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Hi my name is David,
I have been brewing kits for a few years now and have just recently moved up to the kegging system( which i love!!!). i am looking to move into AG in the near future, but like all newbee's am just getting the gear together. i would like to hear from people here on the gold coast to either join a brew club or start one, so any help in this area whould be greatly appreciated. My other passion is rugby league, after having lived in NZ for 16 years I am a Warriors fan, though I hail from parramatta asnd played all my juniors under them.

:icon_drunk: hope to talk soon
G'day all!
My name's Rod.

Been brewing for about a year now and have mostly brewed ales from k+k.
That said, I'm about to try my first extract (mix of DME and LME) brew soon and hope to get into full grain asap (baby steps first though..).
If you're part of a club around the eastern sub's of Sydney then would appreciate hearing from you. Really want to get some advice on equipment.

My other life is as an IT consultant and entrepreneur.
Sports: Sydney FC member; Waratah's and Wallaby's supporter; and anything to do with MMA.

Favorite beers are: Hoegaarden, Franziskaner Hefe-Weiss (Hell), James Squire Golden Ale, Coopers Pale and Sparkling Ales, Red Back Original, and Guinness- just to name a few...

Cheers! :icon_cheers:
Hi, i'm Pam.
i have NEVER brewed before but i'm looking into it and this seems like the place to be.
I dont know anyone who brews beer and most of my friends dont even drink beer so i'm gonna be pretty much on my own the whole way.

Ive been reading thru all the posts and info i can find on brewing to prepare myself, most of it goes straight over my head but i'm assuming once i get the kit and some good guide books it'll make more sense. >>> any suggestions would be great!

My two brothers and my dad pretty much brought me up drinking beer and i love it! tho my tastes are a fair bit more refined than theirs were lol. I love coopers pale, Haagan, James Squires and Beez Neez tho everytime i go to a pub i have to try the local beers. My local brewery (Five Islands) makes some good ones - particularly the peach and the longboard. mm yum.

Anyway thanks for all the info i'm getting from the site, i'm sure everyones help is going to be invaluable on this crazy journey i'm headed on.

Oh by the way i'm 23 and from Wollongong - bout 2hrs south of Sydney
Hi Pam,

Welcome to the site! There are a few guys around from the gong, so hopefully they'll pop up and introduce themselves. There is a stack of information on here, so don't be afraid of the search function (just put a '+' in front of every word or it'll give you some strange results). Feel free to ask questions too, although as they say... ask 10 brewers a question and get 20 different answers. :p
Big welcome Baby Brewer, you will love this site if you love beer.
Also there is a "ship load" of brewers in your area that can help you just put your location under your avatar, you are from the Gong, heaps of brewers there [or close by].
Hi all,

Having been a whiskey drinker for the past few years, I have just rediscovered my love for beer as I recently bought my first home (switched to beer for money reasons lol). I can never settle on a fav beer so decided to try home brew to one day perfect my own.

I havent started yet but ive bought some books and spent hours on surfing the net for info. I am probably going to start with a coopers micro brewkit.

I am mainly interested in brewing lagers. I have read the temp has to be around 10-14 degrees. I do have a fridge that im going to use but i dont think it is temp controlled. Any advice on keeping the temp right would be great.

Thanks guys
Floody, check out the sponsors above for their temperature controllers. I use the fridgemate and I'm very happy with mine.

I'm Nate and only recently discovered the site after searching for a good source for home brew info. What a find! I'm keen to start getting involved in home brewing myself and hope to pick up a lot of tips along the way. I'm most definitely a hop head and love IPA's as well as Imperial Stouts are my favourite styles.

Look forward to chatting with everyone.
Ive been reading thru all the posts and info i can find on brewing to prepare myself, most of it goes straight over my head but i'm assuming once i get the kit and some good guide books it'll make more sense. >>> any suggestions would be great!
Hi Pam,
THE BOOK to buy would have to be:

How to Brew by John Palmer

Recommend getting that 1st, reading it, THEN brewing your first beer.

