Beer also contains Alcohol which can both be harmfull if your drinking to much. Most medical institutions will recomend not you do not exceed 2 drinks a day which I try to follow. Sometimes I go out for a night I might drink 6 or more beers but this is rare and wont happen more than once a month. It also changes. For example over the past month I have been REALLY busy and probably averaged about 4 a week if that. Now im less busy It will go up.
I also go to the gym or work out 4 days a week and ride my bike to and from work everyday.
If you dont exercise, eat unhealthy foods and drink alot of beer then it is a pretty sure bet you will develop a beer belly and will be overweight in most cases. If you dont when your young its a pretty sure bet that it will start as you age.
My BMI is: 22.13 which is healthy (whats your BMI)
Heres what Ive drank the past week:
Saturday: Nothing
Sunday: 1 Heffe
Monday: 2 ESB's
Tuesday: Nothing
Wednesday: 2 heffe's
Thursday: 1 lager, Porter
Friday: Tonght ill have an IPA and and maybe 2 or 3 others
Ive also had KFC once this week and had some dim sims for lunch today, no one is perfect and trying to be is thirsty work :chug:. But if you dont put any effort to live healthy then whats the point of concerning yourself about it, you may as well sit on your arse all day, east **** and drink beer, while your heart, liver and kidneys reep the wirlwind.
Its not hard, and no one on here is dumb. We all know when we are being unhealty, we know if we are drinking to much and we know if we should be getting more exercise.
Its wether you chose to ignore it or not that matters and if you sit of the couch eatting chips, drinking your 5th beer of the night happy in the knowledge that your beer carries the same nutritional qualities as your kids fruit juice then your delusional and should probably get help or wake up.
Im sure the people who are overwieght on this site know it. Its wether you have the stones to get of your arse and do something about it that makes the difference.
Anyway its your life so you can do what you want but from my experiance, I enjoy my beer much more after a session at the gym than after a session in the chips.