Hope last night was a good one.
Please post reports if you are feeling up to it.
I am recovering after an operation and couldn't make it. Bugger for me but hopefully will get some dregs on Monday at the platform bar.
This was an absolutely top night!
So many tasty beers. I was so busy drinking I forgot to hug a brewer
There should be plenty left for Monday. With 15 taps, 20+ beers and only sample size glasses I don't think we finished any... (really don't rely on my knowledge of what the end of the night was like though)
Particular highlights to me were:
Wig & Pen / Craftbrewer Obama IPA. Great malt backbone, a little roast edge and loads of fruity hops. Very well balanced big beer.
Burleigh Brewing Black Giraffe. Clean malt all the way through. Decent body with a nice coffee note that lasted all through the beer. One of the beers of the night even against some big beers.
Renaissance Choc Oatmeal Stout. Great sweet chocolate balanced by plenty of supporting malt. We were drinking this a lot at the end of the night. Some people felt the choc note was too syrupy and outweighed the other flavours but I don't agree. A really good beer.
Murrays Icon 2IPA. I've had this beer in bottles before but off tap reminded me again how good it is. Lots of malt backbone, balanced bitterness and plenty of flavour.
I tasted a lot of other good beers but they were the standouts from the beers available on the taps...
edit: Please note that it took me til Sunday to reply

This was partially because I was feeling very seedy yesterday, and partially because I had to go drinking again for a bucks. The first couple were touch and go and then the hair of the dog kicked in.
Back to Archive today for more celebrating the brewers.