Is Obama's carpet big enough to sweep this under.

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Bet you all thought when Donald Trump announced his candidacy it was just a cynical maneuver to pimp one of his hokey reality TV shows. Yeah, me to.
Now I'm slightly more worried.

NATIONAL RIGHT TO CARRY. The right of self-defense doesn’t stop at the end of your driveway. That’s why I have a concealed carry permit and why tens of millions of Americans do too. That permit should be valid in all 50 states. A driver’s license works in every state, so it’s common sense that a concealed carry permit should work in every state. If we can do that for driving – which is a privilege, not a right – then surely we can do that for concealed carry, which is a right, not a privileg

Concealed weapons..Its just common sense people.
Dave70 said:
If we can do that for driving – which is a privilege, not a right – then surely we can do that for concealed carry, which is a right, not a privileg
Hmmmm. This appears to highlight the crux of the issue. The good citizens of the USA appear to believe that carrying a concealed firearm is more important than driving a vehicle. Common sense!

Talk about stuck in 1792.
Feldon said:
To my mind the bigger problem are the violent computer games which desensitize people from childhood and trains them in the mental skills needed to carry out mass killings.
You don't seriously believe that do you? Tell me you don't.
The problem isn't who owns guns or has the right to bear them but how readily and easily they can be obtained. The US needs to implement a nation wide registry system for all new firearms. Admittedly it would be a logistical nightmare to try and register all current firearms but most of these would be held by law abiding gun owners. But to slow the rate at which new arms can be obtained would make it harder for the nuts to take umbrage at something, pop down to Walmart for an AR16 and start popping off whoever they choose.
It seems such an ingrained fear in so many Americans that the gubberment is trying to disarm them.
In Australia there's a simple process to acquire a new firearm. If it's the first registered in your name there's a 28 day cooling period (to let you calm down after your spat with the boss) as well as a decent period to acquire a licence in the first place. I'm a firearm owner and happily abide by these rules. I'll never have a need to purchase a gun on the way home from work due to any possible necessity aside from a zombie apocalypse.
I can respect the mentality that you have the right to own a gun but also respect the fact that it's primarily an instrument of death and should be treated that way.
But like mentioned above, it'd take a ballsy president to even attempt such a difficult task in such a gun toting society.
Trump is an oncoming train called fascist plutocracy. All I can think of whenI see him talk is the elite classes in The Hunger Games.
It would seem Trumps policy's certainly resonate with a particular kind of American voter..
Australia may not have the right to bear arms, but we do have the right to apply for a licence. Weather or not you get one is a different story.

We dont have that same wild west culture where even granny on the porch had a riffle

The USA will prob always have "The right to bear arms " in the constitution, but you really need to look at the context of what that means, and its basically to do with the Governemnt sanctioned militia than the right of Joe Average to just be able to walk down the street with a gun anytime he feels like it
A maneuver they could try is make it illegal to own automatic, rapid fire, military type hardware, government agencies to infiltrate any websites (similar to AHB) but American Home Gun owner type websites instead of having,'Show us your brew rig' or, 'Show us your hop garden' they could open a, 'Show us your fire power'.
Creating a sting for all those who are firstly dumb enough and secondly vain enough to post pics of their accumulated weapons, they would nail 90% just under the first category. :)
While there's nothing funny about the subject, as is often the case (IMO) The Simpson's take is extremely good (and very funny).

From The Cartridge Family episode...some brilliant lines.

Homer is looking at the guns. He picks up an unloaded handgun, points it at the clerk, and pulls the trigger several times.

CLERK: Whoa! Careful there, Annie Oakley.
HOMER: I don't have to be careful, I got a gun.

The clerk takes the gun, then holds up several items in succession.

CLERK: Well, you'll probably want the accessory kit. Holster...
HOMER: Oh, yeah.
CLERK: Bandoleer.
HOMER: Baby.
CLERK: Silencer.
HOMER: Mm-hmm.
CLERK: Loudener.
HOMER: Oh...
CLERK: Speed-cocker.
HOMER: Ooh, I like the sound of that!
CLERK: (holding up a huge weapon) And this is for shooting down police helicopters.
HOMER: Oh, I don't need anything like that... yet... Just give me my gun.

