How do I get rid of the homebrew taste?

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I am new to brewing and I am wondering how do I make a beer without that tell tale taste of a home brew??
Is it the carb drops, is it because I use the tins and not AG??
If anyone on the gold coast has the patients I'd love to learn all I can.

Cheers Jamie
It you use the tins you won't get rid of it.
Combination of the can and kit yeast generally. IMO first step in getting better beer is better yeast and fermentation temperature control.
My father in law associates yeastiness with home brew, whether it's esters or just residual yeast. Is that the flavour you mean, or is it the infamous homebrew twang? If it's the first one, how long are you leaving your beer in the fermenter for and what temperatures are you brewing at? If you're using Cooper's kits, ignore the instructions and read up here for better practice brewing methods.
The only way is to move away from the kits into extract or all grain, it's just uncanny :D
if you cant move to BIAB or AG for whatever reason then lots of hops and steeping grains to help mask it.
download this
Play around with it, it will make sense after a little while.

You could try
Temp control, this helps a lot!
Using better yeast , Us05, Nottingham or S-04. Then you can use the kit yeast as nutrient when you are boiling the wort.
If you don't want to jump into all grain yet, try extract brewing,it's a gateway brewing practice because you learn about hop additions (this is where the spreadsheet comes into itself).
Reading, reading and improving your practice.
SWMBO actually quite likes her Nescafe Blend 43 and will often brew up a cup instead of the Expressi (which makes fairly reasonable coffee). When we are out she'll have a Vittorio or a Grinders Coffee or a Gloria Jeans or............

Question is, how do you get rid of that Blend 43 taste . :p

To be fair, some partials will vastly improve the beers, but when you get to the stage of partial mashing it takes almost as long as just doing an All Grain batch. I skipped using extracts and went from kits+partials straight to All grain BIAB.

Extracts are very popular in the USA because they don't (until recently) have a strong kits tradition. So a sort of "hierarchy" has developed, Kits->Extracts->Partials->AG.

In the case of modern brewing in Australia ..... bullshit. Going from kits to AG has never been easier and the gear and ingredients never more available than today. Making the switch is not difficult.
Done a lot of tins and stuff and would suggest.

Temp control
Better yeast
Cold conditioning
Watch out for poor malt. (HBS dry)
Move to extract 30min boil
Time in the bottle (4 weeks or longer)

Watch out if you use hops to mask it as you can easierly make shite beer this way. (over use)

You do get used to the twang if you brew the same thing.

Clean and cleaner. Make sure your not moving bugs around your brews.

The move to AG would be next BUT would be poor if you don't have all the above in control.

Would come and help you but I don't think I have the time right now. Good luck

jamie72 said:
I am new to brewing and I am wondering how do I make a beer without that tell tale taste of a home brew??Is it the carb drops, is it because I use the tins and not AG??If anyone on the gold coast has the patients I'd love to learn all I can.Cheers Jamie
Jamie there is a Gold Coast brewers club on this site. Why not get in touch with them and see if you can attend a brew day and see how easy it is to do all grain. From what I've read here they seem pretty active and helpful.
We have our meeting on the second Friday of the month at Burleigh Brewing at 6pm. Come down and try out a few different home brews and talk to us guys.

If you are on Facebook look for GoldCLUB.

I persisted with kits and extracts for a fair time and made them taste alright but have recently got into doing half batch BIAB. It is easier to make good beer this way and it is good fun if you like actually making beer instead of just brewing it to drink.

We are a friendly bunch and there's always more than enough beer to drink at the meetings so don't be afraid to turn up to say hello and try some beer.

I'm making an AG batch of an American IPA tomorrow if you wanna pop round, Jamie.

It's pretty easy.

PM me if you're keen. I'm in Burleigh Waters.
Bribie G said:
Jamie, don't be nervous of Nick, he's a big pussy as you can see.
I agree Bribie since he's been released he's been a model citizen. That whole gun thing was blown out of proportion in my opinion.
Just to clarify, it was a water-cooled Vickers Machine Gun.

Who knew it was illegal to mount it on a Ute?

Bribie G said:
SWMBO actually quite likes her Nescafe Blend 43 and will often brew up a cup instead of the Expressi (which makes fairly reasonable coffee).

When we are out she'll have a Vittorio or a Grinders Coffee or a Gloria Jeans or............
seems to me she is still drinking the VB / XXXX of the coffee world.....

if your doing AG Bribie you should take your coffee to the nest level and start roasting your own beans as well :)
I don't drink coffee, sets off my hiatus hernia. I would have thought that Vittorio was at least James Squire 150 lashes?
Nick JD said:
Just to clarify, it was a water-cooled Vickers Machine Gun.

Who knew it was illegal to mount it on a Ute?

It's easy when :)
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I've always been led to believe that "Can Twang" is caused by the dehydration/compression of the liquid malt during canning.
Might be correct or it might not? Never bothered finding out. Just adding my 2 cents.

Anyway, I agree with those who recommend jumping straight into the deep end & sink or swim by skipping the partial/liquid malt brewing.
Best thing to do is attend a brewday ASAP.

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