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Peter, you should know what the AHB community is like. I'd like to think we're a fairly decent bunch of guys and girls who have reasonable tolerance.

I personally disagree with the line "dont be afraid to ask questions, even if they can be found with a search". Try searching first, perhaps using slightly different keywords and if the question remains unanswered then start the new thread.

As for multiple tangential posts in quick succession...

My wlecome remains and I hope I'm mistaken.
i agree chippy i aint a troll. i just lve just been bitin by the brewing bug
brew on and prosper fellow brothers in brewing.
"I agree with NRB, ask your questions. But first try the search avenue."

the only question I have yet to find an answer to is, what the hell does SWMBO stand for.

If you do a search for it , every god damn post gets returned.

Has me stumped.
jase0_1 said:
g day is life .love this site as i have learned every thing i need to know.brewing rules.
You'll still be learnin' with your last breath. Sorry,
troywhite said:
"I agree with NRB, ask your questions. But first try the search avenue."

the only question I have yet to find an answer to is, what the hell does SWMBO stand for.

If you do a search for it , every god damn post gets returned.

Has me stumped.


i'll put you out your agony - swmbo = she who must be obeyed....

need i say more...
Hey lads - another newbie brewer. I've had the Cooper's kit for 5 weeks and run a lager, real ale, draught, dark ale & have a mexican cerveza on at the moment. Found my way to the brew shop yesterday to have a Pilsener ready for the next brew. I think i'm obsessed, i've been dreaming of brewing!!

I'm enjoying the site.... Cheers! :chug:
Hi guys,
I joined a couple of weeks ago but have only now found this thread. I am on the mid North coast of NSW (Taree/Port Macquarie area).
I have been bitten by the brewing bug and cant wait to progress to AGB. What I want to know is when do you get time for brewing...I seem to spend all my wakeing hours reading all the great info in this site (I like to watch :p ). Like another newbie said a few entries back, I have found all the info I need to learn on 'how to brew' from this site...and have been drooling over J. Palmers book. Well done guys!!
I have already had the handbrake put on by SWMBO (thanks Ross) so I just show her pic's of Prof. Pils el al's AGB setups which puts my meager purchases into perspective (hopefully).


Welcome to the Crew (or is that grand cru?)

I'm sure you'll have plenty to do, just reading here. But you know it's about more than than; it's about participation. Yes,...brewing. And, of course, evaluation and quality assurance.

Where do you find the time? Like any brewer, you cannot find the time. You have to make the time to brew. I'm sure many will agree that you need to set aside a time and commit to it. You can guarantee that there will be distractions.
You may only be making kits now, and they take only a small portion of the time that is required for an all-grain brew.

The main thing is to ensure that you brew enough for your needs. It may pay to quickly establish a simple recipe that you enjoy. Then you can make it in the in-between times. You know, to fill in the gaps between experimental, I might like this-but not certain -what I am gonna drink if it's cr@p, batches. You will go off the boil (pun intended) if you can't supply yourself with a palatable beer.

Feel free to use the pm function to chase recipes or any questions you choose to pursue. People will let you know if they are the experts you seek, or where/ who else to investigate.

Here's to U with an all-grain American Pale Ale (based on Skunk Fart) in my Arrogant Bastard Ale- "Fizzy yellow beer is for wussies" pint glass. :beer:

Note: If I were U, I'd do my first forum search for Skunk Fart. That'll keep U busy!

Cap'n Seth (arrrrr-ogant) :p
if you see pics of awesome brewing setups, don't get brew envy and let it put you off
it's just that most people don't publicise their basic setups because they plan to improve it soon/dreaming/never.

bottom line is: make beer and learn from the process, then ask some questions
pjw21 said:
Hey lads - another newbie brewer. I've had the Cooper's kit for 5 weeks and run a lager, real ale, draught, dark ale & have a mexican cerveza on at the moment. Found my way to the brew shop yesterday to have a Pilsener ready for the next brew. I think i'm obsessed, i've been dreaming of brewing!!

I'm enjoying the site.... Cheers! :chug:
PJW21. Dreaming of brewing is ok.Waking up constantly during the night with new ideas for yr system is not so good.Welcome to the best hobby a bloke could have.
Cheers Glenn.
Hiya guys.
I think I'm new here. (!!?)
I've been Lurking around here as a guest for awhile(and at Grumpys), but
I could have sworn I registered here a while ago so I could use the search function.
I can't find any evidence in any of my email accounts, so I guess it was one of those drunken stupor beer dreams.
I just sent an email to user 'Simon', who has made no posts and was registered around the time I would have, so If I get an email from me, then I guess I did register, If I don't then I guess he did! Make sense? LOL

Anyway, one thing I do know for sure, this is my first ever post here, so I am really a newbie anyway.

