How Organized Is Your Brewing?

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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How organised are you when it come's to your brewing? Pretty good

1) Do you meticulously organise your Beersmith/Promash?
No. I don't use any brewing software. Pencil, paper & a calculator gets better results for me.

2) Do you write everything down?
If it is important yes

3) Is there a place for all your gear on brew day?
There is a bench that has pretty much everything I need on it

4) Do you religiously check that you have the necessary hops. So you dont have to make last minute changes.
I have hops in the freezer. Problem solved I keep the Whirfloc in a jar, safest place for it, I never bother putting it in the beer!

5) Have you plastic tumblers marked with the Hop additions times?

6) Do you wash up your gear as you go along on mash day or leave it to the end wasting time?
Clean as you go

7) Have you the grain crushed and weighed prior to Mash day?
Crushed the day before

What do you do to organise your brewing ?
HLT is on a timer, so that by the time I get out of bed we are ready to mash in & have a coffee, after that it is just pretty much the same process.

1) Do you meticulously organise your Promash .


2) Do you write everything down.

No...... its all stored in the promash brewing session

3) Is there a place for all your gear on brew day.

No...... things lay where they may. mostly all over my work bench

4) Do you religiously check that you have the necessary hops. So you dont have to make last minute changes.

No..... Promash inventory takes care of this for me. but if they are getting low and do check the night before

5) Have you plastic tumblers marked with the Hop additions times

No..... i weigh as i go mostly. Tried the tumbler thing and got them mixed up.

6) Do you wash up your gear as you go along on mash day or leave it to the end wasting time?

Leave it till the end. I cant wheel out the rig and hose out the mash tun while the brew is boiling.

7) Have you the grain crushed and weighed prior to Mash day.

Yes...... always have HLT full, cracked grain in tun and alarm set for an early start


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