Iron Brew

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heres a chance for you gun brewers
this would be right up on the doctors list

Which doctor? There's at least 3 here regularly.

You seem to have a preoccupation with competions and performing tests to prove that one beer is better than another. Can't you just relax and brew and drink beer that you like without having to feel the need to prove that your beer is the best.
So speedie are you entering it?

or are you just full of sh!t with your knowledge and $600 tools :rolleyes:

Bum in a dribble shit parade :lol: :lol:

Not commenting on the accuracy of the statement, just laughing my ass off. :D
so its a clone brew comp? not exactly 'iron chef' comparrison. but good enough.
so which of you AHB sandgropers is entering?

Kev - I think Bum was on your side.
CM2 was spot on there, Kev. I wasn't having a dig at you at all.

For the record: no, I am not entering a comp to clone a beer I've never had. I'm not terribly motivated to enter comps of any kind to be honest.

[EDIT: removed Kev's quote]
CM2 was spot on there, Kev. I wasn't having a dig at you at all.

For the record: no, I am not entering a comp to clone a beer I've never had. I'm not terribly motivated to enter comps of any kind to be honest.

bum; apologies are in order. I totally mistook that and now I reread it, I am wrong. Teaches me for posting quick responses while doing other things. Your response back is a credit to you, rather than becoming an Internet tough guy; you accepted my mistake.

No problem, Kev. My post might seem a little vague to anyone unaware that speedie and I have a history of sorts and I can see why you might think I'd jump down your throat for no reason.
Bugger, I thought this post was to clone IRN BRU, used to love that stuff in the UK - it actually outsells Coke in Scotland and is recently well known for its outrageous totally non PC outdoor advertising hoardings :lol:

IRN Bru made from girders. I always thought it tasted very similar to 'Tizer' :icon_offtopic:
this whole thread's off topic :D

Tizer is great, a few years ago our local IGA imported a heap of tizer and dandelion and burdock for the retired Pom community here. In Sydney it's also available from the UK shop at Warringah Mall (if they are still going) - I'll grab a few when I'm down there next.
Irn bru is great.

never had iron brew but keen to have a go at brewing it. I do find it fascinating that the details have only just come out for it and its an old ale referencing aged characters :huh:

Looking at the ingredients list with a high charge of pale malt with generous proportion of dark crystal and a touch of roast along with a high mash temp, it would be quite a challenge to make the beer drinkable without being cloying.

Also interesting that the old ale recipe refers to a judicious use of crystal while the Iron Brew refers to generous use of dark crystal. very different things.
heres a chance for you gun brewers
this would be right up on the doctors list
Come on guy's this is a legit competition and should be given a go. We need to get this info out to all the brewers that are interest so if you can hold back on the OT stuff its appreciated. I am in a small way helping promote this comp at a later stage when the recipe details are given out.
No association with speedie etc yada yada
Yes, sounds a bit like my Old Speckled Hen attempt, on steroids :beerbang:
Not too sure about that blackstrap molasses, but I can see a shedload of caraaroma going in there. :icon_cheers:
On topic, GB - how do you register an expression of interest, or will that be after Christmas? Looking at the specs so far I reckon that my Gryphon Bag is well up to the task :)
Interested to see that up until the Overall Impression section it's word for word the BJCP guidelines for an Old Ale but there is no reference to the BJCP.

Even the AABC acknowledges that the vast majority of the style guidelines for the comp are straight from the BJCP.

Not a big fan of plagiarism. <_<
On topic, GB - how do you register an expression of interest, or will that be after Christmas? Looking at the specs so far I reckon that my Gryphon Bag is well up to the task :)
I have spoken to Matt at the Sail and Anchor and he was saying that at the moment they are getting all the recipe history (this beer hasn't been brewed since 2002) info together like malts hops and yeast. This will be made available to the brewers when they enter and pay their $10.00.
The comp will be very much Iron Brewer style with all brewers using the same ingredients etc , or at least this is how I understood it.
I will pass on the info as it becomes available. Get your bag ready ! :p
(Edit) Dam forgot the most vital piece of info this is a CLONE competition hence the handing out on recipe specs.
I have spoken to Matt at the Sail and Anchor and he was saying that at the moment they are getting all the recipe history (this beer hasn't been brewed since 2002) info together like malts hops and yeast. This will be made available to the brewers when they enter and pay their $10.00.
The comp will be very much Iron Brewer style with all brewers using the same ingredients etc , or at least this is how I understood it.
I will pass on the info as it becomes available. Get your bag ready ! :p

might have to jump in on this sounds like fun... keep us up to speed
Cheers :icon_cheers:

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