Hi Folks,
I'm a relative newbie. Used to home brew in my youth and am taking it up again. Just starting with the basics, canned extracts, etc. My first brew is bubbling away as I type. Anyway, I've ambitions to learn the genuine craft, so hopefully you'll see me asking questions that range from plain dumb to insightful (but maybe still a little dumb). And if I ask a question that has been asked a million times, well, it's a big forum.
G'day brewers
Been lurking here for quite a while so i thought i better say hi.
Started brewing around 5 years ago.. kit & kilo.
I was never happy with the beers i made, (total lack of knowledge)and gave up brewing for a while until i came across this site!
Started reading everything i could and decided all grain brewing would be the go.
Gradually got all my equipment together and made my first all grain beer last may ( English Bitter )
I was blown away at the quality of beer you can make when you put your mind to it.
No looking back now i must say!
Thanks to everyone who has posted valuable info on this site, helped me immensly.
G'day fellas,
Welcome to the obsession.
Aces...I assume you play the game of the same name? Havent been up for a while myself, whats the new superfortress like?
Or maybe he plays cards rather than flying games (assuming that's what the game is from your reference...)Aces...I assume you play the game of the same name? Havent been up for a while myself, whats the new superfortress like?
Aces High II by HiTech Creations - WW2 on-line flight sim. (no association, just an avid gamer)
Basically, jump in a WW2 plane of some description and fly around to shoot other poor unsuspecting souls out of the sky.
B-29 Superfortress is an American bomber. The one that was used to drop the nuke on Japan. They only just got around to finishing the modelling and incorporating it into the game. Apparently it holds a huge pay-load and can wipe out entire bases in one pass...But as I said, I havent had a chance to play for a while so wasnt sure if the reports where true and accurate and thought you may know what its like.
By the response provided however, I would hazard a guess that you dont know what im on about and probably think im a bit of a nerd for being into such games. Which is fair enough...![]()