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i too have found my home brew supply dwindling rather rapidly after introducing friends to "craft beer", all of them professional mega swillers

now they don't even bother bringing their own beer to my parties, they just help themself to my supply, doh!!

the American Pale and Classic American Pils both went down well, a munich lager well received, but the American IPA caused some strange faces... 70IBU's was just too much.

(ps i went through a "brew everything american" phase)
I dunno...on the same day he gave a smart arse reply to one of my threads...he must've been having a bad day.

try to ignore them, the internets full of people like that. I just don't understand why you'd bother, it's a waste of everyones time. :angry:

Yep, got this intelligent reply after a post yesterday...kinda makes you feel welcome doesn't it :(

3rd worst thread in forum history
Yep, got this intelligent reply after a post yesterday...kinda makes you feel welcome doesn't it :(

You just have to put a good spin on this place, most people here are incredibly helpful. I guess just like anywhere you get the odd jerk.

You really have to wonder why he bothers...I know my time is worth more than trying to make people feel crap.

What's crap is my sister is just getting into homebrewing and I told her to come here and ask questions. I just know that if she gets a nasty reply like that she'll never be back.
You just have to put a good spin on this place, most people here are incredibly helpful. I guess just like anywhere you get the odd jerk.

You really have to wonder why he bothers...I know my time is worth more than trying to make people feel crap.

What's crap is my sister is just getting into homebrewing and I told her to come here and ask questions. I just know that if she gets a nasty reply like that she'll never be back.

There used to be a jerk that followed tomato growing forums a few years ago called chickenman. He did the same sort of thing and jumped on any newby questions and made folks feel bad. A few of us told him to piss off, and then he would report us, and we got banned.
He used to be into growing the biggest tomato he could ,so I grew a big one that was just over 2 pounds in the old scale and took a pic of it sitting on my electric scales. The weight on the scales read 2300gm which is about 5 pounds because I taped down the back of the scale.
This really put him out and we didnt hear from him for a while :D
There used to be a jerk that followed tomato growing forums a few years ago called chickenman. He did the same sort of thing and jumped on any newby questions and made folks feel bad. A few of us told him to piss off, and then he would report us, and we got banned.
He used to be into growing the biggest tomato he could ,so I grew a big one that was just over 2 pounds in the old scale and took a pic of it sitting on my electric scales. The weight on the scales read 2300gm which is about 5 pounds because I taped down the back of the scale.
This really put him out and we didnt hear from him for a while :D

Beautiful...I love it!
In terms of introducing mates to better beer I have made some guidelines to stick too.

First, not too bitter or they won't get it.

Second, something nice and hoppy smellling (APA i reckon are best) makes even the non-beer drinker happy.

Thirdly, don't let anyone who doesn't normally drink anything too different try less mainstream styles. (same principle as little steps). This third rule came into effect after a beautiful keg of porter was given **** by people who couldn't understand why it was dark :p and why it didn't taste like xxxx or the APA <_< ... WTF!!!! Anyone who had drunk darker ales before was impressed. Really split the party into two.

Only people who have dark beer are allowed my stouts and porters from now on, otherwise they have to taste it out of someone else first as I won't waste a whole glass.

I certainly feel I am converting more and more of my mates onto better beers though, even if it sometimes feels like an uphill battle.

Keep up the good work and spread the word :D
I have found that the best way is to offer to brew for some type of event. I brewed for a couple of christmas parties in the year jsut gone. Made some basic APA's, Irish Reds and the sort. Kept it to about 25-30 IBU's with not huge amounts in the way of specialty grain such as roast or smoked malt. The beers were reasonably aromatic as far as hops go but not bitter.

I found the majority of people where quite impressed and have been asking what other types of beer i do. This is then when i have been able to introduce beers with more character (not huge again) such as ESB's and Brown ales etc. Maybe by this time next year i can enjoy the beer at the christmas parties as i will have converted them to my porters and stouts.

