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:icon_offtopic: 'Tis a tough life in Adelaide when our swill is Coopers.

If i interpreted Sinkas comments correctly then.......

Do you tell your mate what food to eat, clothes to wear, cars to buy etc.

Rather than trying to jam your opinions down your mates throat why not offer them a beer or yours and take it from there. If they dont like it aks them why.

I have mates who wont touch my beer as its HB while others love it. Dont let it bother you.


Dont get me wrong. I still drink the swill when im with me mates as thats what they drink and i enjoy having a beer or 2 with mates. But when i buy beer its allways something nice. I just dont understand why they would choose TED's over CPA. Here in adleaide CPA is cheaper then TED's

Really? Ive got to the point where I cant drink swill any more, it just all tastes like sugar and more sugar with a sweet finish, :icon_vomit: Here in NZ we dont really have anything mid range like JS, its either mega swill or craft beer which is a PITA seeing as only a handfull of bars sell craft beer, leaves me drinking bourbon or scotch instead of a decent beer...

What ive found, with really bitter citrusy beers, girls can enjoy them more than mega swill drinking guys, like a Pale Ale I did, OG 1042 IBU's 74 ;) Now I have a few girls at work repeatedly asking me for my "fruity beer", and I even moved a guy into HB with that beer... So some people just have a taste for extreme bitterness, but they wont know till they try it... Even one of my mates had one of my bitters the other day and looked at me "not as bitter as I would normally like" :lol: This coming from someone who used to drink nothing apart from Lion Red hahahaha
Do you tell your mate what food to eat, clothes to wear, cars to buy etc.

Rather than trying to jam your opinions down your mates throat why not offer them a beer or yours and take it from there. If they dont like it aks them why.

I have mates who wont touch my beer as its HB while others love it. Dont let it bother you.
I don't mind what they do really. Like I said before I'm more than happy to chip in for a case with mates but I'd rather it not be something thats, IMO, pretty average. I enjoy buying a case with mates, but lately I've been taking a bucket of HB around when we're going to have a few beers. I like what I brew, yes, but I'd still like to be chipping in for a case of decent stuff with the boyz. If they don't want to thats fine, I'll just keep drinking HB :icon_cheers:

As for feedback, I get a bit from both sides of the fence and I figure thats fine. Only really unanimous decision I've heard as to my brew being good was when I do a stock Coopers Cerveza kit with a BE2, or a Lager kit with 500/500g LDME/Dex. Everyone likes those, just I'd rather be brewing something else. As before, if they don't like what I brew I don't mind, but feedback - whether it be good or bad - is always welcome.

Cheers - boingk
I enjoy buying a case with mates, but lately I've been taking a bucket of HB around when we're going to have a few beers.

I hope the bucket you're filling up looks better than this one. Turning up with something like this full of beer may be contributing to your friends reluctance to drink flavoursome beer!!


:icon_cheers: SJ
Bugger it!
Throw 'em in the deep end and serve nothing but Rodenbach and Cantillon. :icon_drool2:
You gotta start somewhere...

Stick a carton of both in your beer fridge and I'll be there on Friday !! :icon_cheers:
:icon_offtopic: 'Tis a tough life in Adelaide when our swill is Coopers.

If i interpreted Sinkas comments correctly then.......

Do you tell your mate what food to eat, clothes to wear, cars to buy etc.

Rather than trying to jam your opinions down your mates throat why not offer them a beer or yours and take it from there. If they dont like it aks them why.

I have mates who wont touch my beer as its HB while others love it. Dont let it bother you.



Exactly, its very Australian to totally undervalue ones own perceptions and idea particularly if they fail to resonate with ones mates.

I think tis fine to expose others to new and interesting beer, but craft beer is despite the fact it s a pretty trivial thing, a prgressive idea, and most people wont like it just for that reason.

It amazes me that here in WA, where political conversation is taboo, that the craft brewing industry exists at all.
I gave a reasonably respectable mate a vintage (I think that this was in about 2001) and he looked all disgusted and called it "dirt water".

Oh well. He still sticks to his Becks and we are still friends, but I am not going to exercise my wallet in futility trying to feed him expensive commercials that is for sure.

I have no desire to brew something like Becks unless there was a party, but even then, I'd rather just buy it and save my energy and time for something tastier (to me).

But then I have other friends that you can see have a spark of interest. My GF gave a friend an APA of mine, she said that she loved it and said it was similar to Hahn Premium.. even though she was waaaay off the mark, she can always have more of my beer because she at least tried to evaluate it and give me some feedback. Hahn Premium indeed.
You just have to put a good spin on this place, most people here are incredibly helpful. I guess just like anywhere you get the odd jerk.

You really have to wonder why he bothers...I know my time is worth more than trying to make people feel crap.

