I honestly do not see any reason why anything should be changed from the way it is now.
Yes, If Ross was going into posts here, there and everywhere saying "Oh, by the way! I have this or that hop on special all next week" or shamelessly plugging his goods in topics in a non-suitable way then I would be annoyed.
However, I've seen absolutely none of that. From what I can tell, Ross is a perfect gentleman in the way he goes about his business on the board. His posts written as regular posts from the valued member of the board that he is are that. His commercial posts are marked out pretty clearly and you know that what you find in those is of a . . well, commercial character. I see absolutely nothing wrong in that.
It's not that I don't see that there could potentially be an issue if other and less honest characters came in to sponsor the board, but that is an issue for the Admins and moderators. I've been admin for a number of pretty large message boards and remain one for two at the moment, and while there are ofcourse things that need consideration I do not think it is so difficult to keep a board's integrity safe. It is merely a question of choice. This choice I am absolutely certain that Dane, Doc etc. can administer perfectly well.
Does anyone here really get the feeling that these guys are going to agree to censor posts that directly or indirectly promote products from non-sponsors? I've only been here for about two months and I feel quite confident they won't.
I don't really see that the retail posts should be taken out of the "most recently posted" list. I very much enjoy the fact that I can come here and not necessarily go through all the forums in order to get a good view of what's going on. Since Homebrewing is a hobby/passion/religion that carries with it a fairly high number of 'needed ingredients' for it to be productively successful, it would be a bit silly to remove the emphasis given by the list.
Integrity is not so hard to observe if you have integrity. It's a bummer if you don't have it, but I sense this board is pretty damned high on that scale.
If you were too lazy to read the above, I'll sum it up here:
Keep it as it is - it's working very well. (now you wish I'd started with that, don't you?

Keep up the good work, Ross! I'm looking forward to moving to Australia and doing business with you.