Improving My Beer - Which Yeast And Asprin Taste?

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I've just started brewing and had a question about which yeast I should be using to improve my beers.

So far I've done;

Morgans Aussie Bitter + LHBS brew booster #3 (same as BE2 I think) + 12g pride of ringwood (steeped 10 mins) + kit yeast. This one is pretty good after 3 weeks. Better than the carlton premium dry that I was comparing it to at a party on friday night anyway.
My GF thinks it has a taste in it a bit like aspirin (I don't taste it though). Any idea's what it could be?

Morgans Canadian Blonde + LHBS brew booster #3 (same as BE2 I think) + 12g cascade (steeped 10 mins) + kit yeast. Still in the fermenter.

I've read on here that I shouldn't be using the kit yeast so I'm after an "all purpose" yeast that would improve the beers I'm making. I've seen "Nottingham" or "Safale US-05" or "Safale S-04" mentioned.....
US-05 is a great all-use yeast IMO- before I started using liquids, I used that one in most of my beers- handy yeast. It's also quite hardy, which was great back then as I had no good way to temp control.
US-05 is a great all-use yeast IMO- before I started using liquids, I used that one in most of my beers- handy yeast. It's also quite hardy, which was great back then as I had no good way to temp control.

+1 go for US-05 as its good for heaps of different types of beers...
welcome to the site.

aspirin. NFI what that could be. possibley some off phenols from brewing at too high a temp? what temp did you brew at and with what yeast.

As for yeasts, check out craftbrewers website for the yeast page - here. good description of a heap of yeasts and what they are good for.

generic ale yeast - nothing wrong with s-04 (or sponsor alternatives)
generic lager yeast - nothing wrong with s-23 (or sponsor alternatigves)

one you get more experianced brewing you will want to start picking yeasts that will give you specific flavour characteristics and thats when all the differance yeasts come into play.

yeast that comes with tins of goo can be very outdated and you have no dea about what condsitions its been exposed to. best to steer clear of them (use them in making bread or boil them and use as a nutrient for the better yeast you buy).
Thanks everyone, us-05 sounds the go next time I go shopping

aspirin. NFI what that could be. possibley some off phenols from brewing at too high a temp? what temp did you brew at and with what yeast.
Brewed between 18-20 (went to 22 for a day) with the yeast that was under the lid. Had "514" or something similar on it I think.

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