Hi zoigl
I'm in Kyogle so I'm a bit out of the loop here but familiar with your area. We've got a couple of guys at or near Yamba.
For All grain supplies, we are both in a fairly similar situation. No problems at all getting stuff online up to 5 kg but for sacks of grain the freight can be horrible, so it's a case of grab them whenever you have an opportunity.
From Lawrence your best bet for bulk grain is
Country Brewer at Toormina which is quite a sweet run nowadays with all the new freeway sections in place. Their sack price is as good as most Capital city suppliers.
You'll need to let them know a few days in advance so they can get sacks in from their HQ.
However their selection of yeasts etc is fairly basic for a browse when you are in there, (I always grab a few items there to help a family business) but to build up a serious collection of hops, yeasts and special grains, chemicals, etc etc you need to go online.
Your main go-to suppliers would be:
Brewman just North of Newcastle
Craftbrewer in Brisbane
Hoppy Days in Brisbane
They all carry a really good range of all your requirements, offer great service and put on good specials and clearances.
Where you are, the advantage is that they all offer Fastway satchels for delivery, which you would probably get overnight depending on what zone you are in. Your guy might be hanging off the Lismore depot, so I'd say definitely overnight if you get your order in AM. Even up here in the mountains I actually get stuff out of Brisbane far quicker than when I lived on Bribie Island.
You'll find that if you are ordering high value items such as yeast, hops etc the freight cost per brew isn't really a downside.
One thing you could do to get the best freight price, if you are up for a "splurge" is to set yourself up initially with a 20kg order of hops, yeasts and the most popular spec grains.. say wheat, crystals, cara grains, some sanitising supplies, water salts, finings, hydrometer, and numerous bits and pieces then you're set up for months ahead.
The Grafton HB comp is actually held before the Show itself so you would have seen the results at the show when you attended.
Look forward to meeting at next get together.