It Help Needed With Windows7

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I just got my son a laptop, 2nd hand and has windows 7 on it,which displays wordpad on the desktop, everything else seems to be cleaned out. He wants to use it for his school studies etc so he put his usb stick in but wordpad cant read or display.He says we need word as that's what they use at school.
I have no idea :blink: A few questions.
Do I have to download word from somewhere?
If I install XP from a disk I have, is this defeating the advantages of windows 7
Sorry I don't understand the dif if any between an operating system and a program ( I like hammers and nails better)

Any clues?
Yes, installing XP will negate any benefit you might get from having 7 (should 7 even allow you to do this). Adding XP won't help you anyway as it won't have Word on it.
You'll need to install Word - whether that is from a (purchased) download or disc copy is up to you.
Aside from that you might be able to get a freeware word processing application from somewhere that will open Word documents but that doesn't really help you boy much if he needs to know how to use Word.
In the meantime he should be able to save stuff in school in .txt or even .rtf format for anything that he absolutely has to open in WordPad.

Probably some dodgy work-arounds on Google if you're so inclined. Don't do anything you don't know how to undo, of course.
Yes, installing XP will negate any benefit you might get from having 7 (should 7 even allow you to do this). Adding XP won't help you anyway as it won't have Word on it.
You'll need to install Word - whether that is from a (purchased) download or disc copy is up to you.
Aside from that you might be able to get a freeware word processing application from somewhere that will open Word documents but that doesn't really help you boy much if he needs to know how to use Word.
In the meantime he should be able to save stuff in school in .txt or even .rtf format for anything that he absolutely has to open in WordPad.

Probably some dodgy work-arounds on Google if you're so inclined. Don't do anything you don't know how to undo, of course.

Thanks Bum
Ran troubleshooter & found some drivers needed to be installed.Done now but they were for the video card.
Son is checking now on what formats are compatible with wordpad, rtf seems to be one. Thanks.
He says everthing on his usb from school, ie; all subjects on that one stick are the same and open no probs on our home computer

Question - How could a business run windows 7 and communicate with the rest of the world that doesn't use it.? Surely there is something I'm just not getting here or am I over complicating the whole thing? Thinking, say, a company using win7 now also must have every program from the last 25yrs so they can converse with those not using win7.I clearly don't understand something.

( be gentle :blink: )
It is kinda hard to give a short and accurate answer to what you're asking. But in simple terms (and not technically correct) the OS is like the brain of the computer and unless it has learned something (the correct programs are installed) it can't do what we want it to - we can't use you hammer and nails to bang two bits of wood together unless we know what these tools are for and how to use them, yeah? So if your computer with a newer OS has a program installed that will work with a particular file format it will still work regardless of the OS's age (or even format). The 'if' is underlined because it is very important - there is no guarantee that all files will be forwards or backwards compatible.

My deepest apologies to anyone familiar with computers for the above.
It is kinda hard to give a short and accurate answer to what you're asking. But in simple terms (and not technically correct) the OS is like the brain of the computer and unless it has learned something (the correct programs are installed) it can't do what we want it to - we can't use you hammer and nails to bang two bits of wood together unless we know what these tools are for and how to use them, yeah? So if your computer with a newer OS has a program installed that will work with a particular file format it will still work regardless of the OS's age (or even format). The 'if' is underlined because it is very important - there is no guarantee that all files will be forwards or backwards compatible.

My deepest apologies to anyone familiar with computers for the above.

To clarify (or muddy up) bum's response, newer versions of software (i.e Windows 7) are backwards compatible. Does your son do any complicated math; if he doesn't there is a freesource office setup called openoffice. It does most of the stuff the MSOffice does except the math program is a little weak and the powerpoint program can be difficult (but your son can do most of the work at home, take it to school and pretty it up on MS powerpoint).
This will let the young fella use his current Word/ MS Office Docs and add/edit them

It will get you through, and is well supported.

best of all FREE!!!!! This gives ou the time to save/work out what you need.

It is a bit different, but only in menus etc. It still produces docs that are comaptible with word/excel/powerpoint etc

Also gives you breathing space to save/acquire MS Office as well

But, If you buy software, and are entitiled to Family Tax Benefit A, you can claim a lot of IT stuff back at tax time, here's a link . . .

