I don't really like. I would suggest there's no worries with leaving it a while longer to make sure it's all finished fermenting. The cloudiness is weird, had you just moved it and disturbed the yeast?
It wasn't as hazy as it appears in the picture
Anyone used yellow box honey for this recipe (or any mead)? Got a mate whos old man keeps bees and was thinking of grabbing a few kilos off him, is it suitable?


I just bottled my batch with yellow box, and it turned out beautifly, i would say its deffinatley suitable :)
Well I bottled it finally, not sure what I was expecting to taste but its come out very similar to a fruity white desert wine (like a vermouth I have, but not as dry). Not much hint of spices unfortunately, but its not a bad drop. I didn't take an OG but it finished out at 1.034.

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