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Hi all,

My name's Tim, have been helping a mate brew for a good year or so. He has a full grain setup with a keg fridge, and I've enjoyed making (and drinking) the fruits of our labor so much I decided to kit myself out for some extract brewing in the bottle. Looking forward to trying out some new types of beer. My mum's side of the family are from Newcastle in northern UK, and I'm fairly partial to a brown ale, but want to try out some lager styles as well.

Great forum, looking forward to some learned advice!


G'day Farmer Joe. Welcome to AHB. Have fun.
Hello there,

Great site!! Have been reading some good articles here form like minded folk.

I am a real amateur brewer, got a kit a few years ago, made one brew & let it sit. Decided to spark it up again late last year & am getting quite into it now. I am using bottles at the moment, looking at going to a kegerator type system in the near future, soon as funds permit ;)

Am right into pale ale at the moment & trying to get a decent one going here, the heat is not my friend though, must look at a thermostat or something i reckon.

I live on the northern end of the Gold Coast, moved here 5 years ago from 'the shire' in Sydney.

Anyhoo, that'll do for now, look forward to sharing with everyone.

Welcome to AHB goldy,

As far as the heat goes, a thermostat on a fridge seems to be the way to go. Check out the site sponsors at the top of the page or search for "fridgemate". There are more budget ways to do it, with water baths and ice blocks and '100 can cooler' (search for that one too).

Generally, enjoy your stay here, and read lots.


Hi there all, just thought I'd say g'day.
Been reading threads for a few weeks now and getting some great information.
I'm a thoroughly inexperienced beginner in Perth.
Just made John Palmer's beginner pale ale and waiting for the bottles to be ready, think i may have been a bit overly hop-happy but we'll see.
Anyway thanks for all the useful discussion, this is a fantastic resource, I pity anyone who had to learn the art of brewing before the internet existed.
Hi Everyone

I'm Paul, and I've been lurking for a couple of weeks now, just picking up ideas - great site, smart guys, and quite often very funny!! I've smashed a down a couple of Coopers and Tooheys kits (apologies in advance if that offends any of the the snobs <_< ) now because I simply need something to drink :icon_cheers: !! I'm having a go at culturing some CPA yeast tonight, and shortly I wouldn't mind moving in to some of the extract stuff.

Welcome aboard Zook and TinyTim. Join in the fun, read the articles and keep brewing.

Welcome to AHB Tiny_Tim and Zook

Stick around and enjoy the ride. Read heaps and ask questions.

...(apologies in advance if that offends any of the the snobs <_< ) ...
Nah! You'll have to try harder than to get a bite Zook :icon_cheers:
Welcome aboard fellas!

The best thing, is that amongst all the giggles and farts here at AHB.....the information is invaluable!
Remember to use the search function, but don't be afraid to post even if you think it might be a stupid question.
It's all about brewing great beer! and if it is a stupid question, you might cop a dig in the ribs, but there's no harm done.

Cheers Beers,

Thanks for the welcome guys, I feel I'm among friends now :party:

Nah! You'll have to try harder than to get a bite Zook :icon_cheers:
LOL! Yeah, you're right...I've got I'm new here :ph34r:
Hey guys,

I actually used to be on this site, as well as homebrewandbeer, and grumpys forums lol, i just forgot my damm username, and im sure my email must have changed in the past couple years, so im back. (shame baout my post count starting over again lol)

Im ben from Adelaide, Northern burbs (paralowie) and have been homebrewing since about 2004, stopped brewing in 2007 and now im back on board. I actually had half my keg setup complete when i stopped last time, but now im getting back into it.

I was also curious as to wether anyone here has visited a U brew it store? There is one close to my place and i recently put down a Hogesgarden (see if you can work out what its a replica of lol). Main reason i went there, a:wanted to get back into HB, b: too lazy to clean my old gear up haha)

Also saw the new kegerator systems that you can buy complete, my my my homebrewing has advanced in leaps and bounds since i stopped last time! i was quite impressed.

Anyhow, hopefully find a heap more Adelaide brewers on here.

Btw: does anyone remember Wee_stu, Batz etc..... i remember having a brew day at stu's when batz was on his Australian tour but bugger me if ive forgotten everyone elses usernames (and real names for that matter lol)

Btw: does anyone remember Wee_stu, Batz etc..... i remember having a brew day at stu's when batz was on his Australian tour but bugger me if ive forgotten everyone elses usernames (and real names for that matter lol)

anybody remember batz... who is that bloke... :icon_cheers:
Welcome (back) Ben. The Adelaide homebrewing community is quite a lot larger than it was back then. If you're a mash brewer (or keen on moving up to mashing) you're in luck living up North as there's a quaint little shop called Beerbelly nearby, who has a great range of grains, hops, yeast and stainless steel brewing gear.

If you want to recover your old username... it might be possible to if you put your birthday on the calendar under your old username.
MAUOMBO here from Newcastle, NSW

beer brewing virgin. I have a brewing fridge and soon to buy tempmate. my first brew is to be Wazza's honey porter. bottled.

Hey everyone... it's been more than 10 years since I last made a brew, and if you'd tasted it you'd know why. After spending the last few weeks reading through this forum I'm amazed at the knowledge here, and I now see what went wrong in the past (poor attention to sanitisation, no temperature control, table sugar, you name it!).

What started as an idea to save a few bucks is quickly becoming an obsession... I've spent last couple of months collecting equipment from friends and family who've had a bash in the past but since given up, and finally started K&K fermenting today based on Swinging Beefs 'Best Kit I've Had For Ages' post (thanks for the inspiration mate). Hopefully this brew will be a lot better than the last one!

The plan for now is to get the basics right with a few K&K brews, then start looking at the more interesting stuff.

Hey Butters, it's been a few hours now and my airlock isn't bubbling yet... should I be worried? ;)
Welcome Westy you'll fit right in here.

Sounds like a solid plan there. I sure you'll be brewing beers that even your mates will rave about before you know it.
Welcome (back) Ben. The Adelaide homebrewing community is quite a lot larger than it was back then. If you're a mash brewer (or keen on moving up to mashing) you're in luck living up North as there's a quaint little shop called Beerbelly nearby, who has a great range of grains, hops, yeast and stainless steel brewing gear.

If you want to recover your old username... it might be possible to if you put your birthday on the calendar under your old username.

Cheers Adam, all sorted :) Back under my old name now :)
G'day guys. Just wanted to say hello as i'm new in town. I consider myself a novice at the hobby, but having a growing interest in it. A friend and I have been brewing for a couple years now. Just bought myself one of those $550 Kegerator and planning on getting a little more active in brewing. I live in the North East of Vic and a massive fan of Bridge Road Brewers in Beechworth. I guess my favorite beer would have to be the wheat.

Cheers and let the beer flow.
Welcome Aussieguy

Kegging and a kegerator is the way to go mate.

May all your brews be good!
Hi good people of brewing heaven. I have been getting around for a liittle while. Learnt some really handy bits and pieces I think biab would have to be the best thing so far. Will try to refraim from comment when I am pissed but its not that easy. I live on an island of the south coast of SA am a farmer bee keeper and mechanic. Have been interested in examining opperynities to value add my grain and honey and have ended up here. Have got 4 all grain batches down so far and the second was a cracker. Have learnt some thing new with every one and thanks to this resource I have had all my questions answered with out having to ask ( just look back through old threads). Ill try not to anoy any one and thanks in advance for your help.
Cheers Greg :D
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