Is this an infection?

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I'd be pretty concerned with such different levels of carbonation and that scum on top, even if they do taste similar.

I can smell bottle bombs in the not-too-distant future and definitely aren't worth taking a gamble with..
Or.....A few of the twist tops didn't seal properly as you were worried about initially. So the ones with a bit of foam in them are probably the "normal" ones. If they taste ok you could put them all in the fridge to avoid bottle bombs ( may not be bombs anyway). No point wasting it if it tastes like beer. Especially your first brew!!!
It's all gone mate. Even the ones that looked ok had tiny floaties in them when I gave the bottle a little shake. I reckon it was just a matter of time.

On another note, how come they were well carbonated but tasted flat. As I poured them down the sink they virtually went to full foam but still tasted like it had been left in the glass all night.

On another another note ( I hope we are all keeping up here) remember my stout from the other thread, oh wait, I'll just see you there.
Well,my concern is that if the twisties didn't seal properly,that would be the point of infection &/or flatness. In a word,leakers.
This is why I use little creatures pint bottles they have a nice round top, a mate I help uses a mix of twistys and old vb long necks the twist tops just don't seem right when I'm capping them for him.
Don't use twist tops or clear bottles. Open an infected one and smell and taste. Its all learning.
All of the twisties had the same initial fizz as the flip tops so I think they were all sealed well enough. As for skunking, they will be going from garage to fridge to belly so shouldn't be a problem.
I used to bottle with twist tops all the time, XXXX Gold bottles, and they are thin walled. Bottle bombs were not a problem in correctly carbonated bottles. Skunking ian issue due to light strike which will happen easier in clear bottles than brown, not so much of an issue if bottles are kept in the dark. Plenty of threads about it on here. Issues with light strike are increased with the increased hop level of a beer.
Yes,it's the breaking down of the hop lupulins (oils) by UV light that comes out the same as skunk spray.
I've had similar 'scum' on my beers many times. Asked myself all the same questions, completely revised my cleaning and sanitizing process, and it still pops up from time to time.

For me, it was purely an aesthetic thing: the beer still tasted good, and once poured into a glass, noone could tell the difference anyway.

As long as you've primed your beer with correct sugar levels you won't get any bottle bombs.


pipsyboy said:
Sanitizing was done by filling first bottle with solution and passing on to every subsequent bottle.
What are you using to sanitize the bottles? Depending on what your using this could be the problem as you may not allowing enough contact time. Even if I was using something like starsan I'd still make up a bigger volume to rinse the bottles in.
Used Morgans Sanitize. No rinse. Contact time might be an issue as I passed it from bottle to bottle and filled immediately.

Another thing was when I filled the bottles the beer was coming out of the dispenser very fast. Have since learned that this is a no no.

Just bottled my stout and adjusted the tap so it had a very slow flow. Here's hoping it turns out ok.
I'd probably try making up at least a couple of litres of your sterilizer in a clean plastic tub / bucket, or sink, and giving each bottle a good dunking
I use a vinator on top of my bottle tree. Both by Ferrari,as is my super agata bench capper...hey,I've got three Ferrari's!! :beerbang: I fill the vinator about half way with Starsan solution & give each bottle three pumps. Hey,I have grappled two Raging Bitches at this point. (Flying Dog Belgian style IPA) aren't you ashamed for going there? Anyway,The problem can also be insomuch as the loose caps can suck air after they let co2 out. This caused oxygenation in 3 or 4 bottles out of a batch of my hybrid lager. It smelled & tasted like mildewed damp cardboard in someone's basement. RAAAAALLLPHHH!