How To Sample Without Sucking The Airlock Dry?

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Although I stick sanitiser in the airlock, i still wouldn't want any of it getting into my brew....

After making the mistake of sucking some through last time, I took a sample last night but removed the airlock first. Is this bad? What do you guys do???
Although I stick sanitiser in the airlock, i still wouldn't want any of it getting into my brew....

After making the mistake of sucking some through last time, I took a sample last night but removed the airlock first. Is this bad? What do you guys do???

Hi Marcus :)

Its the only way to do it besides taking the lid off unless you use glad wrap instead of a lid and airlock.

I havent used an airlock and lid for 5 years and have never had a problem and its always satisfying to be able to see the little yeasties working away from the top.

Cheers :party:

Although I stick sanitiser in the airlock, i still wouldn't want any of it getting into my brew....

After making the mistake of sucking some through last time, I took a sample last night but removed the airlock first. Is this bad? What do you guys do???

that is all I do... never had a problem. Once I triede plugging the airlock with my thumb whilst opening the tap, but all it did was create a vacuum in the fermenter and then suck all of the water out of the airlock when I released my thumb.
it sounds like you have too much water in your airlock and that your oprning the tap too fast. Ive never had any airlock water go back into my brew. just do it slowly and you shouldnt have any issues.
or get a two piece air lock

and then you can open the top of it.

I'd just loosen the lid so some air can be drawn through. It's pretty unlikely any major bits of dust or contaminates will get in if you're quick. When you're done tighten up the lid again. This is safer than totally unscrewing and removing the lid
I'm with wildschwein, my fermenters are snap on lids. So I just crack it a little, take a sample, push the lid back down. Never had a problem.
As you should have a CO2 blanket over the brew, removing the airlock shouldn't pose an issue. Any Oxygen that get's sucked on will sit on top of the CO2 anyway. If I'm sampling I generally just open the tap slowly, the airlock runs backwards but never severe enough to drag water/sanitiser/whatever in.
When I'm bottling I pull the airlock and place a tea towel over the top so no insects/dust/cigarette ash (damn smokers) get's in.
does it matter if you get a bit of sanitiser in your brew?
i couldnt imagine you killing too much yeast (if thats the concern) with the small amount of water/sanitiser that you would injest into the wort.

im with the rest of you guys,just open your tap a pooftienth and you shouldnt have any probs,works for me

I keep all my brews on the floor so to get a sample I have to lift them up to whatever table space I have. To do this I remove the airlock and lift, sample, lift back down and refit the airlock.
I wouldnt believe you if you told me infections were due to this procedure.


I know this is somewhat off topic but curious to know how you attach the gladwrap to also let the CO2 out, and more importantly why you think this better than the airlock setup.

I have been toying with doing open ferments for a while, but still looking for a way to reduce the infection risk.


Get yourself a couple of two piece airlocks like at the bottom of this page.
You can then take the top piece out, flog a sample and put it back in again.


Edit: Just saw OldBugman's post that I missed on the first read of the topic.
I don't really understand the issue here.

I only keep a tiny bit of liquid in the airlock anyway and if it sucks back when I take a sample or move the fermenter then I don't see any problem.

I even leave it in place when bottling. I figure it's kind of like a bong for the outside air (i.e. whatever nasties that may be sucked in get partially filtered by the water/sanitiser in the airlock. Has to be better than the open hole that would result were I to remove the airlock right?
IRONxMortlock, I think its more of a one-way valve for the most part, The outward pressure leaves just the CO2 in the fermenter.
I suppose it depends what you put in your airlock as to the risk... Water would be the most risky IMHO
I either remove the airlock (as per Mika's reasoning - there is a CO2 blanket), I also use cheap vodka in the airlock instead of sanitiser. But a 2 piece filled with vodka... ahh, there is a solution!

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