What's crap is my sister is just getting into homebrewing and I told her to come here and ask questions. I just know that if she gets a nasty reply like that she'll never be back.

There is only so much I can listen to about one of my friends that likes motor bike riding, I had a double once but it didnt make me feel like buying a motor bike! Scrap booking is not my thing either but Ill look at there book. It's our hobbie and that is why we have AHB as we are interesting in craft brewing. I have a mate that comes around and will happily try my home brew but then he goes straight to the fridge and grabs a Emu Bitter he loves the stuff. me personally that is one beer I wouldnt drink if it was the last one left in the world but I dont pass judgement on him. His not my friend due to beer choice!

If you think that is Sinkas being rude geez! I've being on AHB for two years and never got a rude post directed at me by Sinkas. We have seen this thread so many times before with just another heading. Commerical beer vs Craft beer.
I hope the bucket you're filling up looks better than this one. <cue nasty looking bucket pic>

WHAT? Where'd you get that pic of my bucket from? :D

Nah, just one of those 9L square mop-bucket things with stubbies and ice in it.

But then I have other friends that you can see have a spark of interest. My GF gave a friend an APA of mine, she said that she loved it and said it was similar to Hahn Premium.. even though she was waaaay off the mark, she can always have more of my beer because she at least tried to evaluate it and give me some feedback. Hahn Premium indeed.
Kinda like a girl I knew at uni who fancied a taste of the porter I brewed. I wasn't expecting a good response, but she said she liked it and that it tasted faintly of strawberries. She sure surprised me, and gave interesting feedback too. Couldn't for the life of me pick the berry taste but it was interesting to hear her opinion nonetheless.

I think tis fine to expose others to new and interesting beer; but craft beer, despite the fact its a pretty trivial thing, is a progressive idea and most people wont like it just for that reason.

Bing! Exactly my point. Just wanted to know what a good stepping-off point was. Meanwhile, might just enjoy a hearty brew myself.

Cheers - boingk
Really? Ive got to the point where I cant drink swill any more, it just all tastes like sugar and more sugar with a sweet finish, :icon_vomit:

Yeah mate i drink the stuff. On Sunday I ended up drinking a few stubbies of West End Draught. Now before my home brewing days west end was a choice i would happily drink but Sunday it was hard. Not like i will bag my mates for drinking what they like. They dont do it to me but like boingk it would be good if they would accomodat my choice every now and then when we are buying cartons. But i love beer in all forms just like how i love woman :icon_drool2:
I have mates who constantly choose to drink Carlton Premium Dry in bottles or Carlton Draught on tap. How they call that Carlton dry stuff "premium" is beyond me? I have tried in vain to get my mates to try even a JS Golden Ale, which mind you is on tap at 3 venues that we regularly visit. But no way! that James Squire stuff tastes like S*&$, is the common response! So its Carlton dry in a bottle or carlton draught on tap, nothin else!! I guess I used to be like that not that long ago before I started to home brew and actually had an appreciation for what goes into a good beer and stopped to think what I was actually tasting. However, just because I did something doesn't make it right!!

When my mates taste my beer on tap at home ( which is set at 5 deg C) I get told, "it aint cold enough". Not only do my mates prefer beers with an absolute minimal taste, but they prefer to eliminate any taste at all by reducing the temp of said beverage to sub zero temp's. AAARRRGGGGHHHH, frustration!!
I have tried to explain how the temp of beer will determine how much you can taste, however I stop myself short of appearing as a beer snob. I respect their wishes however, and simply hope that they will venture from their narrow mindedness eventually

I think that when some people drink they really like to switch off, and I mean SWITCH OFF!!, but hey dont we all. But when our taste buds detect an unfamiliar taste, it causes our brain to act and makes us think!!! hey what am I tasting? Most people, I feel, just dont want to think about what they're drinking and are therefore happy to continue consuming only beverages that are well known to their tastebuds. Well thats IMO.
If you think that is Sinkas being rude geez! I've being on AHB for two years and never got a rude post directed at me by Sinkas. We have seen this thread so many times before with just another heading. Commerical beer vs Craft beer.

KT you are a legend. A woman not scared to get into the fight and defend a mate who copping some flak (but not necessary girl cos he's giving better than he's taking but I'm sure he knows you have his back) but you gotta stand by your mates. You'll do me !

I'm typing this whilst drinking a VB, not cos I love the stuff but it was a tipple of a fine old man of 80 plus years who sadly passed away last night. Each gulp illicits memories of one of the finest men I've met. And yet he never once wanted to taste my home brew. When offered, he'd politely say something such as "I am happy drinking VB - I'm sure your beer is fine, but you can't get happier than happy". So when he visited, there was always a VB in the fridge for him and several other mates like him. I'd drink my HB and he'd drink my VB.

