how big is your stash ?

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24 Longnecks Export Stout
12 Longnecks Calfornian Steam Ale
3 Longnecks American Brown
28 Longnecks Pale Ale
12 or so case swap Longnecks
23l of Lager Lagering
22l of Scottish 80 fermenting
20l of Wee Heavy in cube waiting for scottish 80 to get out of the bath
Brewing another 23l of American Brown tonight as stocks appear low.
And finally planning as Saison in 3 weeks once I make some space.
Around 200 stubbies covering 14 different beers...

12 Coopers Vintage of varying ages and 8 various commercials all waiting to be tried for the first time.
Seems I'm about on par with the vocal collective...

100 longnecks, and a carton worth of stubbies.
3 full 19L kegs & a 9L.
2 batches fermenting & 5 cubes waiting for yeast and ferm fridge space.

Happy with the stash, first time in a long while I've more than 10 types of beer on the go and in decent supply. No reason to stop here though...
3 kegs on the go. 60lt lagering. A fridge full of 30+ matured Draught bottled longneck assortments and about another 100 odd bottle conditioned longnecks under the house. What tha!! I never realised until trying to answer the question at hand. I have to admit that 50 or so of those bottles under the house are brews that I don't like.
Probably why they haven't been drunk and hoping they may be better after a year or more... :unsure: but I doubt it. Their already around a year old and still crap. Oxidized I think. Negative results of secondary racking of the past. So Dreading having to deal with them some day..
As big as a half eaten ant's testicle on a dwarf pin run thrice through a shrink gun. Be good to get my brew gear next week.

Actually I do have a 20 L demijohn of some kind of ageing funk that I don't know whether to bottle or tip (it's in melbourne, I'm not, no bottles and very little time).
a bit down atm but normally about 20 -30 cartons of stubbies and half a dozen kegs and a couple of fish baskets of tallies.
a fair bit really can drink 3-6 month old stuff
and no I don't go to meetings and the only problem I have is getting time to brew and bottle lol
Sweet **** All!! About 12 tallies left, all stout from my winter stash. Fermenters are tied up with mead and I've been busy. You cun+s are making me jealous. I've just cleared my weekend to brew.
Moad said:
Brewing for the keg fridge at work is getting a little tiresome, it is starting to feel more like a chore as we go through a keg a week.
Then the community of staff need to consider upgrades? Its only fair.
Manticle, I'll give you 20 bucks for the mystery demijohn.
We should all move in together, you's can do the bottling and I'll take care of home security by staying at home all day and keeping an eye on things
Benn said:
Manticle, I'll give you 20 bucks for the mystery demijohn.
The demijohn will definitely travel to its new home.
Thinking I might get a mate to keg the contents for me if they taste any good.
Oh the shame, 3 stubbies....but 2 fermentors due to be bottled then reused.
Don't fancy my chances of making 3 stubbies stretch 4-5 weeks before i can drink what's about to be bottled.
Time to break out the other 2 spare fermentors and get my **** together.
I am pretty low at the moment and have had to hit commercials
less than 1/4 of a 19lt keg brown ale
19L keg and 5 x 500ml bottles Oktoberfest lagering
25L of saison fermenting
20L of keg filler lager fermenting
Recently upgraded to 5 kegs -
1 full (probably headed for the lawn)
1 10%
1 80%
2 x 0%
2 x 23l fermenting
Probably 12 bottles of 'overflow' that wouldn't fit in the keg
10.5l of bottled Old Ale and 3l of EBW waiting for Christmas

I thought I had too much beer on the go, but my liver took a sigh of relief after going through this thread.
TheWiggman said:
Recently upgraded to 5 kegs -
1 full (probably headed for the lawn)
1 10%
1 80%
2 x 0%
2 x 23l fermenting
Probably 12 bottles of 'overflow' that wouldn't fit in the keg
10.5l of bottled Old Ale and 3l of EBW waiting for Christmas

I thought I had too much beer on the go, but my liver took a sigh of relief after going through this thread.
Yes one must check the mathematics once in a while.
Judanero said:
Having beer on tap at work (unless you work in a bar) sounds awesome! I

f the boss is drinking it as well you should hit him up to buy a 20 or 50L BM for the office... maybe it could even be a tax write-off somehow and then your workmates could knock out some brews as well! Winning winning winning.
It is awesome! I seem to be getting stuck working back alot more lately...

I'm trying to convince some workmates to get into brewing to ease the burden on my system a little

They reimburse me for ingredients which is a tax write off for them, win win
3 brews doing their thing, about 8 cases in the stock pile, ready to drink, 4 doing their thing in bottles, 1 cube ready for a hot and swap, enough junk to make 5 cubes.
1/2 a corny of double IPA in the kegerator, 40L of Asahi super dry clone on diacetyl rest, 40L of Black Rocks cider fermenting in the study and a dozen 750ml PET bottles in the garage.

Sounds like its time to put on another brew[emoji482]