Is There Is A Dentist In The House?

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Bribie G

Adjunct Professor
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Warning: this post contains possibly too much information:

I have a porcelain jacket crown in a front upper tooth that is several decades old and has done a good job. However last week it cracked diagonally from top to bottom, but is still hanging in there as the bottom part B of the tooth is still glued nicely to the original 'stump' but the upper section A is now mobile.


However the rear of the upper section A is still partially wrapped around the upper 'stump' of the tooth so although it is mobile and slides up and down, it will hang in for a while without actually becoming detached.

It's going to cost around $1200 for a newie here in Aus, so what I'm thinking of is doing a home repair to keep it together for a few months until I can get a couple of grand together, then have holiday in Thailand or the Philippines and get the crown done for a quarter of the cost and have a nice holiday time for the price.

Question: Obviously Araldite is the answer, slide the 'flake' to its most open position, dry the tooth with a blast of hot air, inject mixed aradite into the gap with a hypodermic syringe, slide the mobile 'flake' back into position and glue it together. Is Araldite poisonous as such or are there more suitable adhesives on the market?

Being a home brewer of course I would like to avoid the megabrewdentists and wonder if there are poeple on the forum who have successfully done home dentistry ? :)
Don't they make specific glue for dentures?

Perhaps not too permenant though, but may do the job temporarily.
Give'r a bit of Liquid nails, and she'll be solid.

Seriously though, my background is carpentry (before the corporates invaded the left side of my brain), good luck with it though. oh, and stop opening the crown seals with your teeth :p
I think the reason it cracked is cos you put too much sugaz in your beer :lol: :lol:
Shouldn/t this be in Humour and Jokes...?

Mind you its not humourus what dentists charge nowadays...

Go the pliers, rip the whole tooth out, and spend $1200 on grain.

There is my crooked 2c fwiw.
The crown is a 'jacket' crown that covers a 'stump' of tooth sculpted originally by a dentist and the stump is quite healthy, just needs a new crown glued on top of it and as good as new. However if the existing broken one can be repaired for six bucks for the time being then I can save up for the Thailand trip. However Philippines might be the go because I can spend a couple of weeks on the Red Horse 7.5% B)
Bribie, I know quite a few people who have had Philippine dentistry and have not had any complaints so I say go for it. Stay away from the south though. As far as the adhesive goes I'd be tempted to try the cyanoacrylate type (super glue) glue, if you can get a gel even better. The thing about glueing is the same as painting, it's all in the preparation, make sure your surfaces are clean and dry.


Bribie, I know quite a few people who have had Philippine dentistry and have not had any complaints so I say go for it. Stay away from the south though. As far as the adhesive goes I'd be tempted to try the cyanoacrylate type (super glue) glue, if you can get a gel even better. The thing about glueing is the same as painting, it's all in the preparation, make sure your surfaces are clean and dry.



Awesome thread !!!
I can't wait to read about the outcome.
Sorry Bribie , even if it is at your expense. B)
FWIW. I'll go with Browndogs sentiments.
Happy dentistry.
In Kay Cottee's book First Lady she tells a story about fixing a broken molar with some two pack marine epoxy. Tasted very bad for days but held solid. Apparently it took some major work from the dentist to remove the epoxied tooth when she eventually remembered to have it fixed properly.


If you're about to use super glue (cyanoacrylate), better make darned sure it goes nowhere near your lips.
You'll be mumbling for weeks if you give it even half a chance to glue them together.
Befriend a manicurist who has an acrylic nails setup and get her (him?) to sell you a bit of the nail goop. If it's not the same thing that dentists use, it's damn close. It's a UV light curable plastic. It's fluid until you expose it to UV light, then it sets up hard as nails. The only issue is that you'll have to find a UV black light and if you're nervous about sunburning your tonsils you'll have to work out some sort of drape for your mouth while you suck on a black lamp. ;)

Seriously, I've seen small UV black lamps in several 'cheapie' stores in malls. And dentists do now use a UV curable resin for fillings.
I need a trip to the dentist, but oh man, there's so much info here, I reckon I could do it myself now.

My sterilising techniques seem to work for my fermenter, so I'll pop a 4.5mm masonry bit in my bleach solution tonight when I get home.
As always, I'll keep all posted on the outcome.
I need a trip to the dentist, but oh man, there's so much info here, I reckon I could do it myself now.

My sterilising techniques seem to work for my fermenter, so I'll pop a 4.5mm masonry bit in my bleach solution tonight when I get home.
As always, I'll keep all posted on the outcome.

It's fortunate you brew your own painkiller but when you manage to ingest enough to kill the pain I don't think you'll be in any shape to do a clean job. Better get some help. ;)
I need a trip to the dentist, but oh man, there's so much info here, I reckon I could do it myself now.

My sterilising techniques seem to work for my fermenter, so I'll pop a 4.5mm masonry bit in my bleach solution tonight when I get home.
As always, I'll keep all posted on the outcome.

I can lend you my dremel :)