How Hard Do You Find It To Convert Megaswillers

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just wondering how hard you guys find it to get megaswillers to accept AG beer that you make.

have thought about it and out of around 30 guys that i have given various AG beers to only about a third of them regularly want to drink my AG BEER INSTEAD OF THE MEGA THAT THEY BRING.
i know it depends on how good your craft beer is but i have only made recipes from the data base and only 4/5 star ratings.

i think my beers have always turned out really nice. i am careful with every thing i do when making/fermenting etc.

these guys drink , T.E.D,s hahn light. coopers lite. boags, west end draught,to name a few.

i really cant be bothered anymore trying to convert them.
they are all good mates but maybe my beer isnt as good as i think,

what have i made.

smurtos golden ale

screwtops JSGA

screwtops red ale

screwtops mooloo ale


belgiun blonde
All my tight ass mates were easy to convert. Free beer that was drinkable. However getting them to drink all types of beer on tap is a bit harder.
Why try and convert anyone to anything?

Introduce them to it yes but leave it at that.

Music, film, literature, food, philosophy/spirituality/religion, beverage - people make up their own minds.

Offer them beer and explain that it tastes a bit like/along the lines of x commercial product (eg JS golden, LCPA, coopers stout etc). If they prefer other beer, so be it.

I find non-brewers tend to enjoy my beer and that's all I need. Sometimes non-brewers are more appreciative than brewers but that's another story.
I've given up. The bloke over the road is the exception. He likes my beer and gives me honest feedback which I can't fault. He used to be a K&K man but hated the taste. He'd now love to get into AG but couldn't be bothered. He doesn't cook and I've found most people who don't like to cook find AG a chore. As for the rest they can have the megaswill. I don't even offer anymore.
Your problem is your beers are too good for them. Water them down or get your cat to piss in them and then they will probably love them.

Seriously though, you can convert some of them but you will never convert them all.
Hallejuah brother!
My brother in law didn't convert me as such (nor did he try to, overtly), I just found what he had made more tasty.

I'm not going to bother, more for me.

I gave my old man a DrSmurtos Golden Ale, he hadn't really tasted strong hop flavour before, said he didn't like it. Easy :) I can just buy his beer from now on.

If someone just rocks up for free beer, I'll make an arse batch and leave it in the sun for such occasions.
I wouldn't bother.

Convert enough of them and the Gov. will put an excise on HB products to make up what they're losing on megaswill.
Life is easier when you realise people will do what they want, like or are conditioned to like. Some just don't know anything else and that's the way they like it and that's the way they will stay.
All you can do is do what you do, offer the option and if people are interested they will want to know / taste more.
Some people just are not curious at all when it comes to many things - food, drink, drugs, religion, sex...
I have found people willing to try HB beer like my beers but the ones that wont even bother to try HB dont well they havnt tried it so they dont know. My misses family all drink VB I have had 1 out of all of them try my HB coz he would drink anything but he seems to like it (or the fact its free) I am not sure. The rest wont even try it. They ask is it like VB?? I say no and they go ok and grab another can.

My dad however always liked good beer he is not a big drinker but he usually has good beer to drink. If any one out of all the people I give beer to he would be the one to tell me straight up if its ****, he spent 4 years doing that when I was a apprentice to him so sure things cant change to much! But every time he comes down he wants to start a microbrewery, But I explain a few things I seen on here and the idea always gets pushed aside. Also I explain you can make good beer but if I made this again it maybe different and that if you own a brewery it has to be the same each and every time.
I guess the real question is why would you want to change someone's free will?

People merge to different beers for different reasons.

I have mates that happily drink my lagers with no character, colour, flavour or aroma. Same guys will not touch an APA, Stout or god forbid my current IIPA (kinda) Hops soup with 135 IBU's and that's fine. More for me.

Colour, flavour and aroma aren't for everyone so let them drink what they want and enjoy the laughs and the company.

Everyone has a right to their own taste and opinion.

Got me ****** why they won't drink Screwy's Red Ale though. :blink:

Maybe they're just bogans :party:
(Just kidding)

Paraphrasing: "you can lead a mate to hand crafted beer, but you can't make him drink.....!!!" or "those who can make their own beer, those how can't drink megaswill". Learn't quickly that it's more about having the lack willpower to brew their own, that puts your mates off the drinking handcrafted beers. Then anything else, your mates are embarassed by the fact you are willing to have a go and be selfsuffient and produce your own top quality brews unequalled when it comes to quality. (appolgies for typing while falling asleep)
I usually have quite a variety on hand so there is usually something that everyone will like. My problem has been free loaders liking it too much and inviting themselves over hehe. I don't mind this at all but there are some people that turn up empty handed time and time again, this pisses me off.
Make aussie lagers.
3.5kg ale malt
.5kg sugar
20 ibus with POR

lager yeast

Let it sit in the keg till its clear.

I usually have a lger keg for mates. I don't drink it so by the time it gets finished its very clear. Last one blew a while ago, haven't got one currently.
I just get tired of my brews being compared to coopers coz it's a bit cloudier or has more flavour than megaswill :lol:

More kegs for me at the end of the day :super:
Have a look at the list of what they are currently drinking. All fairly bland beers designed to be swilled ice cold.
Look at the list of what you have brewed. Flavourful beers that are at their best with a bit of temp in them, 6-10C
ekul's suggestion is a good one and I know you can brew a good CPA clone, these will be more to their tastes.
Don't try to convert them, they will drink what they want.

I find it really really easy not to bother at all. I just tell them what it is (most of the time an experiment) if they are curious, or give them a nag of my glass.
I'm always more than happy to share with those who take an interest.
I gave this girl some of my beer the other day. She's never tasted beer before (and never been drunk) and she loved it. Tell your mates to man up.

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