He tries to take the gun.

CLERK: I'm sorry, but the law requires a five-day waiting period. We've got to run a background check.
HOMER: Five days? But I'm mad now! I'd kill you if I had my gun.
CLERK: Yeah, well you don't.

Homer walks out of the store, muttering.

The five days have passed. Homer waits impatiently outside the gun store.

HOMER: Come on, come on, open up!

The gun salesman opens the shop, and Homer rushes inside to go to the toilet.

HOMER: Ah! That's the stuff! (He comes back out into the store.) Now, I believe you have some sort of firearm for me.
CLERK: (picking up a large wad of paper) Well, let's see here. According to your background check, you've been in a mental institution...
HOMER: Yeah.
CLERK: Frequent problems with alcohol...
HOMER: Oh heh heh, yeah.
CLERK: You beat up President Bush!
HOMER: Former President.

The clerk stamps the paper.

HOMER: "Potentially dangerous"?
CLERK: Relax, that just limits you to three handguns or less.
HOMER: Woo hoo!
Is a plebiscite considered unconstitutional in the US? Surely not.
Not implying the consensus is always right, but its a straight forward enough question to answer with the tick a of a box.

A. I support a ban / amnesty on automatic weapons and handguns.

B. I'm a ******* idiot. I support more guns in society.(God bless the United States)

Give the people what they want, enforce the decision by law. Cant be any fairer / democratic than that.
Danscraftbeer said:
Tip my hat to Howard for doing that and soooo glad I was born to this country too. Our minds are wired differently to Americans on this subject.

Just to add a 2 cent observation in the flaw (my opinion) on American mentality to defend and protect themselves. May sound dumb but.
A gun is not a shield. It does not stop bullets from hitting you and can very much attract more bullets your way. It only adds to the amount of bullets flying around. May be better to evolve on easily wearable body armour. Hey there's a niche option. :rolleyes:
Howards laws have been so effective, that they managed to start the trend in reduction of firearms deaths more than 10 years before they were introduced!

Australia has a very differnt 'gun culture' to the USA, and always has. The best comparison to us would probably be NZ, culturaly - and thay still have acces to all their naughty semi-autos etal, yet strangely have noe of the issues of the USA.
klangers said:
fully automatic, battlefield-grade assault rifles hanging on the bloody shelf at Walmart.
Gunna call ******** on that.
America is certainly reaping a bumper yield from the crop that It has sown. Such a shame that the crop is one of bloodshed, tragedy, heartbreak and misery. Sadly, probably for as long as there is a country named United States of America, they will be reaping similar or even more bountiful harvests from the seeds planted over 300 years ago.
Liam_snorkel said:
Need to swap 'Obama' with 'congress' in the title of this thread for it to make sense.
Disagree with that Liam, a Presidents role is to take leadership and initiative, and now it seems he is, he is now considering an executive order to bypass congress.

While listening to Neil Mitchell yesterday he interviewed an ex member of a swat team, who said the most guns they ever found on a bust that she was on was 10,000 in one house in South Carolina!
She did say they can never get all the guns off the street and also said that what they find in the police service the crims have better fire power than themselves, these will be the weapons they should be targeting.
Liam, you are banging your head against a wall. You can't argue realities with people who have an unshakeable starting point that Republicans are good and Democrats are bad.
No goomboogo I am not arguing that Republicans are the good guys, in my opinion they are further right than I would like, and they are the fly in the ointment as far as the gun control is concerned, one would like to think common sense would prevail, but seemingly not.
American is a direct democracy and thinking that the president or any one else in politics has the power to change the gun laws over there without the people's blessing is wrong

I think the only reason little johnny was able to implement the gun buy back thingo was that we are a representative democracy and he could put things in place without the publics consent

I know everyone thinks out country is the smarter one when it comes to gun laws and controls but I don't know if anything would have been done if we actually had a say on the matter way back then

Direct democracy only works when the people aren't retarded

That's why Switzerland works well under the direct democracy system and the US doesn't I think

They need to change how the people think if they want to change anything and as far as I can see the people don't want anything to change

They must be happy with how things are

Bless them