Fingers crossed
<snip whole post> ...70IBU's was just too much.
:lol: I can imagine it would be, I've been told a bog standard can of Coopers Bitter was too bitter! Less, too. Its interesting what different peoples perception of things is, horses for courses and so forth.

<heavy post editing>I have made some guidelines.

First, not too bitter or they won't get it.

Second, something nice and hoppy smellling (APA i reckon are best) makes even the non-beer drinker happy.

Thirdly, don't let anyone who doesn't normally drink anything too different try less mainstream styles.

I certainly feel I am converting more and more of my mates onto better beers though, even if it sometimes feels like an uphill battle.

Keep up the good work and spread the word :D
Good guidelines, seems pretty much on the money I reckon. I never thought about hopping for aroma to please the masses, but thinking about it now I have gotten good comments about my stock Heineken-style recipe...perhaps due to its aroma and dry hopping additions, as well as it being a familiar style and not being too bitter. Surprise surprise, the three criteria you mentioned! May just have to expand on the range a bit now.

I know what you mean about the uphill battle, but we'll get there...eventually...

I have found that the best way is to offer to brew for some type of event. <huge snip>
Never thought to do this, may have to offer up a brew to mates on Australia day. I have an easy-going Wit which should fit the bill...hmmm...

Cheers guys - boingk
Good idea, Might try that on a couple of my mates...
Knowing my luck they'll think it is ***** and keep drinking crownies.
Bugger it!
Throw 'em in the deep end and serve nothing but Rodenbach and Cantillon. :icon_drool2:
You gotta start somewhere...
Found it's better to shut up and let YOUR beer speak for itself. Intellectualising beer is boring to the non convert. Have a few mates and relo's now who after a few at the pub say "this piss is a bit ordinary, you mind if we go to your place for a few". I'm happy that they have swung, they usually bring a few of the better commercials (usually JS) to leave in the fridge for me but drink my beer. Happy with that!

Yep, got this intelligent reply after a post yesterday...kinda makes you feel welcome doesn't it :(

I wont apologise for my quippular' retorts to silly threads, but the rude post in this thread was an attempt to highlight the futility of the whole upwardly-mobile bogan tradition of not having the self esteem required to take solace from ones' own interests, without wanting, (even if only secretly), to ram it down your "mate's" (or as maybe work mates) throats.[and have them gush and applaud you]

And Paddo, that was not even a thread you started, so why do you care?
I wont apologise for my quippular' retorts to silly threads, but the rude post in this thread was an attempt to highlight the futility of the whole upwardly-mobile bogan tradition of not having the self esteem required to take solace from ones' own interests, without wanting, (even if only secretly), to ram it down your "mate's" (or as maybe work mates) throats.[and have them gush and applaud you]

Christ lucky we have you about. We'd never be able to work out which threads were the silly ones ;)

Back to it then champ.
I wont apologise for my quippular' retorts to silly threads, but the rude post in this thread was an attempt to highlight the futility of the whole upwardly-mobile bogan tradition of not having the self esteem required to take solace from ones' own interests, without wanting, (even if only secretly), to ram it down your "mate's" (or as maybe work mates) throats.[and have them gush and applaud you]

Definitely see what your saying, but there are better things in life than VB and Corona and I'll be damned if I have to endure another case of it with mates if I can find a decent beer that they enjoy. If they think what I make is sh!thouse, I don't care. Its my beer and I make it primarily for myself, hence its their problem and not mine. Still, having a few brews with mates that a] aren't Coronas and b] don't taste like arse wouldn't be out of place.

Just ease up on the hostility front and say what you mean, next time, rather than smear the thread with a quasi-homosexual posting. Seriously, if you want to do that sort of thing just rock down to the local, order a skooneraNew and wait for a brawl to start. Plus just because my mates don't like a lot of what I would consider 'decent' beer, doesn't make them 'bogans'. All it means is we come from a smaller regional town where the majority of beer consumed is New, Old and VB; naturally we started drinking it and most didn't find a reason to change.

