Mayor of Pooptown
I deleted it because I realised referencing to a site that's spruiking a product isn't the greatest idea
I Got caught up in internet argument nonsense...
I personally ferment cider in 5 litre batches in a demijohn so I use a airlock
I'm looking at doing some 23 litre batches soon as I've just acquired 3 more kegs so I'll do some experimentation with airlocks and with gladwrap
Might even try to obtain/borrow some equipment to test oxygen levels
I Got caught up in internet argument nonsense...
I personally ferment cider in 5 litre batches in a demijohn so I use a airlock
I'm looking at doing some 23 litre batches soon as I've just acquired 3 more kegs so I'll do some experimentation with airlocks and with gladwrap
Might even try to obtain/borrow some equipment to test oxygen levels