So when your mates reach for their Carlton Premium Super Drys, their TDs, Fourex, Tooheysnews, even an old favourite Emu Bitter (my favourite brew in the early to mid 1980s when living in Alice Springs), remember my mate Phil's philosphy - If your friends are happy drinking their beer of choice, they can't get more happier. I'll keep drinking VB the rest of the day and love every drop cos I'm drinking for my mate.

Sinkas - I don't agree with what you said to start this storm in a schooner glass donneybrook, but I'll defend your right to say it !

Luv all from this beer soaked philospher.
There is only so much I can listen to about one of my friends that likes motor bike riding, I had a double once but it didnt make me feel like buying a motor bike! Scrap booking is not my thing either but Ill look at there book. It's our hobbie and that is why we have AHB as we are interesting in craft brewing. I have a mate that comes around and will happily try my home brew but then he goes straight to the fridge and grabs a Emu Bitter he loves the stuff. me personally that is one beer I wouldnt drink if it was the last one left in the world but I dont pass judgement on him. His not my friend due to beer choice!

If you think that is Sinkas being rude geez! I've being on AHB for two years and never got a rude post directed at me by Sinkas. We have seen this thread so many times before with just another heading. Commerical beer vs Craft beer.

I agree, I've seen threads like these before. We've just been discussing threads that reappear in a martial arts forum I frequent as well. Certain threads are prone to recurrence, however that's not necessarily a bad thing as new members join who have different views and contribute different ideas. If you've seen the same thread a lot and don't want to participate in it then don't participate in it.

I don't particularly care about what sinkas says/does...he made a snide comment, I just replied politely and discussed the thread with people who were willing to.

The simple solution boingk is to keep doing what your doing and drink different stuff from your mates. You will get called a beer snob (I do), and I sometimes miss sharing jugs with them. As I said though I'm lucky in that most of my friends appreciate good beer.
KT you are a legend. A woman not scared to get into the fight and defend a mate who copping some flak (but not necessary girl cos he's giving better than he's taking but I'm sure he knows you have his back) but you gotta stand by your mates. You'll do me !

I'm typing this whilst drinking a VB, not cos I love the stuff but it was a tipple of a fine old man of 80 plus years who sadly passed away last night. Each gulp illicits memories of one of the finest men I've met. And yet he never once wanted to taste my home brew. When offered, he'd politely say something such as "I am happy drinking VB - I'm sure your beer is fine, but you can't get happier than happy". So when he visited, there was always a VB in the fridge for him and several other mates like him. I'd drink my HB and he'd drink my VB.

So when your mates reach for their Carlton Premium Super Drys, their TDs, Fourex, Tooheysnews, even an old favourite Emu Bitter (my favourite brew in the early to mid 1980s when living in Alice Springs), remember my mate Phil's philosphy - If your friends are happy drinking their beer of choice, they can't get more happier. I'll keep drinking VB the rest of the day and love every drop cos I'm drinking for my mate.

Sinkas - I don't agree with what you said to start this storm in a schooner glass donneybrook, but I'll defend your right to say it !

Luv all from this beer soaked philospher.

I would not call Sinkas a mate, not being rude only met the man once and did not know he was him until later.
And aware he can be truely offensive but it is what he does! It's just what do people expect!

I also like what you have written it makes sence why knock your mates for not having taste (who's taste) it's what they like! It's our hobby our beer not there's. Some of the most loyal beer drinkers are VB drinkers and the hardest to sway. I always offer my friends HB but dont get offended when they dont. Dont like to make my visitors uncomfortable when in my home and make them drink something they may not like. That's what I have Pistol Patch for and vice versa. See I don't like cucumber's and Im sure if it was organically grown with love in somebodies back yard I still wouldnt like it! They taste like catapillars! :icon_chickcheers:
See I don't like cucumber's and Im sure if it was organically grown with love in somebodies back yard I still wouldnt like it! They taste like catapillars! :icon_chickcheers:

So you have eaten catapillars??.... Ewwwwwwwwwe :icon_cheers:

See I don't like cucumber's and Im sure if it was organically grown with love in somebodies back yard I still wouldnt like it! They taste like catapillars! :icon_chickcheers:

good point

as my old man used to say there no such thing as bad beer - just good beer and better beer. His drink of choice is west end draught.

i have always approached drinking in my own way, not caring what anyone else thought of what particular drink i chose to try or how i chose to drink it, if i want to buy a mid strength commercial beer my first choice will be XXXX Gold as thats what i drank in Qld even though its frowned apon in SA even by people who arent home brewers or beer snobs.

