pressure_tested said:Have you looked into using lower fat cocoa? I understand Dutch processed is better?
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I re-sealed the one I opened last night so I could chill it and drink it, I'll get a few of the particles aside and see if they feel greasy or whatever.yum beer said:I prime my porter with 85% chocolate and it always gets a smear on top and some small floaty bits, not the best looking but its just part of adding fatty stuff to your beer.
Why not bottle the rest and see how that goes too?FuzzyDropbear said:Cheers mate, I'll do that.... bar the cheese.... haha, tastes and smells ok. Just the funky stuff on top.
I kegged the bottom 15L odd and we'll see how it goes.
Not a great idea mate.damoninja said:Why not bottle the rest and see how that goes too?
Well, that's a very good reason why!ben_sa said:Not a great idea mate.
Infected beer in bottles are like over primed bottles.
Can go bang very easily!
I wouldnt even risk it with PET. Enjoy the 15L in the keg asap!
So your fermenter is never going to be perfectly sealed up, when your wort and the surrounding air cools it sucks air and other rubbish in. Not a wise idea to leave a brew in a fermenter without yeast to populate it,macca05 said:Hey guys,
Think this could be my first infection. I did a AG brew on friday and finished about 9pm. Cooled it down but for some reason stopped at about 35C and added it to fermenter. I was going to put it straight into fridge to cool to about 18C but had one in there already so was meant to do it on sat. Sat became sun and sun became monday. This arvo and bottled the one that was in fermenter and was going to keep the yeast from that to add to the new one, but when I opened the recent ones lid, this was on top of it. No yeast even in there yet.
I took some out to inspect it and it did have a wierd smell but when I took these photos i had a sniff and it bloody burnt my nose. Was almost like CO2 but can this happen if no yeast is in there yet.
I think this one is destined for the grass. Dammit
Look very similar to what I got in my brewery. Iv'e lost a lot of gear because of it. I tried caustic in my 2 60L ferms and all plastic gear but its still there so Iv'e just chucked everything plastic. 200L of beer and probably $800 worth of gear. You don't want that **** in your brewery. Still waiting to see if its actually gone with this next batch in a new fermenter.FuzzyDropbear said:Hi guys,
Been a while since I've been on here. I've just been out to the garage to keg a Brown Ale, cracked the top of the fermenter and found this..... I've never had an infection before but this is definitely not normal. Do I just tip it and walk away?
It still smells ok, but I'm thinking I'd be better off erring on the side of caution.
Thanks man. I thought it didnt look good. Its my fault as I was lazy to bottle the one fermenter so i could reuse the yeast and the fermenter. I normally chill with the tap water running through my chiller in the boil kettle but as it uses about 400 ltrs of water I tried it a different way and put the chiller in a bucket with ice. Used two bags of ice and the water was still warm and it only got down to about 35C. Thats y i stopped there. Next time ill just use the water method as it doesnt cost that much for water, but at 4 bucks a packet of ice i think i would need 4 packets to cool it right down.damoninja said:So your fermenter is never going to be perfectly sealed up, when your wort and the surrounding air cools it sucks air and other rubbish in. Not a wise idea to leave a brew in a fermenter without yeast to populate it,
I only have room for a single vessel in my fridge and since I've been doing AG have had trouble cooling worts down quickly without an immersion chiller, so I've opted for the no chill method which is very almost free of air and sterile due to boiling hot wort touching all the sides.
I did one about 5 hours ago actually; still piping hot and won't be cool until at least tomorrow.
I don't know what it might be, maybe a wild yeast? But it doesn't look very yummy.
Thanks ferg,fergthebrewer said:If the yeast is in the fridge in a jug and not covered , I'd toss it too...
Next time put the slurry into a sanitised pet bottle or coke bottle..something with a lid..