Hope it helps
Yep I'm a open office convert now and use it exclusively. It pays to go into the preferences and click 'save docs in word format automatically'. This way every one can open them in word and not wonder what a .ODF attachment is.
Yep I'm a open office convert now and use it exclusively. It pays to go into the preferences and click 'save docs in word format automatically'. This way every one can open them in word and not wonder what a .ODF attachment is.

Cube, who is the actress in your avatar? I just want to wish her a bless you !

Browndog, it is better that you don't know the source of that one. I looked into it when he first changed to that avatar and didn't like what I found. You're better off with things the way they are now.

Don't be too worried about not understanding it all...sometimes I wish I didnt!!!

To map it out for you so it makes sense.

The Operating System is the "Language" that the computer uses to function. Most people use Windows (e.g Windows 95, 98, XP, 7....or another version) or MacOS. Say you computer speaks "XP" (Italian), those computers who speak 7 or MacOS ("French"...just for the sake of it) can communicate but only with translation.

Installed on the Operating System is a set of programs. These can be word processing ("Word), spread sheets ("Excel"), games, accounting programs, building software...the list goes on. These are the things you actually do stuff with. Like type a document, play a game. Sort of like a drill spins the drill bit...but the drill bit drills the hole. Without one the other doesn't work.

Your Son is using at school a program called "Microsoft Word", this is the most common "word" program...but there are others, one of these is "wordpad"...but "Microsoft word" and "Wordpad" speak different dialects of the same language, so things get lost in translation.....I hope this makes sense. Microsoft word is however much much more advanced than wordpad...and much more important that he learns to use this. Wordpad is like trying to use one drill bit for all materials, while it might work in the end, it will take a long and frustrating time to do it.

For your Son to easily use his files saved at school ate home he can use "Microsoft word"...the same as he uses at school...or you can use something like "Open Office" which will do the same thing but the computers at is School may not be able to "translate" the data back. Microsoft word you *will* have to pay for, while openoffice is free to download.

Anyway I hope this makes some sense to you. Good luck with the learning, I'm jealous in a way.

This will let the young fella use his current Word/ MS Office Docs and add/edit them

It will get you through, and is well supported.

best of all FREE!!!!! This gives ou the time to save/work out what you need.

It is a bit different, but only in menus etc. It still produces docs that are comaptible with word/excel/powerpoint etc

Yep I'm a open office convert now and use it exclusively. It pays to go into the preferences and click 'save docs in word format automatically'. This way every one can open them in word and not wonder what a .ODF attachment is.

Worth keeping in mind, is that is not as compatible as they'd like you to believe. Tables are one area in particular that can throw out formating, or indeed become completely mangled.

It mostly works.. but the ways in which it doesn't can be quite painful.

With that in mind, it's worth saving every file in an ODF (the native format) then re-saving in the Doc format for sharing with other people.
Browndog, it is better that you don't know the source of that one. I looked into it when he first changed to that avatar and didn't like what I found. You're better off with things the way they are now.
Damn you Bum, now I wanna know, too.
+1 for open office. Although Melthar is correct their is compatibility issues on occasion.
For example It doesn't work very well with Ian's spreadsheet The macros don't function correctly, Although It doesn't work properly in excel either.

But if you are strapped for cash it is a nice alternative.
If going the OO path, give this variant a shot:

Will be perfectly compatible with normal OO files, but should behave a little bit better with the standard MS Office files.

That said, the price of a student licence for MS Office (as linked above) is very reasonable
Damn you Bum, now I wanna know, too.

Fine, but just take a moment to try to remember what life was like before you had this information.

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Thank you for your reply's guys.
We will wait until school starts next week and see if they can help with supply of programs. Failing that we will purchase as above. Seems like to many incompatible dramas trying to cut corners. :icon_cheers:
Thank you for your reply's guys.
We will wait until school starts next week and see if they can help with supply of programs. Failing that we will purchase as above. Seems like to many incompatible dramas trying to cut corners. :icon_cheers:

I disagree. But hey - I only send and receive 30 or so word docs to and from multiple different organisations regularly with no problems. It takes 3 minutes to set OO up properly. Sure complex xls sheets maybe be different with heaps of macros but shit, it's school and simple word docs and xls forms.
Cube, you're forgetting that DKS's young bloke might be getting marked on his use of Word in an IT subject.

And the last time I used macros was in school.

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