Cheers - boingk
I wont apologise for my quippular' retorts to silly threads, but the rude post in this thread was an attempt to highlight the futility of the whole upwardly-mobile bogan tradition of not having the self esteem required to take solace from ones' own interests, without wanting, (even if only secretly), to ram it down your "mate's" (or as maybe work mates) throats.[and have them gush and applaud you]

And Paddo, that was not even a thread you started, so why do you care?

I don't think anyone was asking for an apology (I care what you think :rolleyes: ), we were just commenting on how unhelpful some people can be. And judging by the number of helpful replies to this thread (and the one I started where you were a smartarse), you may be outnumbered in thinking it's a silly thread? There are easier ways to get people to see your point of view and judging by the eloquence of the above statement, you're capable of that, so why be a smartarse?

And Muggus...I bought a rodenbach once when I was out with my friends and they were interested by the smell. After a taste though, they were looking at me like I was some sort of freak. :lol:

boingk, I happen to be lucky that most of my friends love all sorts of beer, and several brew themselves, so I haven't really encountered that problem. But I've found most people like something like JS golden ale, which I'm convinced is because of the amarillo, so I'd start there for a pale ale. Every brew I do with amarillo goes down well.

Mind you if they're drinking corona and VB, then starting them with a good lager/pilsner/helles/kolsch might be the go.

Unfortunately my mates think decent beer is TED's or Carlton Dry or VB them types of beers. Every time they drink a flavoursome ale or lager they spit it out and say its yuk. Undeveloped taste buds. Its a shame. But hay more for me!
I recently had a mini keg of Konigspilsner in the fridge and cracked when a couple of mates came over. Both of them think they will stay fit by drinking hahn Super Dry (better than your average commercial beer i admit). One tried it and said "Smells like sh*t but tastes great. I said "German beers have more aroma hops and a better taste than Australian commercial beer"
Even the faomous Beer Hunter Michale Jackson said Australian beers have no taste.

I have found that that people seem to be offput by intense hop bitterness, usually anything, not too extreme with a bit of flavour will always wake up their taste buds

Id give them a Hefe or a Witbier to introduce them to a bit of flavour, then see how adventurous they go after that

How about this
Boring Lager --> Any German Wheat --> Hoegaarden --> Golden Ale --> Bright Ale --> then skys the limit.
But I've found most people like something like JS golden ale...
Yeah, a mate had a few of them as a gift from a family member - one of those 'premium beers from around the world' type things. Chucked 'em all in a bucket of ice and went golfing. He and another didn't go much on it, so went to the Imperial Cerveza. Better than Corona and a decent beer in its own right, but too little flavour IMO. Needless to say I wasn't to fussed at being made to drink the '****** beers'! I think the bet to go on so far is another something along the lines of a lager/pils etc as they seem to like that sort of beer. Maybe slip them a La Trappe Blonde, which is pretty easy going too.

But hay more for me!
Big Ten-Four on that one!

I gotta admit, I was a big fan of New before I found out about decent beer. Might have something to do with it being the first case I bought and drank, a couple of years ago. Stuck with the cheap commercial stuff for a while, then I tried things like Heineken, Becks and Stella. Then I started homebrewing, which owned everything after I found out a bit about using hops and yeasts and so on :D

Cheers guys - boingk
1st choise in Cairns has Pilsner Urquell for about 50 bucks a carton. VB is usually in the high 30's to 40's. I know the price puts some people off but for a little extra...
Besides Becks, Heineken, Stella etc is usually on sale for 40 a carton so why not?
Dont get me wrong. I still drink the swill when im with me mates as thats what they drink and i enjoy having a beer or 2 with mates. But when i buy beer its allways something nice. I just dont understand why they would choose TED's over CPA. Here in adleaide CPA is cheaper then TED's

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