Insects In My Hoegaarden!

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I think I saw a post somewhere in the past about these little creatures being attracted to fermenting beer. I have mine in a temp controlled fridge and they are getting in. Talk about determined.

Should I be concerned? I had a bit of a yeast blowout at day 2 so I think they are munching away on what is left on the outside of the fermenter. I can't see how any of them could get in and cause an infection unless they have tiny little snorkels and goggles to get down through the airlock.

Is it just me or does anybody else imagine a back garden full of scantily clad ladies of ill repute when they hear the word Hoegaarden?

Is it just me or is that fermenter chocka right to the brim? :blink:
Naa mate, that's just where the yeast tried to escape on day 2. Left **** all over the inside of the fermenter.
Definitely Krausen hit the roof!!!!

I'd do my best to get rid of the bugs around your fermenter. They have been know to take a swim, rather fall into liquids and die. I'm probably being overcautious, but hey, why risk it.

Thats a dark Hoegaarden! What kind of bugs are they Henno? - Its unclear from the pics. Are they crawling insects or fruit flies?

If you're happy they aren't in the fermenter just clean off the Krausen gunk and insects from the outside in the same way you'd clean a kitchen bench. Have a good look in your fermenter tap too. You don't want any of them being transferred to your bottles or keg.
It started out nice and pale as a hoe should but I added a can of morgans liquid wheat malt that was bloody dark. It was probably really old.

It appears they are fruit flies. I may give the outside a bit of a whack with some sanitising stuff. Buggered if I can work out how they are getting into a fridge though.
I suspect they are vinegar flies. They live off the yeast in rotting fruit (and the bottom of my drip tray). You don't want them anywhere near your beer - they are a very mobile and effective source of acetobacter infections.
A bloody spider fell into my Cider wort! Ferking thing! Not sure if I got all his legs or not, or infected the wort with my hands. Because of the hot water and bubbles I am not sure if he was dead or not. Maybe he came out of my shed kettle... hmmm

Spider Cider anyone? :p

