How Long For A Weiss To Finish Up?

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Hi all,

I tried to post this last night, but it didn't go through for some reason......anyways.....

I have a weiss fermenting in the fridge at 16/17C at the moment - has been for almost two weeks. Extract brew and fermented with WB 06 dry yeast. I hadn't expected this to take so long as I'd always read that wheat yeast was a bit of an animal.

Is this what others have experienced - or just a bit slow due to the cooler temps? How long do these usually take to finish up?


Hi Kevo,i can't speak for wb 06,but from my experience with 3068(which is an animal) i typically finish in under 10 days.

I use the 30 rule.Pitch at 12c and ferment at 18.Usually drinking a nice weiss around 11th or 12th day.That reminds me,gotta crush some grain for a pikantus :eek:

Back on topic,I have found some wheats tend to take longer then others at the same temp.

More then anything else these days,gravity checks aside,I tend to wait till krausen has gone.
What was the OG, current SG and ingredients used?

It may be closer to being finished than you think if it is 100% extract, attenuation is usually lower for extracts.

All wheat extract ( 40/60 wheat/barley as far as I've read) along with a little bit of dme to get to gravity - maybe 5 gravity points worth.

Og 1050
Sg yesteday after 10 days 1020 - not far off the the 1010 - 1012 I'd hoped for but krausen has been gone for a few days - still pressure in the airlock so there's still something happening, but definitely slowed.

I would maybe up the temperature to 20ish to finish it off, otherwise you may be waiting forever.
righto - give it a go - thanks.


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