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Welcome aboard, gotta meet up on the mead threads then. I've looked at starting a single hive in my backyard -- seems a bit expensive to kit out just for a single hive so guess it depends on how much mead I end up running through as I can buy quite a few 15 kilo buckets and then some from the farm 20 minutes up the road for what the local apiary supply house sells starter kits for.

where's butters? My airlock isn't bubbling either :D
Hi there brewers,
I've just joined the team here after lurking for a week and picking up some good tips from some of the threads.
After many years of brewin'/bottling, I made the switch to kegging and now on keg #2 with two more in the fermentors. Living in tropical Townsville hasn't seemed to have any adverse affects on the brews made recently with the fermentor temp averaging lately at around 28C. .
As Greg Simons posted yesterday, so far, most of my questions have been answered by scaning through earlier threads. Am still looking for any threads/tips about brewing in the tropics. Suggestions anyone??

Bottoms Up. :) Ivan.
Hi All

Glad I got pointed in this forums direction, Chappo gave me the link and here I am.

Along with 3 others I run one of the UK homebrew forums, - we're no where near the size of this forum yet but have picked up almost 500 members in 9 months.

I'm from the Midlands in England, drinking pints of Mild with my dad after playing in Sunday league Football matches got me into "Real Ales" - drinking a few of those and then home for a Sunday roast dinner was/is my idea of heaven!

I started with kits in 2006 and made my first AG beer in April 2007 - jumped in with a pale ale with a late addition of elderflower - I do still brew it - "Wezerection Easter Ale"

My current output is 60L which is good, it lets me fill 3x cornies per brew and a few bottles.

Favourite beer type is something pale & hoppy in the summer and a good old Midland Mild in the colder months.

Nice to be here

Hi All

Glad I got pointed in this forums direction, Chappo gave me the link and here I am.

Along with 3 others I run one of the UK homebrew forums, - we're no where near the size of this forum yet but have picked up almost 500 members in 9 months.

I'm from the Midlands in England, drinking pints of Mild with my dad after playing in Sunday league Football matches got me into "Real Ales" - drinking a few of those and then home for a Sunday roast dinner was/is my idea of heaven!

I started with kits in 2006 and made my first AG beer in April 2007 - jumped in with a pale ale with a late addition of elderflower - I do still brew it - "Wezerection Easter Ale"

My current output is 60L which is good, it lets me fill 3x cornies per brew and a few bottles.

Favourite beer type is something pale & hoppy in the summer and a good old Midland Mild in the colder months.

Nice to be here


Welcome Wez, didn't realise you wern't aware of AHB. Get some of your Pommie beer recipes up on our database, I'm sure they'll be appreciated from what I've heard about them.

cheers Ross
Welcome Wez,
Awesome to have you guys involved here on AHB. No doubt because of the time difference things will be a little disjointed. Hope catch you guys again next week on the chat.


Hi guys

I'm another Brewer from THBF and although I was born in POMland I'm now a practising Kiwi. I brew mostly Historic English Ales. I started brewing when I came over here as I couldn't find any decent beer. I don't drink lager much, too bland, too weak.

I'm one of the Original members of THBF-much to Wez's annoyance I won't go away even though I'm on the other end of the planet :lol:
I pretty much drink IPA's and cider through the summer and ESB style brews through the winter. I'm a customer of Ross's from Craftbrewer and think they are pretty much the best HBS out there.

I fish, I hunt, I brew, I photograph stuff. No time or inclination for anything else really
Hello Everyone,

I'm from N. St. Paul, Minnesota, USA. I've been brewing since 2006. I've got a little experience, and always, got a little to learn as well. I stumbled upon this forum in another forum and I thought I'd pop in and say hey. I keep hearing about the advances in Homebrewing that originate with the folks down under, so hopefully I can learn a little from you.

Glad to know you all.

Welcome Wez, didn't realise you wern't aware of AHB. Get some of your Pommie beer recipes up on our database, I'm sure they'll be appreciated from what I've heard about them.

+10 !

I love a good ale, from my time working in Bristol on secondment. Good times!

Welcome to the forum also Wez.

Morning guys (well it is here in the U.K)....not sure that's a good thing...I bet my head will hurt
I'm admin on and have come here via Ross at Craftbrewer and Chappo.
I've been brewing AG for 3 years and presently use a HERMS system to make my beer. As soon as I can figure out the board I'll upload some ya can't wait
About time Vossy1! Wez did say your a bit slow :lol: .


He's not far wrong C, though I seem to remember making his stainless copper/boiler for maybe not that slow :D
Glad to be here B)
Isn't he the Official AHB Welcome Wagon? ;)

:icon_cheers: SJ

I really hope Chappo hangs around. Welcome to you as well Chappo. There was this guy trevc who joined in May 08. Got straight into AG, growing his own hops, (all whilst on the millionth floor of a unit block on the Gold Coast) learnt heaps, gave good advice, >500 posts etc etc.
Then March 09 out of the blue "see you guys, brewing's not for me - I'm going sailing" AND sold all his fantastic gear.
I was sorry to see him go. Black arm bands for another HBer lost...

Now I'm not knocking trevc at all - its his life after all.

Chappo - if you go soon, dibs on the Sherman :lol: :lol:

Nah, mate, you look like a stayer. Keep up the good work!
Regards, mckenry.
Just joined up. Brewing cans with dex and malt for now. Hope to find recipes here for better brewing.

Cheers fellas.

Chappo isn't real. He's a welcome bot I programmed in LISP early last year after a binge marathon of watching Shaun the Sheep reruns ;)

Hi, I'm Brewer Pete and I'm a recovering drinker of beers of room temperature or only slightly chilled-a-holic...
Welcome aboard Richard.

There's plenty of recipes and advice/information here for improving your brews.

:icon_cheers: SJ
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