I had a relative telling me over christmas that
"Crown lager comes from the same fermenter as VB but it is the beer that comes from the top of the fermenter because the beer at the top is better because its further away from the yeast and thats why its called crown"
This came from the same guy that posed the question "why is coopers more expensive than the real beers when its only homebrew?"
I just shut my mouth and didnt comment because that was easier. Although I was tempted to say that I thought it was called crown because it had a better head and would hold a crown better.
:icon_drool2:Whats wrong with snorting rat ****?h34r:
I have drunk VB mid strength and it was free. I prob drink cat piss if it was free and got me pissed haha
Crown "Lager" is a perfectably respectable brew, albeit over packaged and over priced.
It has,for its style, no faults whatsoever.
Sure its not Sierra Nevada Torpedo, but, guess what, its not meant to be.
If you really think Crown Lager is crap then perhaps you should explian why, expressions like bland or tasteless show at best lack of knowledge of beer tasting, you really need to point out the things that make it crap, for example if its close to water whats wrong with water.
Isn't Crown just Fosters re-badged to take money off idiots who would never dream of drinking Fosters?
Dr K has a very valid point here.
What is it about Crown Lager that is so offensive when you drink it? Beer tasting is a personal opinion and very subjective. Therefore there is no right or wrong answer.
Personally on a hot 35+ degree day, an ice cold crownie goes down a hell of a lot better then a SN torpedo....
I wont lie if its free I will drink it. Well I have drunk VB mid strength and it was free and goes past my 2 rules no **** beer or midstrength but **** it I dont care. I prob drink cat piss if it was free and got me pissed haha
Have a search ;p...Isn't Crown just Fosters re-badged to take money off idiots who would never dream of drinking Fosters?
Yes it is.
I had a relative telling me over christmas that
"Crown lager comes from the same fermenter as VB but it is the beer that comes from the top of the fermenter because the beer at the top is better because its further away from the yeast and thats why its called crown"
This came from the same guy that posed the question "why is coopers more expensive than the real beers when its only homebrew?"
I just shut my mouth and didnt comment because that was easier. Although I was tempted to say that I thought it was called crown because it had a better head and would hold a crown better.
I totally trust CEOs to fully understand the processes of their businesses.he did own cub for a fair while so im inclined to believe it.
If you really think Crown Lager is crap then perhaps you should explian why, expressions like bland or tasteless show at best lack of knowledge of beer tasting, you really need to point out the things that make it crap, for example if its close to water whats wrong with water.