Im A 4hr Man...

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Its only my 3rd Brew ever, but i have my brew day down to 4hr's... im wondering what am i doing wrong to get it over and done with so quick?

is there a nasal spray for this?

I overlap my process's as much as possible, and keep every process down to the minute.

this is how it goes...

Heat strike water up 20mins
Transfer and stir grain 5mins
Mash rest 60mins
Fill with mash out water 5mins
Mash out rest 10mins
Drain first mash 5mins
Transfer sparge water 5mins
Sparge rest 10mins
Drain sparge 10mins <--------- Is this too quick
Get wort to boil 20mins
boil wort 60mins
ahh well if its such a problem just do a second brew. :ph34r:
I'd love to be able to get a 4hr brew day....

Started my brewday today @ 7am by deciding I was going to brew, writing a recipe and getting the urn filled and heated. While that was going I crushed grain, had a shower, did the dishes and caught up on AHB. Mashed in and went food shopping while it rested, cooked chicken teriyaki for nori rolls during the boil.

I think I was all done by around 1:30ish including cleaning time. Actually, now that I think about it, I mashed in at 9:30, that is a 4hr brew day.....

I need to go back to crushing the day before and leaving the urn on a timer.
I was doing BIAB in 4 hrs from weigh and crush (while bring pot up to strike), to no chill cube and cleanup.
Then I started 90min mashes and mash outs so that added another hour
Then I just relaxed and now they are about 6 :ph34r:
I'm 5 hours.
All that can be prepared the day before is.

90min mash
90min boil
2 hours for transfering wort around, set up & clean up.

It's very relaxed.

7.30 til 12.30 - plenty of day left.
it used to take me 6hrs on the dot, form turning the water on to fill the kettle to pitching and cleanup, now i'm doing double batches and it takes me about 1/2 hr more, mainly due to the initial time to heat the strike water up. I need a rambo!!!
how long do you guys intend your sparge/mash drainage to last?

if that makes sense :)

NB: This is with a 2 ring burner, with LP reg
Regarding your drain and sparge question, the answer is no, as long as you are happy with your efficiency and you don't have hand fulls of grain floating around in your kettle then all is fine.


I asume you get your grain pre milled and then tip the wort straight into the fermenter after the boil. Oh and then either not clean the equipment, or just throw it out and get new stuff.

Homebrew talking ,;;hic
I have never checked what my efficiency is... and no that doesnt include cleaning, but i clean as i go while im waiting for other process'to finish.

so by the end of the boil everything is clean except for the boil kettle...

and for now i am NCng my wort....til i get some $$$ together for some copper pipe.

Also, i just recirculate til the wort is clear, then i drain into the kettle.

Thanx for your guidance :)
nice work,

if you happy with your results then don't change. You'll find most people sparge over an hour at a slow trickle... also the bigger the batch the longer the time but hey, if it works then it works!

Well done
Its only my 3rd Brew ever, but i have my brew day down to 4hr's... im wondering what am i doing wrong to get it over and done with so quick?

is there a nasal spray for this?

I overlap my process's as much as possible, and keep every process down to the minute.

this is how it goes...

Heat strike water up 20mins
Transfer and stir grain 5mins
Mash rest 60mins
Fill with mash out water 5mins
Mash out rest 10mins
Drain first mash 5mins
Transfer sparge water 5mins
Sparge rest 10mins
Drain sparge 10mins <--------- Is this too quick
Get wort to boil 20mins
boil wort 60mins

Yeah, my 5 litre brews take this long too ... :rolleyes: :ph34r:
Drain sparge 10mins <--------- Is this too quick
Im still on my "P100" plates, but I would have said, yes.
This bit seems to take fluffing ages for me to get decent extraction.
I dont reckon my gear can get me down under five hours, but, as I like to tell people, you dont have to be there.

I was taught by a brewer who likes to brew and have BBQ going at the same time.
Make brewing a social activity.
I think this has been covered but your sparge/runoff time is a little shorter than I would do. It depends on your equipment and extract recovery. I will continuously sparge over about 30-40 minutes to get decent extract.

Its only my 3rd Brew ever, but i have my brew day down to 4hr's... im wondering what am i doing wrong to get it over and done with so quick?

is there a nasal spray for this?

I overlap my process's as much as possible, and keep every process down to the minute.

this is how it goes...

Heat strike water up 20mins
Transfer and stir grain 5mins
Mash rest 60mins
Fill with mash out water 5mins
Mash out rest 10mins
Drain first mash 5mins
Transfer sparge water 5mins
Sparge rest 10mins
Drain sparge 10mins <--------- Is this too quick
Get wort to boil 20mins
boil wort 60mins
I think mr tyreman is batch sparging - This regime

Drain first mash 5mins
Transfer sparge water 5mins
Sparge rest 10mins
Drain sparge 10mins <--------- Is this too quick

Says batch sparge to me.

In which case why waste the ten minutes ? You can drain batch sparges as fast as they will go without getting stuck. If you can get it done faster than your ten minutes it should make no difference at all.

I'm impressed you can get those heat up times with a 2 ring burner, I cant do so well with a three ring.

It is cheating to not include set-up, clean up and put away time though - Your time starts when you scratch your nads and head for the garage and it ends when you hug your missus and tell her you're done, what would she like for dinner??

I am pretty happy if I get things into a cube and all cleaned up in 6 hours; and thats with weigh, crush, water filtration and set-up happening the day before.

Nice to see you have things ticking away on a routine though - being comfortable and familiar with your process, how long things take, how they usually go - all that is really important in making a good beer. You can be confident in making one change at a time if you need to, in tracking down problems and in not making silly mistakes. Congrats on your organisation and time efficiency - it bodes well for the quality of your beer.

Im about the same when im brewing, If I wanted to make beer as quick as I can, id stick to extract or K&K brews... <_<

Brewing for me now, doing AG is about getting my temps right, getting decent effiency, a good crush, volumes nearly correct and the rest... not about how quick I can get it done.... :D

Is there a prize for the quickest brewday and the shittiest/best tasting beer????

Ok, who is the "Longest Hr Man"

:icon_cheers: CB
I brewed an Ale 20L and it took me 4 1/2 hour from start to finish.
The grain was crushed the day before though.
It depend a lot of your set up how much fiddling around you have to do.

Personally I hate rushing and brewing is supposed to be relaxing.
6 hour is normal.

If you count TB from the beginning of scratching your head would say a DAY.
Work out recipe and ingredients. 1/2 hour.
Crush grains 1 hour while heating strike water.
Dough in and mash+ mash out 2 hours.
Sparge 1 hour.
Boil and Strike out while you clean the mash tun and don't forget whirl flock. 1 1/2
Drain the wort into nochill and squeeze. (20 minutes)
Clean up 1 hour

Have a beer 1/2-1 1/2 hour.

That's a 8-9 hours in my book.

No wonder i dont brew often enough <_< , gotto make bigger batches :D
Im done by 4 hours. I batch sparge, and no chill, which helps. I also crack the grain the night before. If you're on the ball and get the next step ready while you're waiting, it helps even more. Combining double batches, and no chill brewing means when my cubes are full i can go 6-8 weeks without brewing, without a dip in supply. Lovin it!!!!