it all starts this Saturday

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Hello brew world

We have just been gifted some serious brew kit. Only really beginning to understand my good luck the more I read.

Jumping in the deep end. First all grain brew this Saturday. I think I've got my head around this but it could be a disaster.

Ready for failure.

Ready for fun.

I think you will find its easier than you think to make the wort. Fermenting the stuff properly can be harder.

That's pretty much where I came to. We've been given an awesome lauter tun so we figured what the hell. Am honestly more worried about the fermentation anyway so I appreciate your post. Makes me feel like i'm starting to get this.
Taking the time to get your sanitizing done properly will make all the difference in the world to how much fun it is. Infected beer = not fun. Actually though, the brewing is always fun. It's just a serious bummer when your efforts end up tasting like a pig's backside.
We have a bottle of Star San. Need to read more about using it though. Bit worried about inside of taps and where they join to kettles and tun.
Do you have a pic of your set up you can post.

Brewery porn....yeah. :beerbang:
Wow. Everyone here is very helpful. Liam_snorkle, thank you very much, I'll look forward to that at lunch time.

Brewologist, I'm right into brewery porn, but I'm shy ;)
I'm just down the road at Birkdale mate and there are a few brewers on the bayside so help isn't too far away if you need it. Ross at Craftbrewer is your friend! Trust me.
The Wynnum Beer Project said:
We have a bottle of Star San. Need to read more about using it though. Bit worried about inside of taps and where they join to kettles and tun.
Just read the dilution rates on the side. I use a nurofen dropper (you get plenty when you have young kids) and I squirt about 0.8ml into a 500ml spray bottle. Haven't had any issues with infections yet.

Should last you agggggggggggggggggggges
Mardoo said:
Taking the time to get your sanitizing done properly will make all the difference in the world to how much fun it is. Infected beer = not fun. Actually though, the brewing is always fun. It's just a serious bummer when your efforts end up tasting like a pig's backside.
Mmmm, bacon... wasn't there a post about smoked bacon beer recently?
Good luck mate. If nothing else you should have fun. Plenty of info on here on just about anything you might come across or just ask the question if you can't find it. Ross and the boys at CB are always there if you need them too. Let us know how you go.
brad81 said:
Just read the dilution rates on the side. I use a nurofen dropper (you get plenty when you have young kids) and I squirt about 0.8ml into a 500ml spray bottle. Haven't had any issues with infections yet.

Should last you agggggggggggggggggggges
F Me, we're going through hundreds of these with 2 teething boys - I never though of replacing the pipette with one - thanks!
The Wynnum Beer Project said:
Hey Rowy. Will be at Craftbrewer first thing Saturday for ingredients.

Brad81, cheers and thanks for the advice. You too Mardoo.

Adr_0... Umm hi
lukiferj said:
Good luck mate. If nothing else you should have fun. Plenty of info on here on just about anything you might come across or just ask the question if you can't find it. Ross and the boys at CB are always there if you need them too. Let us know how you go.
This place is an awesome resource. Cleanliness, sanitation, and yeast health (volume, temperature, O2) have got to be 80% of the beer. I'm obviously exaggerating but in a lot of ways they are more critical than the hopped wort you get out at the end of your brewday.

I recently butchered a brewday - rushed/late, forgot to put false bottom in, forgot to add gympsum, got stuck mash, etc. - and basically got everything wrong, but great yeast at the right/consistent temp in clean equipment and it's a fantastic beer - so don't worry if it doesn't go 100% to plan (or only goes 30% to plan in my case).

The other thing is to write a couple of things down that could have gone better. You can obviously take this to extremes depending on your personality, but even writing a couple of 'lessons learned' can really help you for your next, and next, and next brew without turning it into a tightly controlled refinery operation that's no fun at all. You have to enjoy yourself, but be smart so that you can save yourself frustrations and get more pleasure out down the track.

Enjoy, I might be riding past...
Parks said:
F Me, we're going through hundreds of these with 2 teething boys - I never though of replacing the pipette with one - thanks!
They work well for getting refract samples from the kettle as well.
The secret is to have your first beer prior to mash in. Everything will go fine from there on end. Trust me.......

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