A little history: (I'll try to keep it brief!)
I started HB the day I turned 18 in 1993. I went to Kmart and bought myself a 'Wander' HB kit, sped home and got started. It was the 'Wander Premium Draught' can that came with the kit. I have absolutely no recollection of how it turned out, but It couldn't have been too bad coz I drank it all with my mates.
I did three more K&K brews in the following couple of months, two Wander and a Coopers, I soon lost interest as other things that grab 18 year old boys' attention..... grabbed my attention.

I didn't get back into homebrew untill late 2004.
My interest had been piqued again after visiting the Little Creatures brewery a few years ago, tasting and smelling great quality beer for probably the first time. Then a close friend started going to Dingo Brewing(one of those extract brew-on-premises joints) in mid '04 and doing IPA's, suddenly I had the urge to start brewing again.

I'm not a big drinker, even tho I love beer. So I only did 3 canned brews in '05, all Coopers, two Stouts and a OPA. The first Stout was K&K, The OPA was Can+Extract and some steeped crystal. The last Stout was Can+Extract(Stout Super kicker from TWOC) with a partial mash to make it an Oatmeal Stout. Wasn't real happy with any of those, so decided I'd try All-grain.

My first all grain effort is still Lagering. I Did it in the first week of Dec'05.
It's an attempt at a Marzen using a Dave Miller recipe, tasted and smelt good at racking into Lagering(New Years Eve), so hopes are high. Should be bottling soon.
My second AG brew, an English Bitter by Dave Line(?) recipe, was done on the 13th Dec, hoping to have it ready for Xmas day. It was done as per recipe except for 3% wheat malt added for head, and NZ Hallertau substituted for the Fuggles('tis all I had at short notice, left over from first AG).
It was excellent!, my first real brew, with great head, great smell and great taste!! Theres none left(Doh!) so I have to do another in the next week or so. Methinks an IPA.

Unfortunatelly, I'm ill equiped for doing AG. My boil pot is only around 10L in size and
this limits me to doing small brews. I currently buy 6L bottled spring water, useing the water for sparging(the water is approx 5.5 to 6pH out of the bottle) and the bottle for fermenting! Works great.

The future is looking good, as soon as I'm back from Europe(incl. Germany, Belgium and the UK..... whee) in late march, I'll be buying a large brewpot and a 3-ring burner, thats if the trip doesn't send me broke!

AG brewing has done a quantum leap in my enthusiasm for brewing!
Anyway, enough blahblah, If I haven't bored you all to sleep, I guess I'll catch you in the forums!.

Chippy said:
Amen to that Proffessor.

Btw awesome setup you have. Tad Jealous I must say. Something to aspire to, and I cant afford 200K my moneys is never lazy and it generally runs away on me. Hang on, oh yeah I have a brewing addiction.
Thanks Chippy. It.s just because it's all new & shiny.Soon it will have to start earning its keep.I expect one of my boys to be brewing on it long after i'm dead so I consider it an investment.Well this is how I've explained to SWMBO. She is a very understanding woman.
Cheers Glenn.
Hi Guys, I'm Glenn.Should have posted here 1st but I'm certainly no IT expert and still having trouble working out how this site works.
I'm from outer eastern Melb.Wife & 3 grown up kids & self employed building fences (paling pickets gates) when I have to. :angry: It's a living.And I worked as a chef for yrs(this is where the creative urges come from I think)
Started brewing in 91 not long after the last little bundle of joy came along.I started for the universal reason- to save money.Tried nearly every tin of goo on the market in those days with the obligitory kg of white sugar.Well,thats what it said on the can & I was'nt going to argue with the experts! :unsure:
I just kept brewing & collecting long necks (mostly with snails in them) hoping something would taste even ok.( i was'nt going to be defeated-how hard could it be?)I settled on Coopers stout.Bottle conditioned for at least 4 mths.Still with the sugar.It was drinkable as a Portergaff.After 7 years of this I gave up.I was defeated and started getting rid of the evidence of my failure by filling up the recycling bin every week with MT long necks.I threw away nearly 300 B4 the madness ended :eek: No brewing for nearly 3 yrs.Then in 2000 we got internet.
I typed "beer home brew" into google & my life changed forever.
Started hunting 4 a good HBS & settled on G+G, even though it was on the other side of town to me.Just professional service & advice without the added condescension found elsewhere.John & Chris have been great.
Bought a 10lt & 20lt pot & took over the kitchen.You will only ever have 1 boilover in the kitchen-thats 4 sure! SWMBO gently manoevered my down to the shed so bought a 4 ring & a 2nd hand fridge.Suddenly mates could'nt get enough of the previously refered to "Ya home brew ****". I was convinced I was on the right track.
About 18mth ago I got the opp to build a brewery from scratch. So I did! :D
Now that all the construction is nearly over hopefully I'll be able to fire up the kettles and learn how to brew great beer & experiment to my heart's content :beer:
Brewing is a great hobby - infinitely variable & you can get on or get off wherever U like.I've decided that I'd like to go to the end of the line & see what I can brew.
I just need to give up the **** so the beer will taste even better & my life will be complete B)
Sorry 4 rambling on but it's been very cathartic.Must go.Sore finger.
Cheers Glenn
G'day Guys,

