I Love No Chill

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So you are not full of shit aside from the underlined comments from above?

Dude, if you want to have shitfight over your method of chilling/not chilling, please choose to have it with someone who really cares. I'm not going to argue with you, no matter how much you dig, OK?
So you are not full of shit aside from the underlined comments from above?

Pete gave the benefit of his experience. He may not have worded it perfectly and I may not agree with what he wrote but it would be nice to see a thread not degenerate into pointless insult trading for once. Just because you can't look each other in the face doesn't mean you can't discuss the finer points of each perspective with a modicum of diplomacy.

Disagreement is good and healthy but no need to try and emulate question time.

I know I sound like a school teacher and I don't mean to but the number of threads that just become internet pissing contests is more than I would like and I certainly don't want to have created one of them.

Pete is interested in trying No-chill. Pete has some experience that may be of interest to fellow brewers but has admitted he doesn't know everything (inferred from the fact that he is willing to give something a go).

None of us know everything - that's why we give things a go and talk about our experiences here.
Well, you see Black Lab, I really don't care if you or anyone else thinks I am talking out of my arse or not. I give my input, same as everyone else. I try to qualify it by saying that I have worked in a commercial brewery, not because it means I am higher or mightier, only so you know that I have assisted in making a great commercial beer.. with chilling, not without. I have never said that NC is wrong, or bad, only that chilling seems to be the preferred method for a large portion of brewers worldwide, and that it SEEMS to give a much better result.

I have also said that I will attempt to do half a batch as NC, and the other half chilling, so as to compare the two... giving NC a 100% completely fair chance. I have no preconceived notions as to which will be superior.

Is there anything else I can do for you to assure you that I feel no higher or mightier than thou?

Hey Pete, if you do the chill/no chill split batch i'd be keen to see the results on a hefe. I agree that on hop driven beers chilling gives a better result, but on a low bittered beer where much of the character comes from the yeast, I would have thought the results would come out near identical (assuming ferment regimes are the same ect). Would make a good test I think.
Dude, if you want to have shitfight over your method of chilling/not chilling, please choose to have it with someone who really cares. I'm not going to argue with you, no matter how much you dig, OK?

Sorry if I've come across a bit aggressive. I only want to know why you said the underlined things. I'm here to share and gain information. saying that no chill is going to make an inferior hefe or beer in general without backing it up is something i wanted to call you out on as they are somewhat bold statements to say without information to back it up, which you havent even hinted at knowing.

I dont want an arguement (though I admit i didnt go about it correctly).

I'll admit I came across too aggressively, I'm sorry about that.
Will you admit that those statements are based on intuition or similar instead of theory or experimentation?
I have also said that I will attempt to do half a batch as NC, and the other half chilling, so as to compare the two... giving NC a 100% completely fair chance. I have no preconceived notions as to which will be superior.

If you aren't altering the hop schedule for NC then they will definitely turn out different, one better than the other? well that might depend on the hopping amounts/schedule. NC is just a different process that you have to factor in when you're designing a recipe IMO.
ok guys the beer that won the specialty category at bitter and twisted was no chill, i know because i was there when it was brewed and still have my cube of it.
also myself and a fair few others have done quite well at comps with them.
I am a 100% No chill fan.
To me it makes doing well in comps so much easier.

I use to chill with a plate chiller,changed over to no chill to chase down an infection.Two years later still NC.

I am willing to sacrifice the small aroma loss for the sheer convenience NC provides me.I haven't made massive changes if any to most of my recipe hop schedules.Maybe I just don't notice increased IBU's anymore ;)

I have done hundreds of NC,with only two swollen cubes,both my fault because of crap cube with bad sealing lid and a good willow cube i didn't seal properly and sucked in bad shit.Both were really early on when first trying NC.

I personally doubt I'll ever use my plate chiller again.

Oh I store my cubes for months,sometimes.
BB, where did this table come from? Havent seen it before. I no chill in fermenters overnight then pitch the next day. Might have to give the suggested times a go next time I brew.

Not 100% who, but I'm sure someone posted it up on here back when I was starting out in AG. Used it as a guide and it has worked for me or my palate has worked to it vice versa.
I love/hate the process with which I am familar/unfamilar.
I semi chill using the no-chill method.

I transfer my hot wort in to a cube - also do cube hopping etc , sit for a few minutes to sanitise the lid etc and then place in the pool to cool. I generally am down to a temperature of 25 degC in about an hour. I then place into the fridge to get to pitching temp and transfer to fermenter when I have time. This usually within 24 hours. I'm planning to do two batches in one day and pitch the second batch when the first batch is finished fermenting in two weeks time as I only have room for one fermenter in the fridge at one time. Using the "chill" option allows me to follow traditional hopping regimes and seems to work out OK.

Does anyone do the same? And if they do what is the longest time they have left the cube unfermented (given you have applied "chilling") and still have not had any issues? Does this method give similar results to chilling using a heat exchanger?

I like this method as gives me clean break during the brew day especially with family and kids.
are we still arguing about chill no chill? atleast 30 batches in ive had no cube infections and even more unbelievably no botulism.do you get cold break , clear beer or more bitterness or less aroma? personally i dont care im making beer that i enjoy and thats what its all about isnt it.i nc because it suits my life style and timing and honestly if i went to chilling now i would probably take quite a while to adjust to that with the first few beers being most likely not as good as what im doing now. that must mean chilling doesnt work and nc is better.
a few too many homebrew's and I'll try to gain support, but may end up digging my hole deeper. hopefully I can keep my wobbly flagpole above the crowds.

My issue with Pete's original message was that he was making claims that were supported by no evidence.

I thought it would be a noble cause to push him to retract his statements or to provide some evidence. I went a bit strong and aggressive which ends up causing the target to become defensive and feeiling that if they agree with me they are losing the arguement. I made the arguement more aggressive by attacking pete specifically which makes it difficult to admit defeat without being made out to be an idiot. I set it up pretty quickly that I wanted pete to admit to shit talking. I think that I should have been more charismatic instead of trying to belittle or force pete to admit to shittalking.

I still would like to hear wether there is some information backing the calims pete, but I understand that I have been a bit aggressive and condescending which may lead you to avoid it. Please, for the sake of others please share. If anyone else has an explanation or speculation please speak up. I am actually in support of the sharing of information to improve beers not to stir shit.

Pete, please give no chill a go and decide for yourself. I will not criticise your experiment. I would encourage you to post a planned recipe including the hopping scheduele before you try it so that you have some advice in compensating,
I no chill because I don't have a chiller. Once I get a chiller I'll chill. To save water with a chiller I'd cube my chill water & use it as strike water for the next brewday.

I like the swimming pool idea, during summer I might take cubes to the beach with me & chill in the ocean.

My guess is that a beer with only a 60 minute addition would end up exactly the same chilled or no chilled but I'd prefer to chill beers with lots of late hops.

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