How Much Carbanation Can A Grolsh Bottle Take?

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Got my hands on some swing top grolsh bottles. Just wondering if they will take up to 3.2 vol of CO2?
as long as fermentation is finished and it's not accidently carbed beyond that, it shouldn't be an issue.....I would think that with a grolsch, the seal would fail before the glass, but I could be wrong....
I haven't used them much, the main use they got was with a wheat beer back when I was doing extracts....I can't remember what the carbonation was on it, but it was pretty damn high (iirc, it was only a small batch test, anyway, so the prime levels weren't very exact). Must have been at least 3volumes, if not higher, more likely 3.2 ish. (minor sidetrack for cute value...every time my daughter who was about 12 at the time saw me pick one up, she'd get all excited and do a NASA style countdown for when I popped it; she liked the sound. :lol: Little things for little minds)

one of the pros of the grolsh bottles is that if it is too much for it to handle, venting is an absolute breeze.
Thanks Butters, might just use the ole PET bottles for the next brew and try a couple of grolsh's with varying carb levels.
In theory, the seal gives first, releasing the pressure. In theory....but no-one told that to a couple I have had had explode.
I've used the grolsch bottles for while now and they should handle 3.2. Have over carbed before aswell and they held up ok. Like butters said they're easy to vent if needs be.

Make sure they don't get to warm try keep them bellow 20

Good luck

I was given a box of empty Grolsch swing tops buy my local brew supplies shop. He had a few boxes that got dropped off at his shop by a customer who was going overseas and didn't need them anymore.

Great score for me!! Trouble is I like 'em so much that I'd love to increase my supply, but at nearly $17 per 4 pack its gunna be an expensive exercise. A delicious one too!! :D

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