Well where to start... I guess a little history on my homebrew experience..

About 2 yrs ago I was thinking about starting my own homebrewing to save a little money on the beer I so loved.(Back then it was all the commercial crap I can't reallly stand today) Well as I thought about it a mate decided to buy himself a complete keg set-up. Not to be out done I did the same thing a week later. A step that was a little bigger than I was planning.

Unlike him I decided to learn about the craft of brewing. I started adding hops and grains and experimenting with what I was doing, where he was just using the cheapest method he could to create an alcoholic beverage. He used the No Name brands of Malt extract and the no mame kilo of sugar, where I was ordering Masterbrews from Grumpy's and learning how Hops made brews better and how different Yeasts made different flavours.

He drank a few beers a night, I drank alot. My other half started to get a little upset by this, so I sold my gear. After 6 mths of buying my own beer again I had to return to the art of brewing my own again. Now I drink less than I did when I first started, but it is also much better quality.

I am looking to move into partial mashing and then into my own AG. The more I learn about beer the more I want to brew my own special brews. When I have to buy my own beer I try to get a beer I have not tried before but have heard about. Just to broaden my knowledge.

I feel I am refining my taste to the English style ales and the german style wheat beers. A marked improvement from my fathers favourite.. VB..

well happy brewing to all

Craig :super:
I dont have much time so ill sum my beer-life up quickly.

*First beer (VB) aged 8/9 (didnt quite mind it)

*When my friends all started drinking I drank beer and pretty much hated it. I kinda forced myself to like it to look cool (ah peer pressure). Of course I didnt know then that the reason I hated it was because it was called Tooheys New.

*Turned 18 and drank macro for 1 and a half years.

*Was interested in collecting beer bottles so when I was at a BWS I bought a leffe radieuse. BEER WAS BACK BABY!

*Typed beer in google

*Signed up to Beer Advocate where I gained a huge interest in Craft Beer

*My dad gave me all his old HB equiptment

*About 200 Craft beers later (samuel adams, chimay blue, weihenstephaner heffe are some faves) I started visiting the hombrew topics.

*A AHB member pointed me here where I signed up.

*1 week later I layed down my first HB

*1 week later I sit here today sucking on a LCPA, planing how I will rack my first HB.

Life is Good! :p
homekegger1 said:
I started adding hops and grains and experimenting with what I was doing, where he was just using the cheapest method he could to create an alcoholic beverage. He used the No Name brands of Malt extract and the no mame kilo of sugar, where I was ordering Masterbrews from Grumpy's and learning how Hops made brews better and how different Yeasts made different flavours.
This reminds me of when I started about 20 years ago. A mate and I started out home brewing at about the same time. We were competing to see who could make the cheapest beer. He eventually won with his "u-beaut half a tin of home brand goo and a kilo of same brand sugar." Needless to say he had the cheapest "beer" but what I would call the the most mediocre drain cleaner: It only had the faintest hint of beer taste, a head that lasted long enough to put the bottle in the sink and resembled a fizzy watered down home brand mouthwash that had been left in sun for six months. He eventually gave up the home brewing due to "bad tasting beers" whereas I continued messing with different brands etc until the last six months where I finally 'escaped' the tin brew and went extract and finally all grain. The world of beer making is at my feet!!!
Hi people,
just thought i'd introduce myself,my nickname is wiggins.I have been brewing since 1990,but never gone past kit brewing,mainly because i'm lazy.I have just realised that homebrewing can be addictive,and i'm loving every minute of it. :p
Must be a common problem,you start with kits,get sick of the same flavours,then graduate to extract brewing,which lasts a few months,then comes the really big spender,all grain brewing.I liken it to cooking,you learn about a new recipe then expand on that a few weeks later,before coming up with you're masterpiece.
Welcome on board Wiggins. :)

After reading this forum for a while I'm sure you'll hone your skills quite well and have that A/G rig you've always dreamed of. ;)

Enjoy the ride.

Warren -
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