I Sometimes Think Of Stopping Brewing !

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I thought along similar lines once in a while Pumpy but always rejected them when driving past the local bowling club & thinking of those poor bastards sitting around sucking on a XXXX, VB, or whatever waiting to die in Queensland's version of God's Waiting Room.
Surely I thought, there must be better ways to spend the last years of one's life & there is. :beerbang:

It is sitting down planning a brewday (Not to belittle the actual brewday) & sucking on the past rewards of other brewdays thinking as I do so how lucky I am able to be able to brew the beer that I enjoy & if things ever get too depressing I plan to throw myself off the local bridge (3 metre drop) with a empty keg around my neck but that will never happen Pumpy as my fridge is always full. :lol:

Snap out of it mate ---- Wanna spend the rest of your life sitting around a bowling club or whatever waiting, waiting, waiting? :angry:


Edit --- Apologies for missing all the posts in the 15 minutes it took me to compose this & it wasn't Browndog Pumpy as you well know. :p
Not that I have been Brewing for that long, but I just brewed on Monday for the 1st time in a month and I really enjoyed it(other than the usual distractions)... It wasnt that I didnt want to brew during that time but I just had a back log of beer!!! :super:

And I drink less during the cooler months.... :unsure:

Now to work towards the Herms.... :ph34r:

:icon_cheers: CB
I've got a big rock in the backyard Pumpy. I'll bring it with me tomorrow night. I'll swap you for the grolsch bottles, they will bring 50 cents each on ebay.

Cheers, Hoges.

:lol: :lol: Good one Hoges. :icon_cheers:
I knew I should have read the posts I missed whilst typing.

Pumpy - PM me your address and i'll send you a box of tissues.

Not sure if your taking the piss or not but you're previous night time opening threads leads me to believe there is something behind what you are saying. I suggest taking a few months off brewing, spend a **** load on drinking normal piss and im sure you'll be tearing at the bit to brew something decent after that


Oh.... and dont make light of depression.

giving the pint of homebrew nightcap a miss tonight ,I better go to bed , Steve with a hot cup of cocoa and a hot water bottle dont worry bout the tissues .

i have a pair of hessian pyjamas they a bit rough

but never mind ,maybe I sleep on the floor tonight

Pumpy :(
:lol: :lol: Good one Hoges. :icon_cheers:
I knew I should have read the posts I missed whilst typing.


Dont engourage him Pete.

nite nite ......................

Bleewdy 'ell, Pooompy! what's happening old son?

Nah.. don't really even need to ask... I haven't brewed anything since the night before the Sydney Pub Crawl in May... :(

Lack of time over the past 6 or so months has seen me rush through some brews that have turned out ***** and I just got to the point where I decided if I couldn't do it properly then I wasn't goig to brew at all... I've got 6 full cubes in the garage to ferment but I fear as soon as I put one in a fermenter, I'll be called away again....

Hopefully when things settle down the fire will come again...

Cheer up, mate, you'll be back on the horse in no time.. ;)

I'm coming to the rescue with the marvelous Maibock thats in the fridge.

sheesh....always bring up some topic or another that dosn't really mean anything.
just something to do....hey pumpy :icon_chickcheers:

There's a tear in my beer 'cause I'm crying over you...........................not :icon_cheers:
sheesh....always bring up some topic or another that dosn't really mean anything.
just something to do....hey pumpy :icon_chickcheers:

There's a tear in my beer 'cause I'm crying over you...........................not :icon_cheers:

Sliders reference FTW

...I'm guessing it's intentional
Stay positive Pumpy, maybe have an extended break from HB'ing.

How about getting stuck into some house renovations? some fishing maybe? Anything to take your mind off it for now.

It will be warmer and summer soon - life is good.

Take care!!! :)
Its good you care Gout ,AdamT Kierem & Damian44

but sometimes I enjoy a weak cup of Earl Grey Tea and an Arrowroot biscuit or an Arnotts iced Vo Vo more than beer.

pumpy :(

probably a sign you were brewing & drinking too much? Just go with what you feel like at the moment and your beer interest will come back once you've had a rest!
Homebrewing is like any hobby really Pumpy.
You'll get to the point where things might go a bit wrong, and things might look grim, and a bit of time away from it is probably in order if that's the case. It'll do you some good, clarify the mind a bit.
And then all it takes is one sip of a nice homebrewed beer, and before you know it, the passion is back and you're back bigger and better than ever.

I've always found it rewarding brewing, and drinking, "non-beer" beverages when i'm getting over beer a bit. A trip to a few of winery cellar doors certainly takes the mind off beer, and often makes me wonder if I should reconsider my craft.
But for what it's worth beer is not just a craft, it's a life obsession.
Hope you get the spark back Pumpy!
Wondering why I had not seen you on board lately... come on pumpy....

maybe try running throught the wet grass bare foot.... it will waken you up...
Just come back from 6 months without brewing myself. Started a degree at the start of the year and while I was trying to slow up drinking beer to keep the brain active, managed to knock up the wife. Had things other than beer on the mind for a while and just cracked the first keg of a batch I put down a few weeks ago. After 6 months of the odd 6 pack of commercial, the smells of brew day and being able to taste the beer when have one quickly put aside thoughts of ditching the brew gear. A rest is good but I think its best not to contemplate rash behaviour too much.

Pumpy old mate, I feel very pity for you. Not even to like ones own homebrew anymore, seems to be a serious desease to me.

There are so many reasons in this world one could become depressed, thats a common appearence, we call that "Winter Depression", but not to like the own homebrew anymore, is really a bad thing.

But you may cure it: Just take one homebrew after another one and with each of it shout out loud: "I love it"
Youll see, after the tenth or so, the love will be reinstalled ;)

ahem....and if you cannot avoid jumping from the harbour bridge with a sack of Grolsch bottles tied around your neck, could you please take VB bottles instead?
The Grolsch bottles might be useful to other homebrewers, or maybe the heirs could sell them to homebrewers :ph34r:

Cheers mate ;)
Mate, put down a Mead, stick it in the cupboard and take 6 months off. Get outside in the garden, its warming up, exercise and sun on the skin works wonders. In no time or long time you might open that cupboard and remember that Mead. One sip and we'll see you online in 2 minutes. :)

Ive been away for years so no worries with cyclical nature of things in life.

Brewer Pete

EDIT: My other avatar is me sipping a jolly big cuo of earl gray tea :)
You are a funny one Pumpy.
Though I don't feel like stopping brewing I am finding it very difficult to find time to brew at all.
My cube is from March this year.
Maybe you need to change the way you are brewing....

On you head maybe, have fun tonight
Hang in there. You'll get thorugh it.

I go through stages like that with golf, where I feel I want to walk away from it forever in frustration, but after a month or two off, the urge to get back out there returns.
It's the same with one of my other hobbies, building models. I might finish one or two, then walk away for 6 months, but I always return to it eventually.