How Long In The Fermenter?

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Hello there

Not am I only new too fermenting but also new to doing a post on these forum's.... So I've made a Grolsch clone and for several reasons its been in the fermenter for at least 3 weeks now, if not 4.. Should I bottle this or chuck it out?

I've been on here half an hour looking for similar questions asked but have had no success.

Thank you for your time everyone.
Hello there

Not am I only new too fermenting but also new to doing a post on these forum's.... So I've made a Grolsch clone and for several reasons its been in the fermenter for at least 3 weeks now, if not 4.. Should I bottle this or chuck it out?

I've been on here half an hour looking for similar questions asked but have had no success.

Thank you for your time everyone.

3-4 weeks in the fermenter is fine. Bottle away (after making sure the FG is OK).
One of my 'Golden Rules' - If in doubt, try it out! The worst you'll have to deal with is about 1 1/2 hours cleaning/priming/bottling time and a bad lot of beer after a few weeks, the best being a wonderful beer from a batch you thought was cactus!

Obviously if there's mould or what-have-you on the top of the brew in the fermenter...then its a no go.

Cheers - boingk
How long is it ok to leave beer in the fermenter after fermentation has completed and before priming/bottling?
Yes, it should be okay. In fact, it's like aging which is good to improve the taste of your beer.
Cheers All for answering and reading
Bottle day is tomorow and I'll see how it goes in a few months.
Hopefully one day I could have a lot of Keg icons on the left and provide advice to someone just like me.

Agreed with the rest, just pour the first bit out; normally full of crap from the tap. Then a bit into a glass and taste it. Taste like beer then bottle it

Agreed with the rest, just pour the first bit out; normally full of crap from the tap. Then a bit into a glass and taste it. Taste like beer then bottle it


I agree with Kev,theres nothing like a little taste before Bottling/Kegging

It will be ungassed,and warm,but it should still taste ok,if not I wouldnt waste my time any further.

Take Care.
How long is it ok to leave beer in the fermenter after fermentation has completed and before priming/bottling?

Bit of a piece of string question. In the colder months, maybe 2 months before you'll start to notice it going down hill. In the warmer months without temp control maybe 2 weeks. As time goes by the yeast will run out of sugars that it can actually consume, so it'll turn around and start to chew on it's neighbour. If this goes on for long enough you get a beer with a vegemite/marmite tang to it. I believe I had this happen to a beer that was well and truly finsihed, but I was too lazy to put it into a keg, or didn't have the room and didn't have the room in the fermenting fridge. So I left it in the garage and a couple of 32deg days came along and when i got to it about a week later it wasn't tasting the best so I poured it :(
In the colder months the yeast is a lot lacier as well, so takes its time before going cannibal.