the greatest debate in SA when it comes to coopers pale ale is to invert or not before opening to disturb the sediment? being a home brewer before i started drinking pale ale i was always confused as to why people inverted, leave the sediment settled on the bottom so you dont have to drink it, but open a pale ale in front of an SA without the invert and its anarchy! even though i have read articles in which one of the coopers (i think it was tim but cant remember) mentioned that they dont know why so many people invert, he doesnt, neither did his dad or grandad etc. but still regardless of how you are "supposed" to drink why not just have an independant thought and make a decision based on what you like rather than conforming to the masses.

being a beer drinker from way back the first time i tried red wine i didnt mind it but found i could enjoy it a lot more if it was served chilled. all the wine experts or wanna be expert snobs shouted bloody murder as i drank my cold red wine, that apprently is supposed to be served at room temp. so what do i do? drink the wine the way the snobs want me to even though i enjoy it less than when it is cold am i really that desperate for the acceptance of so called cultured people that i would do something i didnt enjoy just to conform to the snobs rules, I THINK NOT!

i always hang s#$t on the old man for drinking west end, but thats where it ends, i will always offer a JSGA, home brew or whatever else i am drinking that i think is a top beer, he will often try it but usually he just drinks his west end and is happy, i mean bloody hell he's been drinking beer for 45 years give or take i think he's entitled to his own tried and tested opinion.

as it has been said in this thread already, have a few beers on tap in bottles etc offer them if they are accepted and enjoyed awesome if not than whatever, let them drink what they want, it will leave more beer in the keg for you.

hope this novel has been as fun for you to read as it has for me to write, its Australia Day and im at work on a boring late shift (sigh) thank god for AHB :D

I had a mate (who moved to QLD) give me a six pack of XXXX Gold for a house warming present. I went and placed it in the backyard (exposed to the elements) and it sat there for 2 years. Made sure the sun hit it during summer!!!

Then the next time he was back in town, and extolling to us the XXXX gold is actually quite nice when you get used to it. I produced the original sixpack (i chilled it for 24hrs) and we watched him choke them down. Poor bastard was smiling through gritted teeth.

:icon_cheers: SJ
I know this is a late reply, but can I just say:
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Curiously, I drove past 1st Choice the other day and they were 'conditioning' a few palettes of mega-swill in exactly the same way! I only wish the marketing genius who invented clear beer bottles had invented a clear plastic case for the same...
good point
the greatest debate in SA when it comes to coopers pale ale is to invert or not before opening to disturb the sediment? being a home brewer before i started drinking pale ale i was always confused as to why people inverted, leave the sediment settled on the bottom so you dont have to drink it, but open a pale ale in front of an SA without the invert and its anarchy! even though i have read articles in which one of the coopers (i think it was tim but cant remember) mentioned that they dont know why so many people invert, he doesnt, neither did his dad or grandad etc. but still regardless of how you are "supposed" to drink why not just have an independant thought and make a decision based on what you like rather than conforming to the masses.

I don't invert Coopers Pale or Sparkling Ales. I offended a waitress at a restaurant last week by insisting she bring me out the bottle, not tipped. She argued that i was drinking it incorrectly (there is a wrong and right way to drink beer now?).

Sparkling ale sans yeast is a nice, clean refreshing drink. Not earth shattering but went down very well in the 40+ heat
I don't invert Coopers Pale or Sparkling Ales. I offended a waitress at a restaurant last week by insisting she bring me out the bottle, not tipped. She argued that i was drinking it incorrectly (there is a wrong and right way to drink beer now?).

Sparkling ale sans yeast is a nice, clean refreshing drink. Not earth shattering but went down very well in the 40+ heat

I don't mind if its served up either way, personally, but given the choice I would lean more towards the non-clouded version. Thats one thing I really can't get around - somone telling another how to drink a beer. Sure, tips on a glass appropriate for style or whatever are great, and appreciated, but not down to the level of dictating the actual intake of beverage. If you want to drink a beer, you wanna drink a freakin' beer. No worries!

I hoped you asked her how many beers she's had in the last week :icon_cheers:

Cheers - boingk
I don't invert Coopers Pale or Sparkling Ales. I offended a waitress at a restaurant last week by insisting she bring me out the bottle, not tipped. She argued that i was drinking it incorrectly (there is a wrong and right way to drink beer now?).

Sparkling ale sans yeast is a nice, clean refreshing drink. Not earth shattering but went down very well in the 40+ heat

Coopers Sparkling and Coopers Pale are what started me on beer! You could say they were my megaswill... gee did they help me through a bad defacto marriage (numb the pain)! I alway drank it out of the bottle. Left then started brewing Coopers Kits of cause. I had not touched a Coopers Sparkling or Pale ale in nearly two years until a month ago it was from the tap I hated it. I thought my tastes had changed (I was a little sad) ! I then tried it out of the bottle mmmmmm Im still me but i have broaden my taste! BUT still like my old faithful just the way it was introduced to me.

I could go one now... Im on the wagon after tonight... my head will be sore tommorow!

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