Gday all!

Me names Phil (Macgoo) and I have been breweing on and off for just over 10 years. I got my first kit when i was 18, and tried (and failed) to compete with my grandad to better his homebrew (once saying i brewed a stout, peeled off the label off a Guinness, recapped it and said try this, to which he replied "Not as good as a Guinness!)

The last year been getting back into it, and thanks to you guys getting alot better. Last week got my first keg system, and last night poured my first pint!

In my fermenter atm, is my first brew containing liquid yeasts and hops that aren't pre-packaged..

Cheers for the recipe's (the JSGA is planned soon!!)

Thought I better introduce myself...

My name's Mark, I'm from Brisbane and with the help of 'kram' from here I'm getting into kegging.

I've got a small amount of home brew beer experience from growing up watching my pop brew and also finishing off his last brews after he recently died. Also I used to own a still and err... purify a whole lot of water... back in the day.

Recently bought a chest freezer and 4 kegs. Got the kegs for $40 each!

Have my first ever real batch bubbling away in my brew fridge at the moment. It's a partial.

Basically I've decided to not bother with kits or bottles and just go to partials and kegs, and hopefully early next year will be doing brew in a bag all grains.
G'Day all!

This site was strongly recommended to me by some mates, namely peas_and_corn and RussTaylor, both of who have been showing me the AG ropes recently - and got me hooked.

When I'm not brewing, I'm a physicist (can you tell yet? B) ). I've recently become involved in a few beer & wine clubs. I started K&K brewing about 6 years ago, but put it all on hold for a few years when I figured I didn't have the room (seems I was wrong). Got back into it with partials and am now keen to set up my own AG equipment (with a lot of help from this forum I reckon :beer: ).
Looking forward to a lot of great beers.

Cheers! :icon_cheers:
Welcome QB!

The people who contribute to this site make it the resource it is - sometimes marvelous and sometime painful.

Choose wisely young jedi. There is a wealth of information at your fingertips - just remember to enjoy the brewing along the way.

(But on another topic you have inspired me to change my signature.)

Happy Brewing,

Ivan here: Sparky from SA, I'v been brewing on and off for five years.
I started with extract kits, progressed to partials, and have currently brewed six all-grain batches.
None of those I am really proud of, but this just makes the drive stronger.
Too many favourite beers to mention; I appreciate all well-brewed beer.
Currently I am designing/building a 40L brew system which will hopefully make
the all-grain method quicker than before, more reliable, & more rewarding.
Cheers all. B)
Howdy all,

My name is Glenn and i am a brewer down here in Victoria. I just jump on here every now and then to keep up with industry news or to find out what every one is drinking or Brewing. I started with Kits about 9 years ago and moved into full grain about 5 years ago . My home brew equipment just gathers dust now as when you got to work and brew all day you don't feel like brewing when you get home.Must same i am becoming more and more impressed with the great beers coming out of a lot of Australian breweries and love the fact more and more people are drinking and brewing more interesting beers. We just all need to convince the young kids coming through to drink beer and Alco-pops.

IPA ( Glenn)
Welcome, Ivan and Glenn. Interesting to see some experienced, even professional, brewers joining up. Where do you work, IPA? And shame that your AG beers haven't been too great so far, Ivan. I'm sure you can find lots of information on here to help you work out what's going wrong. :icon_cheers:
Ivan here: Sparky from SA, I'v been brewing on and off for five years.
I started with extract kits, progressed to partials, and have currently brewed six all-grain batches.
None of those I am really proud of, but this just makes the drive stronger.
Too many favourite beers to mention; I appreciate all well-brewed beer.
Currently I am designing/building a 40L brew system which will hopefully make
the all-grain method quicker than before, more reliable, & more rewarding.
Cheers all. B)

Would I be right in saying that I think you are only just around the corner. If so will be brewing here on the 29th.. Irish red I think..

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