How Bigs Ya Gut?

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Hi all,

started this thread because I'm a believer that beer does not make you fat. However, searching on the internet I get conflicting opinions.... some say yes and some say no.

myself, i must admit that i'm a few kilo over......but my drinking habits would be described as mostly social. Im an IT man so i sit alot.

I would be interested to hear from others about whether the drinking afects their weight.

Happy Drinkin!
From my experience it's more to do with how much I eat rather than how much I drink.

Though a fully liquid diet may not be ideal. :p

Something about moderation comes to mind.

Cheers, Andrew.
I asked this question of my GP, and her answer is that beer is no more fattening than any other drink with a similar number of calories (eg. fruit juice). She then went on to say that the problem was that beer tends to stimulate appetite, and beer drinking is often coupled with excessive consumption of very unhealthy snacks like fatty, salty chips, and that habitual, regular beer drinkers often have unhealthy lifestyles.

The advice I ended up with was - watch my diet, get fitter, don't binge drink, and don't snack out on lots of salty fatty crap when I do have beer.
I asked this question of my GP, and her answer is that beer is no more fattening than any other drink with a similar number of calories (eg. fruit juice). She then went on to say that the problem was that beer tends to stimulate appetite, and beer drinking is often coupled with excessive consumption of very unhealthy snacks like fatty, salty chips, and that habitual, regular beer drinkers often have unhealthy lifestyles.

The advice I ended up with was - watch my diet, get fitter, don't binge drink, and don't snack out on lots of salty fatty crap when I do have beer.

I probably drink more than I should and tend to have a few through the week too - but they do say a couple of alcoholic drinks a day is good for your innards (could never figure out why - but Im not going to argue) - and since I've been brewing my own instead of buying it (about 5 years now) I have expanded slightly!

May just be coincidence though dont know. With regard to carbs etc, the human body is designed to store energy so that when you havent managed to hunt down a deer or Macdonalds for dinner it will break down its reserves to fuel the body. It stores these reserves as fat and as far as your body is concerned what you take in as carbohydrate AND also as alcohol, it will turn into fat reserves! Bloody inconsiderate if you ask me - why cant you just pee it out the next day and stay a bit slimmer! LOL
Mines pretty big, but I like to fang a bit too.
Never seen a fat alcoholic yet tho :p
The simple answer is yes beer will make you a fat bastard!

Weight control is easy. If you want to lose weight you have to expend more energy than you consume. If on the other hand you consume more energy than you expend, then you will gain weight.
  • 1 stubbie of beer is equal to about 630kj
  • there are about 32,250kj of energy in 1kg of fat
  • assume your energy intake is equal to your energy expenditure
  • then assume that you drink 1 stubbie per day and don't increase your expenditure of energy
  • 1 stubbie at 630kj X 365 days equals an extra 229,950kj
  • 229,950kj / 32,250kj = 7.13
Therefore if you simply drink one stubbie per day and don't do anymore exercise you will gain 7.13kg in weight per year.

Considering that in men we have a tendency to put weight on around our stomachs, yes you will develop a beer gut!

If people get off their fat arses they dont have a problem.

If your too lazy to go for a walk you should kill yourself and eat your dog.
If your too lazy to go for a walk you should kill yourself and eat your dog.

geeezus, thats a weird thing to say... :blink: :lol:
(i'm drunk right now and still find it weird)

the simple answer is.... if calories consumed is equal to calories burned you will not put on any weight.
Beer itself is not the culprit, if you had the same amount of fluid/drink but it was lemonade you would be worse off.!!
if you can factor in the calories from beer each day to your energy consumption and exercise, you will be fine. ;)
if all else fails.. start eating your dog......
I'm a big believer it has a lot to do with your genes...most of my siblings and late parents could eat, drink whatever they like non where over weight or had a beer belly.
We were all lucky others have to exercise and watch what the consumed. :beer:
According to Choice magazine, most orange juices have around 180kj per 100ml, so 375ml of OJ would have 675kj, just as bad as a beer!

But you wouldn't sit down and drink eight OJs in a session!

According to Wikipedia, a can of Coke has 595 kilojoules, although that's probably in the US. Not sure what it is here.

The answer as always is common sense, moderation.

EDIT: corrected units (had kg instead of kj)
If people get off their fat arses they dont have a problem.

If your too lazy to go for a walk you should kill yourself and eat your dog.

Does anyone know how many kilojules there are in a dog and how fat I will become if I eat one per day?
According to Choice magazine, most orange juices have around 180kg per 100ml, so 375ml of OJ would have 675kj, just as bad as a beer!

Orange juice defies the laws of physics :blink: ... or it's 180kj not kg. :D

Simple comparison is:

1.040 OG beer is around 10% carbohydrates
Most juices / soft drinks are around 10% carbohydrates

Once fermented the beer only loses a small amount of energy when sugars are converted to alcohol. So pretty similar.

Cheers, Andrew.
"Does anyone know how many kilojules there are in a dog and how fat I will become if I eat one per day?"


Do you mean a hot dog or a sausage dog???
If people get off their fat arses they dont have a problem.

If your too lazy to go for a walk you should kill yourself and eat your dog.

Does anyone know how many kilojules there are in a dog and how fat I will become if I eat one per day?

ROTFLMAO :D :D : :super:

You probably won't put on too much weight if you already dead when you eat them. :unsure:
It its properly trained it should do the roll for you.
No gut here and 56 :) off to the gym beore I have a beer, True.... <_< I feel guilty now, bugger